How to play Keg Stand game

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024


This article will teach you how to play one classic game of all parties. Easy to play, but hard to look at. Try it.


  1. 1 Open the keg and taste the beer. It's best if you try it before placing your face next to the keg.
  2. 2 Take 3 trusted friends. In special cases, maybe less, but as long as you study, three will be enough.
  3. 3 Refill the keg until it's done.
  4. 4 Agree on a stop / clear me signal. You won't be able to talk or help with your hands, so "3 short sniffs" or "knee bend" will do.
  5. 5 Pick your two strongest friends. They will be "elevators". Their job is to: 1) help you to the desired position, 2) help you stay there, 3) help you get back down.
  6. 6 A third friend will dispense beer to you, no matter what type of valve is on the other end of the keg. All valves are different, so it depends on the specific case, but you get the idea.
  7. 7 Place the barrel in front of you (see how it will be easier to get off the ground, perhaps on a chair or trash can first). Place 2 friends on the right and left side of the drinker so that they look at each other. The operator can take any place, preferably in front of the drinker.
  8. 8 Grasp the hands of the keg. Do not grip the tank handles (see Warnings). Each lift should take your legs, somewhere near the knee. The operator should put the tap in your mouth, but not start the game yet. (This may be silly, but important).
  9. 9 Everything happens on account 3: You lean on your arms, straighten your body, lift your legs up in a classic position. Don't worry, they will help you. Lifts should help you get into a handstand by raising your legs and supporting you. Get ready. When you go up, the operator will open the valve and the beer will pour into your mouth.
  10. 10 When you go up, someone has to count (for example, Mississippi). The bigger, the better! This countdown can show which of you will last longer. If you win, you can brag about it at the party, or later.
  11. 11 Drink as much beer as you can in this position and then sound the signal. When you signal, your friends should stop counting. They will guide you down and the operator must close the valve.
  12. 12 Congratulations! You did it! Change and help your friends!


  • Breathe through your nose! (It's obvious, but it's still alcohol ..)
  • The heavier you are, the more "lifts" you need. If in doubt, invite more friends. For example, the third "lift" can stand next to you, or support your legs. If you have 4 people, place them 2 on each side. If you fall, you could injure other people as well, so be careful.
  • Competing and seeing how long you last is an old game, but if this is your first time playing, try to get the hang of it first and then move on to a higher level.
  • Considering that you are holding the keg with your hands, they can be wet and it will be difficult for you to hold on. Use a rag or something like that.


  • DON'T HOLD ON THE WASTE TANK !!! This can lead to tragic consequences. If someone holds on to the tank (plastic), it can break. If it breaks when you climb, an accident may occur, you will fall and hit your head on the keg (I have witnessed such events). At the very least, you will fall to the floor, hurt yourself, and break the tank that held the beer ice. So, instead of taking risks, hold onto the metal keg.
  • Never drive a car while intoxicated!
  • Many doctors and government officials say drinking is bad. Perhaps this is regarded as a drink.
  • Make sure you are of the legal drinking age for your country.

What do you need

  • Barrel
  • Valve
  • 3 reliable friends who will help