How to Be Successful

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Successful
Video: How to Be Successful


Everyone wants to be successful in life, but easier said than done. There are so many distracting factors in life that make it difficult for people to train themselves to focus on fulfilling their big goals. However, by keeping the following tips in mind, you can greatly increase your chances of becoming successful in whatever you pursue.


Method 1 of 3: Planning for Success

  1. Imagine yourself as a successful person. Einstein once said that "Imagination is more important than understanding". The more vividly and accurately you visualize your success, the easier it will be for you to pursue it. Likewise, engineers often visualize the bridge before building it, and you can also become an engineer of success.
    • Take a few minutes each day to imagine your success. Imagine that you are in a movie in which you are a successful person. What are you doing in the movie? What does your success look like? Enjoy the sense of success, and use it as your motivation to light the fire in your soul.
    • Cultivate healthy motivation when visualizing your own success. All successful people believe in themselves and in their duties. At the same time, you wouldn't want to alienate others with excessive pride. Remember that others want to be as successful as you are; You should not trample them to achieve the goal you want.

  2. Find a purpose or goal in life. Identify the things you love to do, the things that bring you satisfaction. Once you have identified these, use that source of information to find your purpose in life or your life goal.
    • Determining what you want to do will help motivate you. Think about a situation in which you were forced into a triathlon while your real passion is chess. Really difficult, right? And now imagine the chance to take part in a chess tournament, how easier it will be for you to persistently achieve your goal if your goal is something you do. favourite. Write about your motivation and goals.
    • How do you define a purpose or goal in life? The method that everyone uses is different, and for some they find it quite difficult to figure out their goals, but there are a few methods you can follow to determine:
      • Talk to a career counselor or visit a good psychologist.
      • Try out a variety of careers, remember that even a job that didn't work as you expected can help you learn.
      • Try to pursue a career that is related to something you enjoy. Whether it's brewing beer or a painting consultant, you'll be able to do the things you love to be successful at.

  3. Determine what success means to yourself. You won't be successful if you don't know what it means to you. Each person's perception of success is different and imposing another's standards on his or her own success is similar to eating someone else's leftovers and expecting to love it. Set clear and realistic goals a bit.
    • How do you know when you reach your goal? Your standards should be specific, otherwise you may have to spend your entire life pursuing a rather vague goal.
      • For example, say you want to do your job well. You get a promotion, get a raise, but you still haven't met your goals because you know you can always do better, right? You can still get promoted to a higher level, or earn more money. All you have will never be enough for you.
      • Instead, create a specific milestone: "My goal is to increase productivity by 30% and be allowed to work only five times a year late." These are specific goals that, when you achieve them, will give you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, making you feel successful and confident.

  4. Lower selective confidence. You never read wrongly: lower your confidence. In business, you need a high level of confidence to get things done. But many people think that lowering self-confidence can make people more successful for the following good reasons:
    • Lowering your self-confidence will draw your attention to important feedback and help you to criticize yourself more. If you believe that you have a natural talent for an engineer, you will not accept feedback from others. And you won't be able to effectively criticize yourself either. Successful people do this.
    • Lowering your self-confidence can make you work harder and prepare more carefully. If you are not too confident that you will perform well during your presentation on Monday, you will spend more time practicing and reviewing your numbers. This is a good habit.
    • Lowering your self-confidence can make you less self-centered. Less self-centered people are people who are often respected by co-workers, and happier co-workers form a team that is more successful. Respect will help you succeed.
  5. Set a specific time to accomplish your goal. If you don't know when you will be able to accomplish your goals, it will be difficult for you to notice when you fail. Set a time that is relatively difficult for yourself to accomplish the goal, but not impossible. Winning the jackpot lottery within 2 years is not a realistic goal, but it is feasible to book a comedy show in front of at least 20 people who are paying directly to buy tickets.
  6. Identify the tools / skills / materials you will need to be able to accomplish your goal. For example, if you want to be a famous speaker, you need to improve your vocabulary, increase your understanding of the topic, possess the ability to scribble, have clear voice, and skill. presentations. This is a method of identifying short-term goals to achieve long-term goals.
  7. Curiosity about life. Many successful people possess an insatiable curiosity. If they don't know how something works or don't know the answer to a question, they'll find out. Often, this will lead them into the self-discovery process, one where the journey is just as important as the destination.
  8. Identify skills that will need to be honed and skills that you can delegate to others. Delegation will help you manage your time. You may see yourself as a superman, but your abilities are limited. Delegating some less important tasks to others will give you plenty of time to focus on the things that really matter to your goals.
    • Use the last example as a template; In order to be a good interpreter, you need to improve your voice and speaking skills because they are the essential skills of an interpreter. But if you lack stenography or topic understanding, you can delegate them to an expert. This method is the smart work method. Many famous leaders do not know how to write their speeches; they just focus on presenting it effectively.

Method 2 of 3: Proceed

  1. Work on small goals, focusing on the main goal. Don't find excuses to be lazy. Quickly plunge into challenges and start solving them. You don't know what you will get without entering the arena.
    • Break your goals down into small steps to follow. Does your goal of starting a tech company seem unlikely? Break it down into small goals. Focus on organizing ideas; then focus on finding funding; the next is to build a model model, etc. If you can break your goal down, you should be able to do it more easily and with less difficulty.
  2. Stay away from distractions as much as possible. A distraction can be the spice of life and also the forbidden fruit, depending on your point of view. But remember: it is almost impossible for you to focus on tasks 100% of the time. A distraction with a low dose is perfectly acceptable. But if your goals are slowly backing to make room for distractions, it's time to eliminate them.
  3. Surround yourself with successful people. When you surround yourself with highly motivated people, they give you much needed encouragement. You can share your ideas with them, and they can introduce you to others. Surrounding yourself with motivated, successful people is a way to help you shape a culture of success.
    • Learn from successful people. Take a look around you - who has achieved the success you want to have? What are they doing? How do they approach life? Please consult their advice. If possible, approach them in some of the ways you've learned from them. Knowledge is both free and powerful.
  4. Believe that others will get their work done. It's hard to be successful if you don't trust the people around you. You tend to be attentive to every detail, causing you to embrace too many things at once and upset others by not giving them the opportunity to work. Part of being successful is forming a capable team around you. If you don't trust others enough that you can delegate tasks to them, you won't be successful.
    • Trust others because trust will bring motivation. If you trust someone, they will want to do their job well because they want to reciprocate your beliefs. This is a powerful motivator.
    • Trust others because you need to. As John Donne once wrote, "No one can live alone". What he meant is that no one can work alone, completely independently, even if they think they can. We depend on others, whether we like it or not. Putting your trust in others is an inevitable, not an option.
  5. Find a mentor. The mentor is usually someone who is more experienced than you, someone who knows the way, gives advice, and helps you pursue your goals. Counselors often feel good to know that their guidance has helped nurture success.
    • The mentor will help you:
      • Network formation activities. Active network is to form connections between people linked to each other. Contrary to popular belief, networks operate on mutual benefits. You provide expertise, opinions, and the opportunity to others in exchange for another benefit.
      • Resovle problem. Troubleshooting is learning how to make better ideas or practices. Your advisor can help you identify the things you need to change for your idea to get better.
      • Strategic planning. Mentors will be able to see beyond you as they have spent many years in the profession, and they have also had more successes and failures than you. You can plan a strategy for your future based on their experiences.
  6. Gather as much information as possible. Listen. Study. Understanding. Learn. Repeat. Humans are wonderful creatures because we can look at the world, make connections with our knowledge, and use them to make life better (or worse). This is what information allows us to do. Never "stop learning". You never know when your ideas will come along!
  7. Understand the meaning of the numbers. Have you ever thought about an idea but feared that the numbers (eg the indicators) will not support your idea? This fear is perfectly normal, but it is better if you allow them to guide you. Accepting that you were wrong and adapting is better than asserting that you are right when the numbers don't support you.
    • In 2011, for example, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings tried to transform the DVD rental business into a company with a streaming feature called Qwikster. Netflix followers have voiced their opposition by terminating their contracts with the company. Netflix's stock price dropped almost 80% in a short period of time.
    • Instead of continuing to go his way blindly, Hastings reconsidered his decision. He apologized for his actions in public, increased his efforts to focus on content, and temporarily canceled the Qwikster company. Hastings allowed numbers - and people - to tell him what to do.
  8. Accept to take calculated risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Successful people think and act greatly. Don't think that the opportunity will automatically appear. Look for it. Successful people make big investments (in their careers, in their companies, in their education) and every investment has risks. Find out what risks you might face, make sure luck is smiling at you, and move on. Be bold. There are three risks to consider:
    • Cooperate with competitors. Whether you are a visionary or you are just trying to find an end-to-end solution with your competitors, partnering with your competitors can help pool your resources, motivate yourself. work harder, and build new relationships.
    • Be a guide, not a follower. Being a guide can be quite dangerous. You may be "going against the wind", or maybe you are expecting an idea - such as Facebook or Google - an idea that other people have worked on. Gather all your courage to do something different.
    • Take it one step at a time, rather than trying to get to your destination quickly. Of course, running fast to the finish line isn't a bad thing either! You simply cannot expect it to work out well for you. So, go step-by-step so you can build success.
  9. Problem solving. Successful people accelerate success processes by solving problems and answering questions. No matter where you are or what you are doing, look around and try to think about how you can contribute. What are other people having difficulty or complaining about? What can you do to make their life easier? Can you redesign or reorganize some aspects of the situations so that things can be smoother? Can you build a product and provide a service that fills in critical gaps?
    • What problem do you want to solve?
      • Social Issues. Facebook has re-established the method we use to interact with each other. Can you think about a similar social problem that you need to re-establish?
      • Technology problem. Companies such as Dell have designed processors that are more compact and more powerful for computers and can help deliver an experience that meets user expectations. Can you help others with the technology they've always wanted to do?
      • Strategy issue. Consulting firms such as IBM are born to help other companies and individuals increase productivity, improve profits, and be more cautious. Can you help others to solve the strategic problem?
      • Problems between individuals. Marriage psychologists and counselors can help others deal with the complex personal relationship problems we encounter in life. Can you help people get along better?
  10. Be the one using the technology, not the one being used by it. Technology is an incredibly powerful medium; it can connect people in the world in a blink of an eye; it calculates accurately and quickly; it can perform common tasks, such as entering data, more easily and with less effort. But technology can also become a burden. It can drain your energy and productivity, leaving you losing opportunities. This is the benefit and harm of the internet, especially, you can quickly replace the program TED Talks (TED Talks) into the movie Ted bear faster when you can say the word "ADDED". advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Redo

  1. Be patient. You will fail - this is obvious. The most important thing is how quickly you can stand up after you stumble. Do not give up. If your first attempt is not working, don't stop.
    • Don't let failure take you down. When asked about 10,000 failed attempts to build a battery backup, renowned inventor Thomas Edison replied, "I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that did not work. ".
    • No excuses. Don't blame someone or something for a failure. Accept that failure is your mistake. This will help you identify things that need to change for the better. The reason after the failure is the refusal to improve the situation.
    • Learn from your failures. Each failure gives you the opportunity to learn. If you make a mistake and don't want to learn, you will likely make the same mistake in the future. If you make a mistake and you learn from your mistake, you won't have to waste time repeating the same mistake.
  2. Accept that life is not fair. This is a fact. You can lament it and wish it could be different, or you can boldly do something about it. So stop wasting time complaining about the injustice of your life and think about how you can take advantage of the situation to benefit yourself. Newton could spend a lifetime complaining about an apple falling on his head. Instead, he invented the law of gravity and is now widely known as the father of physics.
  3. Remember that success does not guarantee happiness. Success means achieving your goal, but you shouldn't expect it to always bring you happiness. Many people mistakenly think that if they do this or that, they will be happier. Completeness and satisfaction related way that you approach life rather than being these things that you will do in life. Please keep this in mind.
    • Do not lose your chances. Life revolves around personal relationships, so don't let them go. If you invent an efficient, efficient way to nuclear fission, but people don't like you, you have no spouse, and no friends, is this success worth it?
    • Cherish experience over material. People can become obsessed with money. It may sound strange, but scientists think our memories of our experiences will make us happier than things we can buy with money. Please cherish experience over material. Focusing on forming wonderful memories with interesting people in your life will make you happier.
  4. Get rid of your fear and doubt from your way of thinking. Keep a positive attitude in all situations. When you allow thoughts to guide your actions, not vice versa, you will be quite amazed at how effective it can be. If you fail, don't be afraid to start over; be grateful that you are given the chance to become more successful. advertisement


  • The key to being successful is finding what you love and mastering it.
  • Always remember to be humble. Pride will knock you down.
  • Believe in yourself and in your abilities.
  • Success is not only about willpower. You need to be persistent and determined.Doing something once doesn't make as much of a difference as if you don't stop doing it over and over until you succeed.
  • There aren't any shortcuts that can lead you to success. Success is the result of your own preparation, hard work, and learning from failure!
  • Not everyone will be happy when you succeed. Many people have an insecure and jealous nature. Be prepared to face them, and ignore them until you find people who are genuinely happy to see you succeed and who support you in everything.
  • What makes you successful is always in you.
  • Remember that your loved one is always with you!


  • Don't worry too much about other people's opinions. Just be adamant about what you want to achieve.
  • Motivating others to strive for success by using themselves as an example will backfire. If they see your accomplishments, they may begin to work hard to outperform you.
  • Be polite and respectful of others. Remember that you don't have to trample others to be successful.