How to play the Hunger Games outdoors

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TrezrHunt outdoors sports game - by Team Action Zone
Video: TrezrHunt outdoors sports game - by Team Action Zone


Most street chasing games (catch-up, for example) boil down to figuring out who is running faster. If you were looking for a more interesting game that requires strategy and skills, then consider that you have found it. To play the Hunger Games game, follow the instructions below. You can make minor changes to the rules, but try to keep the basics.


Method 1 of 2: Method 1

Preparing the game

  1. 1 Gather a group of friends. The required minimum of players is 6, but it is desirable that about 12 people play. Give everyone walkie-talkies so players can tell others if they are "killed". Alternatively, you can use SMS messages, but then you need to make sure that everyone has the numbers for each of the players.
  2. 2 Find a place to play. The first step is to make sure there is enough room for all the players on the court. Try to find a location that spans multiple landscapes - from urban to rural with spacious fields and rocky.
  3. 3 Set boundaries and discuss rules. Make sure everyone understands the rules and remembers where the boundaries are, because whoever goes abroad or breaks the rule will immediately fly out.
    • During combat, a blow to the torso "kills", while a blow to the leg or any other unimportant place should not be considered a "kill". Anyone who plays dirty (for example, hits an opponent in the face) is automatically "killed".
  4. 4 Find yourself a toy weapon. Play with a bow, arrow, sword, or anything else you can buy at a basic kids' store. The more varied the weapons, the more interesting the game will be. If you want, you can even find a backpack and put your things in there. These items will include: a bottle of water, a snack (a candy bar or pack of cookies), an additional weapon (a couple of units), and a jacket.
  5. 5 Bookmark your supplies. Have each player bring a backpack and something to put in there. Before starting the games, put a bottle of water, a snack, a couple of additional weapons and a jacket in each of the backpacks and place them in the center of the playground.
    • If you want, you can make special bookmarks that you can hide on the site. Place additional food, weapons, or something else there to help the players during the game.
  6. 6 Appoint a leader. The host is responsible for following the rules, keeping track of who is “dead” and who is still in the game, and announcing this to the rest of the players. The presenter will also mediate disputes.

Game process

  1. 1 Everyone starts by standing in a semicircle around a pile of backpacks. The facilitator sets two timers: one for one minute and one for two. When the first one is triggered, everyone can run to take a backpack with food. But they cannot kill other players until the second timer goes off.
  2. 2 Use skills and strategy. Although in this game everyone is for himself, but still, do not be afraid to make alliances. Learn to go unnoticed by moving silently and using grass as camouflage. Sometimes you can just lie down in the tall grass and thereby hide from the enemy. If possible, take both intermediate range and melee weapons with you. This will help if you lose one of them or if you run out of ammo.
  3. 3 Hunt each other. Remember the following when fighting:
    • Getting hit in the torso, you are "killed", but if you hit the limb, then everything is fine.
    • If you get hit in the hand, then this limb is lost and you cannot hold a weapon in it.
    • If you were "wounded" in the leg, then within the framework of the game, you cannot get up on it
    • Distribute your food. If at the beginning you ate or drank too much, then later you may "die" of hunger or thirst.
  4. 4 Notify the facilitator when someone “dies”. Although he must always keep a close eye on the game, he cannot control everything. If you write a message, then both the "killer" and "killed" should write to the presenter. Otherwise, only one person can notify the presenter by radio.
  5. 5 Players are sponsors. If you are "killed", you can sponsor other players by giving them your unused items or bringing them weapons.
  6. 6 Winner announcement. The last surviving player is the winner.

Method 2 of 2: Method 2: Another way to play.

  1. 1 Gather as many friends as possible. Find a large area with lots of places to hide and climb.
  2. 2 Set up a cornucopia. Play with water guns by adding red paint inside.
  3. 3 A game. If you are hit in the head or torso by water, you are “dead” and must lie down until the end of the game.
  4. 4 Host notification. The player who was “killed” or the one who “killed” must write a message to the host so that he can mark them as “killed” in the list of players.
  5. 5 Long game. This is a very fun game and it lasts one to two hours. It depends on the number of players and the size of the chosen playing area.
  6. 6 Winner announcement. The last surviving player is the winner.
  7. 7 Make the game even more fun. Let the players choose their nickname and the areas they represent. You can even host a Harvest Ceremony, appoint someone as Caesar Flickerman, and conduct player interviews.


  • Don't be afraid to form alliances, sometimes it's more fun to play.
  • It's more fun when dissimilar people are involved. Let it be girls and boys, and among them athletes, shy people, merry fellows, etc.
  • Do not be afraid of skirmishes. A little fight won't hurt.
  • Save your opinion about yourself. Fear not, this is just a game.
  • Try not to step on crispy leaves
  • If you can't find another weapon, you can change the shape of an old one.
  • Wear dark clothes
  • If you can, read the Hunger Games trilogy by Susan Collins. The game is based on it.
  • Can be attached to clothing so that the presenter can track the location of the players
  • Make sure everyone has their own neighborhood and their neighborhood marker. Kind of like when Katniss walks into the arena with the Mockingjay brooch. It's like a souvenir for her and her area.
  • If someone is injured, assess the injury, help if possible and, if necessary, call the emergency services
  • Consider the presence of the facilitator. (Everyone will need a cell phone so they know that at least one person from the area is going to the meeting.)


  • Use common sense. If someone is injured and needs medical attention, call an ambulance. You don't just need to apply ice when the skull is fractured. Sometimes you can't get rid of the problem easily. Although, at the same time, one should not attach too much importance to, for example, a bruised knee.
  • Don't hide in places where you would not want to be caught. This means you don't have to climb into garages, cars, sheds or backyards other than your own and your friends' backyards.
  • Don't hide in back yards at night, even if it's early. People can be worried.
  • If someone went outside from the house around which you are playing calmly explain to them that you are playing the game and stop it for a while so that the passer-by does not get hurt. If he says not to play near the yoke at home, do so and make sure all players know that the house is now outside the border.
  • Be very careful with your weapons. This is a game and you are not trying to really hurt anyone. Just poke him gently so he knows he's out. Do not aim for the eyes or other vulnerable spots.
  • Don't use real weapons
  • Watch out for pits, cacti, sandy spurs, etc. Watch your step.
  • Let your parents know where you are going and what you will do. Otherwise, they may start to get nervous and then you have problems.
  • Make sure everyone is allowed to play.
  • Wear safety glasses and make sure everyone else is wearing them too. You don't want to lose your eye.