How to Play Black Ops 2 in Zombie Mode

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW to PLAY BLACK OPS 2 ZOMBIES for FREE on PC (Step-by-step Download Guide)
Video: HOW to PLAY BLACK OPS 2 ZOMBIES for FREE on PC (Step-by-step Download Guide)


Are you ready for a zombie apocalypse? Learn how to fight endless waves of zombies and have fun doing it in Black Ops 2.


  1. 1 Always repair barriers. This may seem like a waste of time at higher levels, but if you repair the barriers, they will delay the zombies for a while, and will also bring you ten extra points (for each barrier repaired).
  2. 2 Don't pick weapons from the wall. The starting weapon is not very good. Typically, you can opt for the M14, a low-kill semi-automatic rifle, or the Olympia, a medium-kill double-barreled rifle, or the Ballista, medium-kill sniper rifle. The described weapon will not allow you to hold out longer than the first five (with good playing skills - six or seven) levels.
  3. 3 Use the magic box if you want to effectively fight zombies (do not use weapons from the wall or your pistol). The location of the magic box is determined by the blue glow.
  4. 4 Use the workbench to craft weapons. Find the pieces and collect a zombie shield that will protect you from the zombies from the rear, or a "thug" that cuts through zombies. Collect weapons and other items at the nearby workbenches (throughout the game). Remember that while working at the workbench you are vulnerable, so make sure that there are no zombies nearby or that your teammates are covering you.
  5. 5 Headshot zombies is the most effective way to kill them. If you shoot at the torso of a zombie, then you are wasting more ammo than if you were shooting at the head of a zombie.
  6. 6 Do not use a knife - this is an unreliable way of killing a zombie, which will most likely lead to your death. However, if you have just started the game or if you are low on ammo or points, you can fire about 5 bullets at the zombies, and then use the knife; this way you will earn more points.
  7. 7 Try to play with other people. Fighting zombies is easier if you play in a team of four who can revive you if you get killed.
  8. 8 Arrange ambushes. This is especially true at higher levels or if you have a LMG or SMG. You can easily kill dozens of zombies in a confined space (even more so if you are low on health).
  9. 9 Buy perks. Perks give you additional options in exchange for points, from 500 to 4000. In normal mode, you can get a maximum of four perks at a time. However, on some maps, like Buried, you may have as many as you can get from the Wonderfizz slot machine. Here are four of what might be the best perks:
    • Juggernog;
    • Speed ​​Cola;
    • Double Tap Root Beer;
    • Stamin-Up (if playing alone; if playing as a team, get Quick Revive). It is also best to avoid Mule Kick, because if you fail, you will lose your weapon and 4000 points.
  10. 10 Power up your weapons with Pack-a-Punch. It costs 5000 points and reloads the weapon, empowers it and makes it shoot different colored bullets. Due to the high cost, this feature should only be used on high tier weapons such as the Ray Gun or Galil.
  11. 11 Learn to guide zombies. This is a simple and effective way to avoid unnecessary effort. If you constantly move in approximately a circle, the zombies will follow you and get together, trying to stick to the same path. At the same time, shoot only those zombies that stand in your way; do not stop, otherwise a crowd of zombies will overtake and surround you. To destroy a bunch of zombies, make sure that you are not threatened from the rear, and then shoot the crowd of zombies. Do not stand in one place for too long - newly created zombies (instead of destroyed ones) will attack you from all sides.
  12. 12 Use your weapons wisely. For example, on Buried in Bo2, grab the Paralyzer pistol and use it wisely. It immobilizes enemies and, if you keep it aimed for a long time, kills. He has unlimited ammo and allows him to fly. Point it down, shoot and jump at the same time to take off (not for long, so do it near where you need to go). In this map, Paralyzer can be used to avoid opening doors, going through mazes and flying over obstacles.


  • Choose a light weapon, such as a pistol or SMG, as an additional weapon, rather than an LMG or an assault rifle; this way you will move faster. In order to escape from the zombies, take an additional weapon, and then replace it with the main one to destroy the zombies.
  • Study the cards. It will take a while, but it will make your game more efficient. Knowing good ambush and zombie spawns will make it easier for you to avoid the environment.
  • Don't underestimate the weapons on the wall. MP5, AK74u, B23R and M16 can be very useful in the last levels, when ammo for weapons is less and less common. In the Pack-a-Punched machine, you can get an upgrade (in the last levels) that allows you to buy bullets from the wall (you can continue to shoot even when you run out of bullets). This Pack-a-Punched upgrade costs around 4000 points.
  • Avoid Spray & Pray tactics (shooting from the hip at close to medium ranges). This is especially important in the later levels, where ammo is difficult to find.
  • In Die Rise, killing jumpers with a knife will only give you a free perk at the end. It is recommended to use Galvaknuckles or Ballistic Knife.
  • If you run out of ammo use Pack-a-Punch. When you use Pack-a-Punch multiple times, ammo is restored, and the appearance and even capabilities of the weapon change.
  • When fighting bosses, have one of your teammates distract him, while you attack the chasing boss from behind and kill him with a headshot.