How to store vitamins and dietary supplements

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Store & Take Vitamins Properly | Vitamins
Video: How to Store & Take Vitamins Properly | Vitamins


Vitamins and supplements are a key part of many treatment and nutrition regimens. Vitamins and supplements can be expensive, so it's important to make sure you store them properly so that your money doesn't go to waste. In most cases, you will need to store vitamins and supplements in a cool, dry place or refrigerator. Always read the instructions and store them as directed. Make sure all vitamins and supplements are kept out of the reach of children and pets, even if the packaging is childproof.


Method 1 of 3: Storing Vitamins and Supplements in a Cool, Dry Place

  1. 1 Do not use a cabinet in the bathroom. People often store vitamins and supplements in bathroom cabinets. Studies have shown that humidity in bathrooms reduces the effectiveness and quality of tablets over time. The breakdown of vitamins under humid conditions is known as solubility.
    • This reduces the quality and shelf life of the product, which means that you are not receiving the substances you paid for.
    • In addition, moisture gets into the jar of vitamins and supplements every time you open it.
    • Some vitamins break down more quickly in humid conditions, such as water-soluble vitamin B, vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin B6.
  2. 2 Do not store tablets in the refrigerator. Vitamins and minerals can lose quality if stored in the refrigerator. Your refrigerator has a lot of moisture, so while it is cool and dark, it is not dry. Store only those vitamins in the refrigerator that are specifically labeled as suitable for refrigeration.
  3. 3 Keep them away from an oven or sink. The kitchen can be a good place to store vitamins and supplements, but it is very common in the kitchen to have moisture and fat in the air from cooking, which is deposited on the tablets. The temperature and humidity in the kitchen rises and falls when you use the oven or hob.
    • The kitchen sink is another area where a lot of moisture builds up.
    • Find a dry drawer (shelf / pantry) away from the stove and sink if you want to keep pills in the kitchen.
  4. 4 Store vitamins and supplements in your bedroom. Your bedroom is perhaps the best place to store additives because there are virtually no changes in humidity and the bedroom is usually cool and dry.
    • The tablets should be stored away from open windows and direct sunlight, as these factors can reduce their effectiveness.
    • Do not keep them near a radiator or other heat source.
    • Always store them in a safe and secure place and out of the reach of children and pets, even if the packaging is childproof.
  5. 5 Use an airtight container. To avoid moisture, you can store your vitamins and supplements in an airtight container. Do not remove them from their original packaging, but place the entire bag in an airtight container.
    • An opaque container will work, but you can also use a reagent bottle. These darker containers can also protect vitamins from light.

Method 2 of 3: Storing Vitamins and Supplements in the Refrigerator

  1. 1 Read the label first. In some cases, vitamins or supplements need to be refrigerated, but only if instructed to do so.While most vitamins and supplements should be stored at room temperature, there are some pharmaceutical products that require refrigeration.
    • These include liquid vitamins, certain essential fatty acids, and probiotics.
    • Probiotics contain live cultures that can die when exposed to heat, light or air, so it's important to keep them in a cool environment.
    • However, not all essential fatty acids, liquid vitamins, and probiotics need to be refrigerated, so it's best to check the label first.
    • You will most likely need to store liquid vitamins in the refrigerator, unlike regular vitamins and supplements.
    • Some multivitamins are best kept refrigerated.
  2. 2 Store vitamins in a tightly closed container. Make sure to close the lid well to avoid moisture ingress. If you leave a box of vitamins open in the refrigerator, they will probably deteriorate faster due to moisture.
    • Keep container out of reach of children and pets.
    • Even if they are in a childproof container, you must make sure they are not accessible.
  3. 3 Separate vitamins from food in airtight containers. Place additives in a separate sealed container away from food to prevent any potential contamination. It is best to place vitamins and supplements in a separate airtight container to avoid contact with perishable foods.
    • If foods get spoiled next to your additives, any mold or bacteria can spread to them if they are not separated from the food.
    • Store vitamins and supplements in their original containers.
    • Sealed containers will not completely eliminate moisture as you are letting in moisture whenever you open the container.

Method 3 of 3: Store Vitamins and Supplements Safely

  1. 1 Always read the label first. To ensure that you store any vitamins and supplements safely and correctly, you should always start by reading the label on the package. It will tell you how and where to store your supplements.
    • Some vitamins need to be stored in a certain way, which will be indicated in the instructions for them.
    • The instructions will also contain information about the recommended daily intake of vitamins.
    • The label will provide you with information about the expiration date of the vitamins or supplements.
    • Some vitamins and supplements have a very short shelf life after opening.
  2. 2 Keep them out of the reach of children. If you have children in your home, you must make sure that any vitamins, supplements, or other potentially toxic substances are safe. They should be kept out of the reach of children, in the top cabinet or on the top shelf. You can also lock the cabinet.
    • Containers may have childproof lids, but you must make sure they are out of reach.
    • All vitamins and supplements can be hazardous to the baby.
    • Vitamins and supplements intended for adults will have doses not suitable for children.
  3. 3 Do not use vitamins beyond the expiration date. If you store your vitamins and supplements properly, you can maintain their effectiveness for a long time. However, you should never consume supplements or vitamins that are past their expiration date.