How to speak English with a French accent

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Speak With A French Accent
Video: How To Speak With A French Accent


Many people are adept at copying a British, German, or country accent, but this article will teach you how to imitate a French accent.


  1. 1 Sound "r". The first and most important part of imitating French is the "r" sound. For example, if you say "Rat," you should push your tongue towards your throat. Your "r" should be booming and guttural like "grg’.
    • It is very important to slightly relax the soft part of the palate, as well as the tongue. When air passes between the tongue and palate, you may hear a strange sound.
    • Another way to represent the French "r" is to try to pronounce it like "h". Imagine gargling.
    • In Quebec, the sound 'r' is pronounced 'ear'. For example, in the sentence 'Where is the park?', You hear: 'where is the pa (ear) k (perk)?'
    • Words where "r" is hard to pronounce should sound outside the mouth. For example, "carpenter" - "cahpentergr’.
  2. 2 Stretch "e". They should sound as long as possible. For example: "recorder" - "rgreh-caw-der ".
  3. 3 Transform the "i". When you say a short "i" sound, turn it into something like "ee". For example, "fish" is "feesh".
  4. 4 Equal stress. In French, all syllables have equal stress (DA-DA-DA-DUM), while in English the iambic system (stress alternates with every second syllable, Da-DUM-da-DUM). So instead of po- [lice] ’de- [part]’ - ment, say “[poe]’ - leece [dee] ’- part- [men]’ ”.
  5. 5 "Th" becomes "dz"."th" is pronounced "z." More precisely, like the "dz" sound. For example, "dzees" instead of "this".
  6. 6 The accent on the last syllable. In French, the stress always falls on the last syllable, and in a question before a pause with a rise in intonation ("I am from New York (?).")
  7. 7 Euh. Include the "euh" s interlane often. "Euh" in French is the same as "Ummm" or "Ah ..." in English. It shows the thoughtfulness of a person before saying or answering something. Pronounced in much the same way as pi is written. Stretch out "euuhhhhhh" as much as possible and start a sentence with at least one "euuhhhhhhhhhhh". (Never say "Ummm" or "Ah ..." when you speak French!)
    • To pronounce "euh" better, start with the sound "eh" (like in "bed") and slowly move to the sound "oh" (like "so") BUT never say it to the end! You should always cut off a phrase halfway through so that the "oh" sound does not sound out to its fullest.
  8. 8 Don't make the "H" sound. Instead of how - 'ow or hospital -' ospital.
  9. 9 Now train, train, train! The more you train, the better the accent!


  • Don't be discouraged if you didn't get it right the first time.
  • There is nothing wrong with approaching a French-speaking person and clarifying the pronunciation of some words.
  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth (this is how you learn to speak French). You might be surprised, but it really gives your accent some credibility. Of course, if you follow other tips from the article.
  • In class, ask for a printout of the basics of pronunciation, this will help you.
  • Try singing Do Re Mi with a French accent. This will help you to improve the pronunciation of sounds that you are having difficulty with.
  • Listen to as much French as possible. (
  • Sign up for a French course.


  • Do not humiliate the French by distorting their language and imitating them.
  • Be aware that in some French-speaking areas, intentionally mimicking an accent may be considered offensive (for example, Quebec or French Canada).
  • Be aware that French in Canada is different from the language spoken in France. Some words may change. For example, sock becomes chausette in France and bas in Canada. The accent is the same. In addition, Canada has two official languages, English and French, so most (but not all) people are fluent in both. Not all French-speaking people speak English with an accent.
  • Don't squeeze your larynx while trying to make the "r" sound, your throat will start to ache.