How to eat lobsters

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jasper White shows How to Eat a Lobster
Video: Jasper White shows How to Eat a Lobster


At first glance, it may seem that lobsters are difficult to eat, but as soon as you understand what's what, start eating them in tons, like people in New Orleans do.Speaking of Louisiana, they know that eating lobsters is about more than just getting to the meat; in places where lobsters are abundant, they are traditionally brewed at parties outside the home, where part of the fun is socializing while the meal is being prepared. Learn how to eat lobster properly, and then share your technique with friends and family at your own party.


Method 1 of 2: Eating lobsters

  1. 1 Separate the head from the tail. Squeeze your head with two fingers of one hand and hold the tail with the other. Rotate your head until it comes off.
    • The head should come off easily. If it is difficult to do this, perhaps the lobster is undercooked.
  2. 2 Suck out the contents of your head. Place the open part of your head between your lips and suck out the juices. In the southern United States, this piece of lobster is considered a delicacy.
    • The head can be thrown away if you hesitate to eat it.
  3. 3 Break the shell on the tail. Squeeze the shell covering the tail with your fingers to break it open. Remove the shell and discard.
  4. 4 Pull out the veins. Hold the tail with one hand and clean the top layer of skin with the other, starting at the head of the lobster. The digestive tract will come off with a tail. Throw it away.
  5. 5 Eat the tail. The tail is the main part of the lobster, which can be eaten immediately or used to prepare other lobster dishes. Lobster stew is a traditional Cajun dish and lobster pizza is very popular in the South.
  6. 6 Suck out the contents of the claws. Most lobsters have small claws that can be broken, sucking meat and juice. Large lobsters have large claws with large chunks of meat that can also be pulled out and eaten.

Method 2 of 2: Boiled Lobster Party

  1. 1 Invite family and friends over to a lobster party. Organize it in your yard, park, or other area outside your home. A lobster party is usually a very fun outdoor event. To organize a party you will need:
    • Outdoor picnic area
    • Boiler for 227 liters
    • Large metal slotted spoon with handle
    • Outdoor kitchen utensils
  2. 2 Order lobsters. Depending on the size of the party, you will need between 9 and 13.5 kilograms of lobster. Expect between 900 grams and 1.4 kilograms per person. Most of the weight will be taken by the waste from the lobster.
    • If you are in the southern United States, depending on the season, lobster can be bought at a seafood store or grocery store, not to mention lobster vans.
    • In other states, such as California, lobsters are grown locally. Check with your local fishmonger.
    • Lobsters can also be ordered online from suppliers such as the Louisiana Lobster Company.
    • Live lobsters should be kept in a cool place away from light and heat until you are ready to cook them.
  3. 3 Wash the lobsters. This process is also called lobster cleaning. Place them in a large bucket and fill it with clean water. Stir with a spatula for a few minutes. Rinse and transfer to another clean container.
    • Do not leave live lobsters in the water for a long time, as they will drown.
    • Some people add salt to the water to make it easier to clean the lobsters.
    • Dead lobsters that have surfaced upward must be thrown away.
  4. 4 Place the 227 liter boiler over medium heat. Fill halfway with water and bring to a boil. Toss with the following ingredients:
    • Juice of 8 lemons, lemon zest.
    • 500 grams of spices for lobster.
  5. 5 Bring the water to a high boil. Add the ingredients below and cook for 10 minutes:
    • 8 onions, peeled and halved
    • 4.5 kilograms of young potatoes
    • 20 maize tops, peeled and cut in half
    • 5 heads of garlic, chopped in half
  6. 6 Bring to a boil again. Transfer the lobsters to a wire basket or colander and submerge them in the water. Leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Switch off the hotplate and cover with the lid. Let the lobsters infuse, cook for another 30 minutes.Open the lid and take out the slotted spoon with lobster. Let them dry.
  7. 7 Serve the dish. Cover the picnic tables with newspaper or any other tables you have prepared. Place the vegetables directly on the table, and on top of the lobsters. Distribute paper plates to the guests.
    • Arrange for extra spices, breads, and other condiments as desired.
    • If you don't want to serve the traditional Cajun style lobsters, place the lobster vegetables directly on the plates.
  8. 8 Teach your friends to eat lobster. Since this will be a novelty for many people, show you how to rip and suck the contents of your head, peel the shell of the tail, and eat delicious meat.

What do you need

  • Lobsters
  • Picnic area
  • Outdoor kitchen utensils such as a picnic stove
  • Big bucket
  • Scapula
  • Boiler for 227 liters
  • Large metal slotted spoon with handle
  • 8 lemons
  • 500 grams of spices for lobster
  • 8 onions, peeled and cut in half
  • 4.5 kilograms of potatoes
  • 20 maize tops, peeled and cut in half
  • 5 heads of garlic, chopped in half
  • Newspaper


  • Lobsters are also called crayfish.
  • The lobster season is from March to June.


  • Overcooked lobsters are not safe to eat. Make sure you cook it right.