How to effectively scare someone

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Here are some ways to scare people. See the Tips and Warnings sections; it is important. Forward!


  1. 1 Try the closet trick. Find a closet (the one that opens up a lot of people is best) and jump out of it. Hold something like a soup can in your hand or put on an oversized coat.
  2. 2 Hide behind the door. Attention! This will only work with doors that open inward. Hide behind someone's door, and when the victim gets closer, jump out of the door and shout out something.
  3. 3 Use the method of jumping out of the corner. Hide around the corner, and when the person comes up, jump out and shout something.
  4. 4 Try to hide in the bushes. Hide in the bushes and jump out when someone walks by.
  5. 5 Hide in the trash can. This method is only suitable for the daredevils. Attention! Make sure the trash can is large enough for you to crawl out of; also there should be no debris in it! Climb into the trash can, and when someone walks by, jump out of it or start shouting “Oh! Yesterday's scraps are eating me! "
  6. 6 Hide under the stairs. Climb under the stairs and start making strange noises.
  7. 7 Hide under your brother or sister's bed and start whispering the name of your next victim late at night.
  8. 8 Hide under the table, and when your sister or brother comes to the table and grabs a chair to sit down, grab his or her leg.
  9. 9 When someone is very focused on something (like homework), quietly sneak up behind and slide your fingers up your back like a spider. You may also make an eerie sound.


  • Make sure you can sneak into the cover you want without being spotted.
  • Be VERY quiet before scaring someone.
  • It is best to do this at night. Dress up in the most terrifying clothing to match your role.
  • Stand in the dark and do not make a sound (such as squeaky floorboards, steps, laughing, or heavy breathing).
  • Wear comfortable shoes to avoid making unnecessary sounds.
  • Put on your Halloween costume; it is really intimidating.
  • Don't wear glowing shoes.
  • Put on a mask (the creepiest mask is what you need).


  • Remember not to scare children under 7 and adults over 60. You can intimidate a small child permanently and cause nightmares, and the elderly can have a heart attack.
  • Be careful with the shadow, the light from under the doors, falling on you; so people can notice you. Try to do everything in complete darkness.