How to achieve short-term goals

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to set your short and long term goals
Video: How to set your short and long term goals


Regardless of the task at hand, it is important to be able to achieve your short-term goals.


  1. 1 Make sure your goals are realistic and time-specific. Realism means that the goals are not too ambitious, achievable in a short period of time. You can have ambitious goals, but any big goal should be broken down into several short-term, simpler goals. Time concreteness means that the goal must be achieved by a certain date. This is where most people make mistakes when setting short-term goals, opening up a space for procrastination.Procrastinators often say, “I’ll do it,” but if you just promise yourself to complete it by a certain time, “I have to do it at 8:00 on Tuesday, or I don’t watch my favorite TV series,” achieving the goal automatically becomes more realistic ...
  2. 2 Goals, especially short-term goals, should be specific. “Getting good grades in school” and even “Getting good grades in chemistry in the second semester” are not specific goals. Short-term goals should be precise: "Complete your chemistry homework on Tuesday from 8 am to 10 pm." In this example, the short-term goal of doing homework is part of the long-term goal of getting good grades. If you leave yourself the opportunity to find a suitable excuse and abandon the goal, then nothing good will come of it. Decide what needs to be done, fasten your seat belts and just do what needs to be done.
  3. 3 Find an easy way to monitor your goals. Some people use gadgets, iPads or mobile phones, but this can create addiction. While using modern technology can be interesting at first, it is generally easier to have a small card in your wallet that has all your goals written on it. The wallet in this case is just one of the options, because people usually carry it with them all the time.
  4. 4 When you reach your goal, mark it on the list. It may not seem like a big deal at first, but this habit will force you to keep your list of goals in front of your eyes at all times. It often happens that authors only look into the list when they want to add something there.


  • If these tips don't work for you, you may be suffering from chronic procrastination syndrome, similar to mental illness. Try to understand why you are delaying meeting your goals, ideally with the help of a professional psychologist.
  • It is helpful to ask others to help you assess the situation. Be prepared to accept criticism. Often times, those around you are better able to notice the problems that are holding you back from achieving your goals.
  • The most important thing is to develop your ability to keep promises. If you are setting goals, do not discourage yourself from achieving them, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you. Even if you don't think that failing to deliver on a given promise or failing to achieve a given goal doesn't matter, it forms a habit that will have a lasting effect on your character.
  • Remember that these tips alone will not affect the achievement of your goals. In fact, it only depends on you.