How to annoy your sister

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
FilterCopy | How To Annoy Your Sister | FC Practicals | Episode 1
Video: FilterCopy | How To Annoy Your Sister | FC Practicals | Episode 1


Let's face it, sisters can be very harmful, so sometimes you need to get revenge on them. And what is the best revenge? Right! One must become very harmful in return! There are many fun ways to bring your sister to her knee. Just keep in mind that some of them could get you in serious trouble. Therefore, proceed at your own peril and risk!


Method 1 of 2: Arrange pranks

  1. 1 Steal something from her. One of the best ways to annoy your sister is to steal her belongings.
    • Sneak into her room and take away something really important. This could be, for example, her iPod, her favorite pair of earrings, or the stuffed toy she sleeps with every night.
    • When she arranges a confrontation for you, do not admit that you did it. Practice making an innocent expression beforehand. You can also portray resentment because she blames you.
    • Try to hide this thing well in case she decides to search your room. Then, when she is not at home, put the thing back in the same place where you took it from. She'll think she's out of her mind!
  2. 2 Hide her clothes. Everyone knows how much girls love their clothes. Therefore, what can make your sister more angry than the loss of all her clothes!
    • When she is not at home, sneak into her room with a large bag and throw all of her clothes into her. Then hide her where she probably won't be looking (for example, in the bathroom or in the shed in the garden).
    • She'll probably go berserk when she sees an empty closet, so prepare a good excuse. We can say that your mom decided that she had too many clothes and took everything to the shelter!
  3. 3 Scare her. There is nothing nicer than scaring your sister well, especially if she screams!
    • Plan your attack carefully. Ambush her in a dark room, behind her bedroom door, or behind a shower curtain.
    • When she enters, you have two options: you can either scream that there is urine, or sneak up from behind and grab her. Both options are effective.
    • To enhance the effect, you can wear a scary clown mask or swing a toy knife.
  4. 4 Cover her entire room with toilet paper. Another good joke that will definitely piss your sister off is to cover her room with toilet paper.
    • Take a roll of toilet paper in the bathroom and go crazy. Try zigzagging paper across the room, hooking it around the chandelier, windows, and cabinet.
    • Cover her bed with a lot of paper (or even shove her in bed). If you want to add a little creativity to this process, then wet the toilet paper with water and then toss it against the wall, ceiling, and mirror. It should stick.
    • However, keep in mind that if your parents find out about this, then, most likely, you will be the one to clean everything, so don't be too foolish!
  5. 5 Pretend she hurt you. Create problems for your sister with your parents by pretending that she hurt you, either physically or mentally.
    • Just before they enter the room, lie on the floor in front of your sister and scream as if you were hurt. When your parents ask what happened, tell them she pushed you.
    • Pinch your hand so that a red spot appears, then tell your parents that your sister did it. It won't even occur to them that you yourself have hurt yourself on purpose. As a result, your sister will have problems.
    • Tell your parents that your sister called you a ram or a freak, or said that you have no friends. The meaner the better. She will not be able to prove that you invented it all yourself!
  6. 6 Get her out while she sleeps. It is very easy to annoy your sister when she is sleeping. And the result will be amazing!
    • One of the best pranks you can give her is to squeeze shaving foam or whipped cream onto her hand and then tickle her nose. She will want to scratch her nose and the result will be foam or cream all over her face!
    • Or you can try waking her up in the middle of the night. Wake her up in some unpleasant way. For example, you can jump on her bed or touch her face. Tell her it's 8:30 AM and she's late for school. (If you're really smart, you'll change the time on her alarm.) Hopefully she jumps out of bed in a panic and starts dressing for school - even though it's actually 5:00 am!
  7. 7 Throw water bombs at it. These bombs are a great way to annoy your sister, especially if her wet hair pisses her off!
    • Take some thin balloons, fill them with cold water, and carefully tie the ends. Ambush and wait for your sister (it is better to do this somewhere on the street, otherwise you will get it from your parents). When she arrives, bombard her with water bombs.
    • It will be even more fun if you wait for the moment when she sunbathes in the garden with her friends or when she walks with her boyfriend. Be careful, though - getting wet from your water bombs will surely infuriate her - so run away as quickly as possible after that!
  8. 8 Turn off the lights when she is in the bath. Have you ever found yourself in this situation: you are in the toilet, and at this moment someone accidentally turns off the light in the bath? Not fun, right?
    • Use this technique to annoy your sister - especially if she again stuck in the tub. Of course, it is much easier to do this if the switch is outside, but if it is inside, then simply on the sly open the door and hit it quickly before she spots you.
    • If possible, try locking the bathroom door from the outside, leaving it to sit in the dark. However, don't keep her there for long, show mercy!
    • If your sister doesn't close the bathroom door when she takes a shower, then you can try sneaking into the bathtub and flushing the toilet.Sometimes it makes the water in the tap cold, which is exactly what she hates!
  9. 9 Play with her food and drinks. The surest way to bring your sister to white heat is to ruin her meal!
    • If you are sitting at the kitchen table and there is a glass of water or soda in front of her, point to the window and say, "Look!" When she turns back to you, tell her that you just spat in her glass (you don't need to in fact spit there, just say you did it!). She will get so disgusted that she will pour it down the sink!
    • If your sister is eating something tasty, like a bun or a candy bar, try quickly snatching it from her hand and licking it completely. She will become so disgusted that she will no longer want to eat it, and you will have to finish it instead of her!
    • If your sister drinks soda from a can, wait for her to put it somewhere and leave the room. Then very quickly pour the leftover soda into the toilet or sink and instead pour milk (or whatever she doesn't like) into the can. Then, when she comes back and takes a sip of what you poured there, she will be so surprised that, most likely, she will spit it back out.
    • If you want to do real meanness, then you can pour into the jar, for example, soy sauce or brine.
  10. 10 Send messages from her phone. For sure, your sister never lets go of the phone, so it will be difficult to steal it. But if you somehow manage to steal her phone, this will be the best prank of all.
    • If you managed to get hold of her phone, go to some secluded place where you can calmly carry out your plan. Search your contact list for the names of the guys in her class, and then send them all a message, like, “I like you so much. Would you like to go on a date with me on Friday night? " Your sister will be killed on the spot when she finds out!
    • Alternatively, you can send a message to some of her best friends, saying something like, "I'm so angry with you right now ... I'll tell everyone your secret." However, be careful with this - your joke can cause a big storm!
    • If your sister has a smartphone, try logging into her Facebook or Instagram page through mobile apps. Take a picture of yourself and post it on her wall, writing something like this: “I have the best brother / best sister in the world. I love him / her so much. " Your sister will lose her temper when she sees it!
  11. 11 Give her a shower.
    • Take duct tape, duct tape, or regular tape.
    • Glue a piece of tape to the faucet: where the water is flowing from. When doing this, leave a small hole in front.
    • Make sure that the tape is not visible.
    • When your sister turns on the faucet, a stream of water will spray upward and onto her. She will get wet, and you will laugh until you drop.

Method 2 of 2: Be Really Harmful

  1. 1 Hum an annoying song all the time. Pick a really annoying song like “A Cucaracha” or “The Birdie Song” and sing it constantly or hum the tune when your sister is around. Very soon it will piss her off!
    • Alternatively, you can play a really different instrument, such as a kazoo or a tambourine. Play it loudly when your sister is trying to do her homework or watching her favorite TV show.
    • When she asks you to stop, feign offense and tell her that she is interfering with your musical development.
  2. 2 Repeat her every word. This is a pretty old trick, but it still works flawlessly. Whenever your sister says something, repeat after her - it will piss her off very quickly!
    • To annoy her even more, do it in a squeaky, girlish voice and lisp the letter "r" or lisp.
    • If she decides to be smart and says something like: "I am a little mischievous child", hoping that you will repeat this, outsmart her by replacing "I" with "you." As a result, you say, "You are a mischievous little child."
  3. 3 Look at her all the time. Try to bring your sister around by staring at her all the time without saying anything. Do this at breakfast or when she is watching TV or when you are in the car. Open your eyes wide and blink as little as possible.
    • Try to sneak into her room in the morning before she wakes up. Lean over her (your face should be just a few inches from hers) and stare at her. When she wakes up, the first thing she will see will be your bulging eyes. She will be on the verge of a nervous breakdown!
    • You can also go outside and stand under the windows of her bedroom. Then, when she opens the curtains, you will appear in front of her! She will probably scream!
  4. 4 Learn a language she doesn't understand. Try to learn a few phrases (or curses) from a language your sister does not know, and say them to her over and over. This will piss her off, especially if she's playing a know-it-all!
    • You can learn phrases from a real language, such as French or German, or from a fictional language, such as Pig Latin or Avian.
    • You can also just learn a few long Russian words that you know she won't understand. You don't need to use them in context, just say them as if you know their meaning. Some of them are: boil, affinograph, pedipalps, etc.
  5. 5 Ignore it completely. Sometimes the best way to annoy your sister is to do nothing at all. Just pretend it's not there!
    • Don't look at her at all or notice her presence. Perhaps at first she will not care, but after a while it will start to piss her off!
    • Whenever she says something to you, do not answer, pretend that you do not hear anything. You can even look around in bewilderment and say something like: "Who said that?" or "Did you hear that?"
    • You can go further: pretend it doesn't exist at all. When setting the table for dinner, leave her seat empty. Or when someone mentions her name, ask in disbelief: "Who is who?"
  6. 6 Give her an unpleasant nickname. The surest way to annoy your sister is to give her an offensive nickname.
    • Give her a nickname that rhymes with her real name. For example, if her name is Anya, you can call her “ram”. Or if her name is Masha, you can call her yogurt.
    • Or you can come up with something really offensive. For example, you can call her "piggy", "horse face", etc.
  7. 7 Pretend she's a boy. This works great with younger sisters who are very proud to be girls. Choose a male name for her (something similar to her real name) and just call her that.
    • When addressing your sister, always use the words "him" or "he." For example, "it's his turn to throw out the trash!"
    • You can also tease your sister by asking questions such as, “Why are you wearing dresses? They are only for girls! " or “Why are you crying? Boys are not allowed to cry! "
    • If you want to go further, you can sneak into her bathroom, lift the toilet seat, and place a men's razor on the sink. Then all this must be photographed and used as "proof" that she is really a boy.
  8. 8 Read her diary. If you want your sister really angry, you need to look in her diary, where she describes all her innermost thoughts and secrets.
    • When you have read everything, you can put her diary in a prominent place, enclosing a note there with the words: "I know all your secrets." In truth, you don't even need to read her diary, you just need to get her to do it like that. think.
    • However, if you do decide to read it, try to remember the most interesting points.Then at the most unexpected moment you can quote them to her. For example, when she is doing her homework, you can walk into her room and, imitating a squeaky girlish voice, say: “I wish Roma would notice me and not act like I’m not there.” However, then run away with all your might!
  9. 9 Push her. Simple yet effective - you can reach your sister just by pushing her over and over. Do this in the car, at the dinner table, when she is watching TV, when she is in bed, i.e. whenever you can get close to her!
    • You can poke her in the stomach, in the face, where it tickles or where she doesn't like to be touched. In this case, you can even make a face and say something like: "Oooh, what is this?". She will become paranoid - she will think that she has a huge pimple or something wrong!
    • However, remember that sisters tend to push back, so fend off the attack if possible!
  10. 10 Laugh at everything she says. Another good way to annoy your sister is to laugh at absolutely everything she says, even if she's pretty serious.
    • It will make her very angry if she gets upset about something, such as a fight with a friend or a poor grade at school. Laugh and point your finger at her just like Nelson from The Simpsons - "ha ha!"
    • Or laugh hysterically when she tries to joke. However, laugh for a very long time to make it clear that you are just mocking.
  11. 11 Wear her clothes and pretend to be her. Get into her room and steal something from her clothes. The more she loves these things, the better.
    • Dress like her. Choose the same skirts and blouses as she wears. If you have the same foot size or a little less, wear whatever shoes she would choose under these clothes.
    • If possible, do the exact same hairstyle. If not, buy a wig somewhere.
    • Go down to breakfast one day, dress like her. Imitate her speech, hand movements, etc. Very soon she will scream, expecting your dad or mom to make you stop it all!


  • Be prepared for trouble either from your parents, or most likely from your sister.
  • Never think about failure. You should always have a backup plan.
  • If you are in big trouble, then it is better to behave well in the presence of your parents, and to bring your sister behind them. She will be pounding from this.
  • Get ready for revenge. Perhaps your sister wants to take revenge on you.
  • Whatever she accuses you of, deny it.
  • If she is the kind of person who can attack and beat you, do not forget to arm yourself with something, for example, her favorite beads, so that later you can buy off.
  • If you go camping or living in tents, moisten its insect net with a little sugar and water to keep insects out. But you need to do this in advance, and the water must be hot so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
  • If possible, hide out for an hour or visit a friend's house before your sister complains to her mom or takes out her anger at you.
  • Make her jealous of your things or yourself.


  • Most likely you will have problems, not her.
  • You may be able to get away with it, but her revenge is unlikely.
  • If you hit her in the back of the head with an air bomb and she falls, she may be bruised. Remember that you just want to annoy her, not kill her. Also, make sure she is not carrying anything that could be damaged by the water, such as electrical appliances. You don't have to break anything.
  • If you are going to play her, remember that the evidence can get you in trouble.