Send an email

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Gmail: Sending Email
Video: Gmail: Sending Email


In this article you can read how to choose an email program that is suitable for you and how to create your own account. Once you have an email account, you can send email messages to someone else using their email address.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Creating an email address

  1. Choose an email program. There are countless different email services. Almost all of them allow you to create and use an address for free, but the three most popular programs are:
    • Gmail - Google's email service. When you create a Gmail account, you create a Google account at the same time, which is very useful if you use YouTube or other major social networks.
    • Outlook - Microsoft's email service. You need an Outlook account for certain Microsoft services. This applies, for example, to Microsoft Word (or Office 365), Windows 10, Skype and Xbox LIVE.
    • Yahoo - Yahoo is an email service that is easy to use and offers extras such as news in your inbox and a terabyte of digital storage.
    • The three email services mentioned above all have a mobile app that allows you to use them on your smartphone or tablet free of charge. In this way, you can also send and receive e-mails on the road via the service you have chosen.
  2. Go to the website of the e-mail program. These are the websites of the above-mentioned services:
    • Gmail -
    • Outlook -
    • Yahoo -
  3. Click on the "Login" button. This button can also say something like "Create an account" and it is usually at the top right of the website.
    • On the home page of Yahoo, you may first click the button Sign Up click, then click create an account at the bottom of the Sign Up page.
  4. Enter your details. You may need to provide more information, but email services usually ask you to provide at least the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your phone number
    • The email address you have chosen
    • Your chosen password
    • Your date of birth
  5. Complete the registration process. Sometimes you have to confirm your identity by phone (for example at Yahoo), but other providers simply ask you to tick a box as proof that you are not a robot. Once you have completed the process, you have created an account and you can send an email from your address.

Part 2 of 4: Sending an email from Gmail

  1. Open Gmail. Go to in a web browser of your choice on your computer. If you're already signed in to your Gmail account, this will take you straight to your inbox.
    • If you're not already signed in to Gmail, enter your email address and password before proceeding when prompted.
  2. click on + Set up top left corner of your inbox. A window will open on the right side of the page.
  3. Enter the email address of the person you want to send an email to. Click on the "To" text field at the top of the newly opened window and enter the email address of the person you want to send an email to.
  4. Enter a subject. Click on the "Subject" text field and enter a subject of your choice.
    • Usually the subject is used to let the recipient know what the email is about.
  5. Write your email. Click the text box below the "Subject" field and enter your message.
    • You can select some of the text in your email and then click one of the formatting options at the bottom of the window (for example B. for bold).
    • If you want to attach photos or files to your email, click the paperclip or "photos" at the bottom of the window and choose an option.
  6. click on To send. It's a blue button in the bottom left corner of the window. This is how you send the e-mail to the recipient specified by you.
  7. Send an email from your smartphone or tablet. If you have downloaded the Gmail app on your smartphone or tablet (Gmail is usually automatic on a smartphone with Android), you can also send mobile e-mails. You do that as follows:
    • Open Gmail on your mobile.
    • Tap on Open Outlook. On your PC, go to in a search engine of your choice. If you are already logged in, this will take you directly to your Outlook inbox.
      • If you are not already signed in, click if necessary Sign Up and enter your email address and password when prompted.
    • Make sure you are using the beta version. To do this, click on the gray slider "Test beta" at the top right of the page.
      • If you see a dark blue slider with "Beta" on it, it means you are using the beta version of Outlook.
    • click on + New message. This button is at the very top left of the page. A window will then open.
    • Enter the recipient's email address. Click the "To" text field at the top of the window and enter the address where you want to send the email.
    • Enter a subject. Click on the "Add subject" text field and enter a subject of your choice for your message.
      • Usually you use the subject to give the person for whom the e-mail is intended an idea what the e-mail is about.
    • Write your email. Click the text box below the "Subject" field and enter your message.
      • You can select part of the text of your email and then click one of the formatting options (for example B. for bold) at the bottom of the window.
      • If you want to attach photos or files to your email, click on the paperclip or "photos" at the bottom of the window and choose one of the options.
    • click on To send. It's a blue button in the bottom left corner of the window. This is how you send your e-mail to the recipient indicated by you.
    • Send an email from your mobile with the Outlook app. If you downloaded the Outlook email app on your iPhone or your Android phone, you can also send emails from there:
      • Open Outlook on your mobile.
      • Tap "Compose" Open Yahoo. On your PC, go to in a browser of your choice. If you're already signed in to Yahoo, this will take you straight to your inbox.
        • If you're not already signed in to Yahoo, when prompted, enter your email address and password first.
      • click on draw up. This button is located at the top left of the page. A form will then appear on which you can write your e-mail.
      • Enter the recipient's email address. Click the "To" text field at the top of the form and enter the email address of the person you want to send an email to.
      • Enter a subject. Click on the "Subject" text field and enter a subject of your choice for your email.
        • You usually use the subject to give the recipient an idea of ​​what your email is about.
      • Write your email. Click the box below the "Subject" text field and enter the text of your message.
        • You can select some of the text of your email and then click one of the formatting options at the bottom of the window (such as B. for bold).
        • If you want to send photos or files, click on the paperclip at the bottom of the window and choose one of the options.
      • click on To send. It's a blue button at the bottom left of the window. This is how you send your e-mail to the recipient indicated by you.
      • Send a message with Yahoo Mail from your mobile. If you downloaded the Yahoo Mail app on your iPhone or your smartphone with Android, you can also send emails from your mobile:
        • Open Yahoo Mail on your mobile.
        • Tap the pencil at the top right of the screen.
        • Enter an email address in the "To" text field.
        • Enter the subject of your email in the "Subject" text field.
        • Enter the text of your email in the main box.
        • Add photos or files by tapping one of the icons at the bottom of the email box.
        • Tap on To send to send your email.


  • If the email you're writing is important, save a draft copy regularly as you type. Gmail automatically saves drafts of your messages in between, but this is not always the case with other email services.
  • Create two email addresses, such as a work address and a home address, so that you can keep your mailboxes more organized.
  • If you need to send an email to several people at the same time, you can create a group and send a group message.


  • Don't say things in an email that you wouldn't want to be made public. Always remember that email is a written representation of yourself or your brand.
  • If you send an email with a large number of links in it, or if you send the message from your own server, your email may end up in the recipient's spam filter.