How to prove you have leadership skills

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy
Video: 4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy


Leaders play an important role in any organization, be it a corporation, a small business, a school, or even a family. A person with the makings of a leader should be patient and humble. Your leadership should be backed by followers, not a consequence of your position. It will take some effort, but if you follow the example of others, you will surely be able to prove your leadership qualities in any setting.


Part 1 of 3: How to Learn from Others

  1. 1 Choose positive examples. Good leaders lead people by example, so you should learn from such leaders. Analyze their actions and attitudes that make people want to follow leaders. Learn from the actions of other people so that you don't have to fill your own bumps.
    • Choose a leader from your entourage or a famous leader. For example, pick famous businessmen like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Study their lives to understand exactly how they acted in specific situations.Think of the famous leaders you heard about during your studies. What are their qualities that are closest to you?
    • We must distinguish between leadership and popularity: leaders inspire and managers direct. Observe the leader and try to understand why others are following him.
  2. 2 Learn from a mentor. A person must develop leadership qualities, even if he was born with a strong and bright personality. Choose a role model from your daily life to ask the person to be your mentor. Ask him for advice.
    • Ask for tips on how to learn better, develop in your position, and more.
    • It is sometimes helpful to have multiple mentors. Leaders cannot be described by one set of qualities, so the more experience and observations you take as a model, the better.
    • Follow up with your mentor and seek advice in difficult situations.
    • If you are in a leadership position in a company, then you can choose a mentor for yourself among your immediate superiors.
  3. 3 Be responsible. The leader does not need to be begged to accept responsibility. You should take risks that are justified when you ask others to do so. A leader must be willing to take the blame for mistakes and give up the credit for victories to others.

Part 2 of 3: How to Demonstrate the Right Qualities

  1. 1 Keep calm. The ability to accept criticism and not get angry is a sign of a good leader. Thank your boss for critical feedback, implement recommendations or suggestions. Show your humility and willingness to learn.
    • Always respond positively to reviews. Your morale affects the team.
    • You don't need to be angry, overreact, and indecisive. Such qualities create uncertainty in the leader, as a result of which followers begin to doubt his decisions.
    • If you're being advised to be less aggressive towards the athletes you train, just smile and thank them for the criticism. There is no need to be upset.
  2. 2 Do your part. Although leaders often give directions to others, remember to do your part as well. If you refuse to do hard and unpleasant work, then your subordinates will also lose enthusiasm. Become a role model to showcase your leadership skills.
    • For example, your team's responsibilities include cleaning the toilet. Do this work on an equal basis with others.
    • The coach of a sports team should take part in training and demonstrate actions by example.
  3. 3 Back up words with deeds. Be confident and feel free to be yourself. Leaders should be at the forefront, not at the rear. Powerful people always notice confident leaders. In other words, you don't have to become a different person to be a better leader. Make the role fit your personality.
    • Take challenges. Successful implementation of small projects will demonstrate leadership skills.
    • Build your confidence. For example, every morning before starting work, you might say encouraging words to yourself in front of the mirror.
  4. 4 Learn to admit mistakes. Prove your integrity to show leadership skills. Thus, the leader must demonstrate and inspire others to be humble, open, and honest. Admit your mistakes and shortcomings, as befits a role model.
    • For example, if you sent an email to the wrong recipient, immediately send an additional email with an explanation. Don't pretend like nothing happened.
    • Admit your mistakes, play down your successes, and do justice to others. Modesty is an important quality of a leader. Show your commitment to helping people try to succeed. A leader helps others develop.
    • Enjoy success in a small circle. If you have achieved great success, do not celebrate and brag. Leaders behave differently.
      • For example, if a children's soccer team wins a tournament under your leadership, then you should praise the little athletes and not tell them that this is solely your merit.
  5. 5 Adapt. Another important quality of a leader is the ability to adapt to circumstances. Try to think outside the box, even when you have to choose among bad options. Don't be limited to simple solutions.
    • You will have to make different decisions depending on the circumstances. Sometimes it will take quick decisions, and other times it will require collective reflection and analysis.
    • For example, you need to make a decision to revise a project at the last minute to meet a deadline. To do this, you need to quickly prioritize and make decisions.
    • Conversely, choosing a product line development strategy requires careful thought and planning.

Part 3 of 3: How to Interact with Others

  1. 1 Set goals. Leaders inspire followers to pursue specific goals. Before you lead people, you need to determine the destination. Set clear goals for yourself that can be easily and excitingly described to your subordinates. Your goals should be measurable, specific, and time-bound so that you and your team can track progress.
  2. 2 Communicate with the team. Pay attention to people when giving directions. For example, if they look at you with incomprehensible glances, explain the problem comprehensively and in detail. The leader needs to be able to communicate correctly and express thoughts in an accessible way.
    • If you are training people, have an “open door” policy so that they can contact you with questions and requests.
    • If you are chairing a social change implementation committee, share your ideas with the team and invite them to voice their thoughts.
  3. 3 Strengthen your bonds. Be considerate and ask good questions to build strong relationships with your team. Listen more than you speak. Ask people questions to help them stay motivated, and ask your supervisors questions.
    • For example, while speaking, reach out to others and ask questions. Don't turn the situation into a monologue. If you are not interested, please contact specific people with a question.
    • Sometimes it’s tempting to show how well you’re understanding an issue, but good leaders prefer to organize discussion within the group. Listen to other people's ideas.
      • Rephrase the thoughts you hear in your own words when the person has finished speaking.
      • Nod and maintain eye contact as you listen to others.
      • Face the speaker to use open body language. Don't look around and focus on the person.
  4. 4 Be fair. Do not be afraid to resolve conflict situations to demonstrate your leadership qualities. You should also be objective and show your followers that you can be trusted. To successfully resolve a conflict, you must respect your colleagues and have the skills to meet the needs of all parties involved. Monitor the body language of the parties to the conflict to determine their needs.
    • Learn to match the keys to different people to find the right solution.
    • Read books that deal with conflict situations and appropriate solutions.
    • Remain calm and hold back negative reactions while other people are on edge.
    • Strive to find a compromise. Help two colleagues agree to resolve the conflict.
    • Do not take sides and treat the parties to the conflict impartially.
  5. 5 Delegate tasks. The ability to delegate responsibilities and authority is the best way to show the person how much you value and trust them. Don't prevent others from doing certain tasks. Be wise enough to outsource work to people who can do it better than you.
    • Determine the merits of each participant and assign them appropriate tasks.
    • Look for employees who can compensate for your weaknesses. Share tasks that they can handle.
      • For example, if you've built a website, hire authors who will write quality articles, while you focus your efforts on development or technical support.


  • Be friendly with everyone and try to get along with your coworkers. Kindness plays an important role.
  • Not everyone is a natural born leader, so assess yourself soberly and choose the appropriate role. Find the right position to increase your chances of success.
  • Always be humble and respectful. Not only you can have incredible achievements, but also other colleagues or leaders.


  • There is no need to go over the heads of other people to leadership. Earn this role with your qualities. Your victims will turn their backs on you, which is not a sign of a leader.