How to negotiate with neighbors who prevent you from living

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 16 September 2024
4 Ways To Deal With Neighbour Problems | Web Originals | Talking Point
Video: 4 Ways To Deal With Neighbour Problems | Web Originals | Talking Point


Imagine that neighbors with an antisocial lifestyle live next to you, and the sight of their housing evokes negative emotions. This neighborhood can adversely affect both the appearance of your home and your health. Here are some tips on how to make your life easier.


  1. 1 Assess the situation. Take a pen and notebook and write down objective answers to the following questions:
    • What exactly is the problem? Don't say, "My neighbor is not a good person." Link to the facts “My neighbor’s lawn is more than half a meter high. They do not clean up after their seven dogs, and I breathe in the smell of feces every day, and the garbage they throw on the ground blows into my yard, it remains in my rose bushes. "
    • What harm does it do to you? Focus on what you can tolerate. And give them time to solve the problem. "I have to spend ten minutes a day collecting used paper and wrappers from my rose bushes."
    • What do you expect to resolve the situation? Be judicious, don't expect your neighbors to move out. Name the conditions that you could endure, not what you ideally see: “I do not expect them to have a bright green lawn, and blooming rose bushes, but I would like their debris not to fall on my site . "
  2. 2 Find an approach to your neighbors. Do not tell them openly about your complaints, they may not know how upset you are by the disorder on their site. If you are intimidated by your neighbors, take a partner, friend, or other neighbor with you. Be polite and courteous. Instead of saying, “Your yard is a mess,” say, “I noticed that you have too much lying around, maybe you need help getting rid of it all? I know the cleaning service available in our city ... ”Avoid disputes as much as you can. If you feel any threat, you better leave.
  3. 3 Take notes. Write down the details of your conversation. What did you say? What did your neighbors say? Were they friendly or slammed the door in your face? Did they agree to resolve the situation? How soon did they say they would fix the problem? Taking notes is very important. Knowing when you first brought your question and how the conversation took place will make it easier for you to resolve the issue if you have to file a complaint with the local authorities.
  4. 4 Write a letter. If a face-to-face conversation didn't work, or your neighbor promised to clean up the area and didn't, try writing a letter. This may sound formal, but it is not an aggressive way to remind the person that you are still worried about it and the problem remains. In the letter, describe the situation as you did in step # 1. Date the letter, make a copy for your notes, and mail it.
  5. 5 Take photos of the litter area to support your claims. Do this carefully so that your neighbors do not take this as a personal attack and become less friendly. Whatever you do, do not enter their private property - it is illegal. Their dirty courtyard can be photographed from your site. Save photos, write dates and a brief description of the problem on them.
  6. 6 Contact local authorities. Find the contact information for local or municipal authorities in the phone book. Also, some districts may have homeowner associations that have rules for maintaining order in the district. You can contact them with your complaint.
    • Tell that you are making a complaint about your neighbor and give as much evidence as possible.
    • Please remember that if there are animals that are mistreated there, you should contact the animal welfare office.
    • Explain the problem and your grievances, which you should write down.
    • After submitting your complaint, expect a visit from a local government representative who will realistically assess the situation. He may also visit your neighbor and tell him that a complaint has been filed against him.
  7. 7 Try calling or sending a letter to the local authorities. Tell them how disgusting it is, provide photos. A representative of the authorities should come to them and understand the situation.
  8. 8 If you do not want to conflict with your neighbors alone, connect other neighbors who agree with you and go with them to your neighbor.
  9. 9 You can also offer your help in cleaning the site.


  • If you turned to a neighbor and the answer is negative, you lose the opportunity to write an anonymous report. Even if another neighbor writes the report, you can be blamed. If there is a type of neighbor living next to you who only needs local authorities to clean the area, then you better not upset him. To live in peace with your neighbors, sometimes you just need the power of anonymity.
  • If your neighbor is older or has health problems, cleaning the area may be more of a problem for him. Give him a helping hand!
  • One way to stay anonymous is to report to the city government.
  • If the local authorities cannot solve the problem informally, they will send an order to the neighbor to remove the garbage. If your neighbor refuses to do this, they may impose a fine or sue him, depending on the legislation in the area.
  • You can contact the land office to find out who owns the private property.
  • For some neighbors, it may be better to file a complaint with the local homeowners association. Agree, not everyone lives in Mayberry, where the neighbors are friendly. Such services do exist, and they can handle the problem perfectly.
  • If your neighbors are renting a house, their contract may specify the conditions for maintaining order in the house and on the territory. Contact their host and discuss the situation with him. In Britain, you can find home owners at Home Registry for a small fee. In the US, you can find homeowners with the help of county experts (many counties can now be found online for a fee.)
  • In the United States, many cities have their own laws that must be followed. However, if you submit an anonymous complaint, they may not pay attention to it, as there are a lot of such complaints. You can get help much faster if the law is broken. In many counties, it is illegal to have more than three dogs, especially if the puppies live in an unregistered kennel. If your neighbor is a bully and you just don't want to look stupid, check your local TV.
  • In Britain, it is best to contact the Environment and Health Department. You may be visited by an employee from the environmental department. He can issue a garbage collection order.
  • If you live in an apartment, use matte film to take a photo from your windows. This way, you will get a bright, but at the same time, clear photo of the littered area.
  • You will need to carefully review the laws in your county.


  • There is a significant difference between neighbors who lead antisocial and antisocial lifestyles. Antisocial neighbors can be dangerous if you provoke them. If possible, consider the temperament of your neighbors before making a complaint. If you think your neighbors are dangerous, work with local authorities to stay safe.
  • Consider the risk and rewards of the situation. It is often much better to maintain a friendly relationship with your neighbors than to get them to maintain order in their backyard.If you start a fight with him about his poorly mowed lawn, he can mow it, he can damage your own home, or have his children beat yours, or even break into your house and rob him one fine day. day. Keep the peace ... if possible.