How to succeed in life

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
Video: Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE


Do you want to be successful in life, but it seems to you that you are looking in the wrong place? Don't worry - everyone can achieve the life they want for themselves - provided that you think in the right direction, work hard and are focused on your main goals. Once you understand what you really want, you need to make a plan for how to reach that goal without letting your daily routine and obstacles get in your way. If you want to know how to be successful in life, start reading Step 1 of this article.


Method 1 of 3: Thinking in the right direction

  1. 1 Arm yourself with knowledge. You can master any skill and understanding of anything if you start reading about it. You don't have to pay money to read if you visit the public library.You can also find great books at sales and book fairs. The Internet is also made for more than just sitting on social media. A lot of knowledge is stored there: "Economics", "Forbes", TED dialogues, etc.
    • While reading, you will be able to distract from your own emotions and make the part of the brain responsible for logical thinking work.
    • Reading helps you understand what's going on around you so that you can better cope with your daily challenges. Reading develops language skills. This will give you a better chance of getting a job and make it easier for you to connect with others.
  2. 2 Understand what your goals are. Write down on paper what you are working for and how you might use your energy. How much effort do you put in to move forward, and what do you need to work on to build your future? How do you see your future, and what small goals could you achieve on the way to your main goal? You can figure out what you want by trial and error, but the clearer picture of your goals you have in front of you, the better.
    • Higher-order goals will best help you achieve inner satisfaction. Think of more spiritual and less selfish goals such as "loving neighbor", "pursuing peace not war", "protecting the Earth", "helping others", "living in a safe area" and "having a happy family." On the other hand, there is nothing shameful about wanting to start your own business, achieve a higher position at work, or any other that will help you feel satisfied.
    • Good examples of lofty selfless goals include “spending more time with the kids,” “stop fighting with your spouse,” “start walking or cycling to work,” or “meeting your neighbors.”
    • Creative goals are also healthier than temporary and self-serving goals. Investing energy in art, such as music, dance, painting, gardening, handicrafts, or even building a beautiful home or business can give your life meaning, and your skills will play a key role in this.
  3. 3 Make a list of what you need to do. Write down the two most important goals that you thought about earlier and create a plan to achieve them. Remember, even if your goals seem large and difficult to achieve, you may need very little to reach them.
    • Looking for a better job? It takes very little to do this: find evening / online courses, study the area you are looking for (what are the opportunities, what skills are required), write a resume, practice interview skills, put up with failures, if any, etc.
    • Post this list in a prominent place so you can see it often. Alternatively, you can add the list items to your calendar for specific dates on which you will need to complete the list items.
  4. 4 Let go of the past. If you are still very attached to your past, start letting go of it. Forgive those who were guilty before you, and ask for forgiveness from those before whom you were guilty. Take a course of therapy or join a counseling group if you cannot cope on your own and need help.
    • If your neighbors or family keeps you in a vicious circle of drama or addictions (alcohol, drugs), you may need to end your relationship with them for a while.
    • If your job is a burden for you, contact the special service for determining prof. orientation (you can find some services online as well) and work to improve the situation as soon as possible.
  5. 5 See the world in a positive way. Nothing hinders you from reaching your goal more than negative emotions that lock your energy and destroy hopes! Stay positive or start keeping a gratitude journal where you describe at least 3 positive things that happen to you every day. Be aware of your negative emotions and mindset and try to start thinking differently, more positively.
    • Everything needs balance. However, if negative emotions are prevalent in your life, you will need to receive more positive emotions afterwards in order to find balance.
    • It's okay to feel upset when you have setbacks. But if you can manage to develop a positive attitude towards life, you will be able to resist failure much better. This way you won't see failure as the end of the world.
  6. 6 Learn to deal with stress. You may be under stress and therefore unable to think positively. If stressful conditions are getting out of hand, your priority should be to learn how to deal with and manage stress before you start doing anything else. Here are some ways to better manage your stress:
    • Reduce your responsibilities.
    • Leave your job to someone else (they may complain, but in the end they will be glad).
    • Schedule time for relaxation, meditation.
  7. 7 Follow your own path. Perhaps your parents want you to do something in life that they enjoy. Perhaps most of your former classmates or classmates are doing one thing, and you think you should be doing it too. Perhaps your life partner has a different perspective on what you should be doing. These can all be great, but at the end of the day, you have to choose what makes you happy, not what others want for you. If you are still undecided about the choice, it's okay, but you should set a goal for yourself to find something that will make you happy, and where you can use all your talents and abilities.
    • This does not mean that you have to go and become a rock star, even if you do not have any ability to do so, and at the same time you need to feed a family of 5 people. You need to find a way to combine the practical side of the issue with your desires, the fulfillment of which will bring you satisfaction.
  8. 8 Check with someone who has done this before you. If you want to excel in any field, the best way to get started, whether you want to become an engineer, financial analyst or actor, is to talk to someone who has already worked in the field and knows all the strings. Whether that person is a family member, a boss at work, a teacher, or a friend of a friend, if you have the opportunity to talk to them, listen to every word they say, especially what they say about how to succeed in this area. what experience is required for this, with whom you need to make acquaintances, etc.
    • This person may not give you perfect advice on how to achieve your dreams, but you should benefit from talking to them.
  9. 9 Find profitable tactics at work. You, of course, think that all your work looks pathetic and pointless, and that thanks to your talent, you will be able to succeed yourself. This is a great but very idealized vision of things. In fact, if you want to succeed, you have to play by the rules. Observe and understand who really runs things in your workplace. Try to endear this person to you, while not sucking up too much. Understand what skills are truly valuable in your job and develop them. Remember that you shouldn't argue with some people, even if you disagree with their ideas.
    • Sometimes it can be disgusting and unnatural to get involved in the office game. Just think that you are doing this to achieve higher goals. The main thing is not to sacrifice your principles just to be in the game.

Method 2 of 3: Getting Started

  1. 1 Make friends who make you happy. A good friendship that takes care of each other is the foundation of a healthy life! Friends are a source of strength and knowledge at a time when you have setbacks.Friends can help you find opportunities and solutions to your problems.
    • If your friends are involved in alcohol or drug affairs, look for new friends. Visit the places that interest you the most.
    • If you feel that your friends are taking more in return than they are giving, try to remedy the situation by talking to them. If that doesn't work, limit your contacts with these friends.
    • Workaholic friends who work as hard as you can have a positive impact on you. You can still maintain a friendship with lazy people, but still try to focus on friendship with hard workers like you.
  2. 2 Grow your social media. It doesn't matter what field you work in - success is in who you know. Be friendly to your bosses without frightening them off with real friendship intentions. Attend conferences and seminars, trying to meet as many people from your area as possible. As soon as you meet someone, keep your business card ready, shake the person's hand firmly and gaze intently into their eyes. Flatter people without sucking up. Learn to speak briefly about your activities in one sentence so that people are impressed. Don't worry about this; it's all just part of the game.
    • You never know who might be useful to you in the future. You should not embarrass yourself by sucking up to everyone who is above you in position, and neglecting those who are below.
  3. 3 Do the hard work. Succeeding doesn't mean starting at the top. This means starting the race from the very bottom along with insecure, inexperienced players and gradually following a confident step to the top. Therefore, in the beginning, you must be ready to do a large amount of work for a small amount of money. Don't think that being a leader or a boss is your birthright. This is wrong. You will have to give your best, even if you feel that you are too smart for your job or that you would be better able to use your creativity in a higher position. Use your creativity when you can, work as hard as you can, and maybe the right people will notice.
    • This does not mean that you need to invest all your soul and time in work that means absolutely nothing to you, if it is not a bridge to your cherished goal. But, if you know that investing your time and energy into work in a far from ideal position can lead you to your goal, then you should probably go all out.
    • If you find it difficult to do the toughest jobs, try doing it with a smile on your face. This will give you more respect if you look happy in your job instead of acting like you deserve so much more.
  4. 4 Become an expert. Whether you are an expert in using documents in Google Docs or the best graphic designer for a project, the main thing is to learn how to do something better than anyone else in your company. Then they will respect you, they will come to you when they need help, and they will think of you as an irreplaceable person. If you are the only one in the office with any skills, then your workplace is safe.
    • Find something that really interests you and spend a little extra time learning about it. You may not be paid for the extra time you spend at work, but the effort you put in will make itself felt in the future.
    • Don't be afraid to take on projects or commitments that aren't directly related to your area of ​​expertise. If your boss is smart, he will appreciate your enthusiasm and desire (unless it interferes with your main job).
  5. 5 Prioritize face-to-face meetings. Research shows that 66% of managers and dignitaries prefer to talk in person instead of discussing issues via Skype, phone or email.And while the 2000s prefers email as an exchange of information, you can afford to stand out from the crowd and have conversations in person with your boss and other colleagues in the company.
    • And, of course, you have to fit into the corporate culture of your company. If you work in a super-trendy startup where everyone communicates only on Skype, you don't need to scare everyone with your face-to-face meeting.
  6. 6 There is no need to sacrifice the present for the sake of future career happiness. Doing dirty work is inevitable, but you should never feel like 100% of the work you do is just awful, depressing, and sick of it. You must derive at least some benefit and satisfaction from what you do. You never know if your current job will be useful to you in the future, and you may have to spend years doing a hateful job. Even if a bucket of gold is waiting for you at the other end of the rainbow, it's not worth it if you need to get there by barbed wire.
  7. 7 Stop waiting for the right time. If you have a dream to start your own business, write a novel, or open a non-profit organization, yes, of course, you cannot give up everything and fulfill your dream in one day. However, you don't have to wait for the right moment to just start walking towards your dream. You might be waiting to get started after some big event - a wedding you've been planning for a year, a loan repayable this summer - that's all great, but you can't wait for the ever-right moment when nothing else stands in your way. ... Otherwise, you will wait forever.
    • If you always have a reason not to do what you really want to do, then these are just excuses.
    • Start small. Yes, you cannot quit your job and paint all day until you have saved enough money. But what stops you from spending 1 hour a day drawing? So in total you will get 7 hours a week - which is a lot.

Method 3 of 3: Focus

  1. 1 Take care of your health. Don't let your physical and mental health deteriorate just because you want to start your own business. If you really want to be successful in life, then health, not the amount of money in the bank, should always come first. As busy as you are, there are a number of things you must do to stay healthy in body and mind:
    • Take time out every day. If something bothers you, talk about it, do not keep it to yourself.
    • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. 4 hours of sleep and working on a project at night will not lead you to anything good, but only to a breakdown.
    • Eat 3 times a day appropriately, not just swallowing food at your desk.
    • Check your condition with your inner self every day. How do you feel physically and spiritually? What worries you the most? How can you avoid problems in the following days?
  2. 2 Don't forget about other parts of your life. Your career may seem like the most important thing on earth right now, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore your family, friends, relationships, or any other commitment. You must learn to balance all these components in your life, otherwise everything will start to fall apart. You may feel like you should be devoting all of your time to a project at work right now, but when your girlfriend dumps you, you start to bite your elbows and think that it would be better if you managed to find a balance between work and personal life earlier.
    • Keep a schedule and make sure to reserve time for friends, family, and loved ones. It may not be the most romantic and natural thing to plan a date or make time for the kids, but this way you will not lose sight of anything and be sure that you have no work at this time.
  3. 3 Consider failure as an invaluable experience. Don't waste your life terrified of your mistakes. Failure is part of life, it will make you stronger and teach you the skills to deal with adversity. If you knew nothing in life but success, how can you react when things go badly? Here again, the point is a positive outlook on things. You don’t have to jump for joy when something went wrong, but you don’t have to hate yourself for it.
    • Instead of saying, "I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I let this happen," ask yourself, "What could I have done differently? How can I prevent this from happening in the future?"
    • Sometimes something can happen that is not at all your fault. You did your best, but you still failed. Perhaps there was nothing you could do differently in this situation. If so, take pride in the fact that you've worked so hard and move on.
    • Imagine that you have been working on a novel for 5 years, and now no one wants to print it. An optimist will not see this situation as a failure; he will think, "Well, 5 years of work on the novel definitely made me a better writer. Even if the novel did not resonate with critics, I can still be proud of the work I did and I know it will help me write a second novel even better. ".
  4. 4 Take advice wisely. In the beginning, when you knew nothing about the field in which you worked, you took the advice of absolutely everyone who was more experienced than you. But now that you have become wiser and more experienced, you must understand that not all of those people understood what they were talking about. They might know what they were talking about, but their ideas for success didn't always align with yours. Now you should know what to take into account and leave the rest behind.
    • You will need experience to understand whose views and direction are aligned with yours, and a strong character to learn not to accept advice from any expert in your field if it does not align with your idea of ​​how to proceed.
  5. 5 Don't forget about entertainment. Achieving your goals, fulfilling your dreams, etc. - all this is very important. But it's equally important to laugh with friends, shoot water pistols or cook Italian food. It's important to set aside time for absolutely stupid things, try new things or laugh, and spend time with the people you love the most. It will not help you become the CEO of your company, but it will help you have a fresh perspective, make you relax instead of thinking that your whole life is work, and it will help you to relax and not work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    • Entertainment can actually help you succeed in life if you play in moderation. Take a time each day to take your mind off work, projects, career goals, and focus on life in the moment. Being able to have fun at the same time as building a career - now we have come to a real definition of what it means to be successful in life.


  • No matter how much to do, exercise and eat only healthy foods as much as possible! You cannot achieve anything if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, are obese, or constantly catch a cold!
  • Exercise is also a very important and effective method of dealing with depression and for restoring internal neurochemical balance.


  • Alcohol and drugs will always deter you from sound judgment and energy. Monitor their consumption carefully, otherwise you will fail!