How to add an RSS feed to your WordPress blog

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Add RSS Feed On Your WordPress Website
Video: How To Add RSS Feed On Your WordPress Website


WordPress is a popular blogging software. It is available through a hosted blog at, or can be downloaded for private websites through WordPress templates help users connect to other social media sites through photos, links, feeds, and plugins. The WordPress software includes a widget that allows you to add an RSS feed (abbreviation for English words Really Simple Syndication or very simple syndication) from another site or social network to your blog. RSS publishes the latest status or blog updates from one site to another in a standardized format. This article will teach you how to add RSS to your WordPress blog.


Method 1 of 2: Adding an External RSS Feed to Your WordPress Blog

  1. 1 Open a browser window on your computer. Go to the site from which you want to place the news feed on your WordPress blog. For example, if you want to have a Tumblr feed on your WordPress blog, you must be logged into your Tumblr account.
  2. 2 Copy the URL on the home page of your website.
  3. 3Add "/ rss /" at the end of the copied URL. This is your RSS address. For example, if your Tumblr blog was called "Computer tutorials", then your RSS address might be ""
  4. 4 Open another tab in your Internet browser window. Log into your WordPress blog account.
    • If you don't have a WordPress blog, go to the WordPress home page and click on the orange button that says "Get Started Here". You will be guided through the registration process.
  5. 5 Click on your name or profile on the right side of the toolbar at the top of the page.
  6. 6 Scroll down your WordPress dashboard. Your dashboard is a vertical list on the left side of the page.
  7. 7 Find the "Appearance" tab. There should be several options under the "Appearance" item. If you don't see any other options, click on the arrow in the Appearance tab.
  8. 8 Click on "Widgets" in the Appearance menu.
  9. 9 Find the WordPress RSS widget in the list at the top or in the list of inactive widgets near the bottom of the window.
  10. 10 Click and slowly drag the RSS field to the Sidebar at the top right of the page. If you don't drag it slowly, your browser may not scroll to the top-right side of your browser page.
  11. 11 Enter your RSS feed address in the new RSS box with the text "Enter the RSS feed URL here". Enter the name of your Tumblr channel. Specify how many posts you want to show if you want to display content - author or link. Click the Save button.
  12. 12 Go to your blog to view your new WordPress RSS feed.

Method 2 of 2: Create an RSS Link to Your WordPress Blog

  1. 1 Click again on "Widgets" in the Appearance menu.
  2. 2 Find the "RSS Links" WordPress widget in the list of widgets.
  3. 3 Click and drag RSS links to the Sidebar at the top right of the page.
  4. 4 Name your RSS feed.
  5. 5 Choose whether you want to display posts, comments, or posts and comments in your RSS feed.
  6. 6 Choose a format for your RSS. It can be a text link, an image link, or a text and image link.
  7. 7 Click the Save button and return to your blog to see your RSS feed. With this feature, subscribers can keep abreast of what you are doing and choose the messages they would like to read.