How to breathe deeply

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Reducing Stress Through Deep Breathing (1 of 3)
Video: Reducing Stress Through Deep Breathing (1 of 3)


Abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing is a method of deep breathing in which the body is completely saturated with oxygen. Shallow breathing can cause shortness of breath and anxiety, while deep breathing can slow your heart rate and stabilize your blood pressure. This is a great way to relax and reduce your stress levels. Skip to the article to learn how to breathe deeply using your belly.


Method 1 of 3: The Basics of Abdominal Breathing

  1. 1 Take a slow, deep breath through your nose. The air should completely fill the lungs. Resist the urge to exhale quickly even before the complete inhalation is complete. This takes practice, as most of us have a habit of breathing quickly and shallowly rather than taking long, deep breaths. Try to always inhale through your nose, as there are fine hairs in your nose that trap dust and toxins from getting into your lungs.
    • In everyday situations, we often resort to fast, shallow breathing and do not even realize it. Frequent stress interferes with awareness and concentration on the breath.
    • Deep breathing helps you feel better about your body. Feel how air enters the lungs and fills their volume. If you focus on deep breathing, then your experiences will give way to awareness for a while.
  2. 2 Increase the volume of your abdomen. With a deep breath, your belly should expand a few centimeters. When the air reaches the diaphragm, the abdomen is filled and rounded. Try watching a sleeping baby. You will notice that babies breathe from the belly from birth. Each inhalation and exhalation leads to a movement of the abdomen, not the chest. With age, people get used to shallow breathing instead of abdominal breathing. When emotions need to be contained, we suck in our belly and tense up, rather than relax while breathing. Learn to breathe properly and relieve tension.
    • Try to lie, stand, or sit upright. Slouching can make it harder to take a deep breath.
    • As you inhale, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. In the case of deep and correct breathing, the hand on the stomach will rise above the hand on the chest.
  3. 3 Exhale fully. Release the air slowly through your nose. As you exhale, draw in your abdomen towards your spine. Let all the air out of your lungs. After exhaling, take another deep breath through your nose and continue breathing deeply. Try to exhale twice as long as you inhale and push out all the air.
  4. 4 Try taking deep breaths five times in a row. The inhalation and exhalation are counted as one time. This will immediately allow you to calm down, slow your heart rate and blood pressure, and distract yourself from strenuous thoughts. Get into a comfortable position and take deep breaths correctly five times in a row.
    • Remember that the belly should rise 3-5 centimeters from the body and increase more than the chest.
    • When you have mastered the technique of deep breathing, do the steps 10-20 times in a row.Notice how your body reacts to oxygen saturation.
  5. 5 Use this technique anytime, anywhere. You can now breathe deeply and can use this method to immediately reduce stress levels when stressed or anxious. Use deep breathing alone in a secluded place, in class or on the subway, and even when talking on the phone. This ability will allow you to pull yourself together when necessary.
    • If you notice that you are breathing quickly and shallowly, switch to deep breathing and you will immediately feel relief and control over the situation.
    • The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to breathe deeply. One way or another, and in infancy, you breathed in this way.

Method 2 of 3: How to Calm Down with Deep Breathing

  1. 1 Count to four and inhale slowly. Suck in air through your nose and count from one to four to take your time. This counting exercise will help you control your inhalation and focus on deep breathing. Remember to breathe through your diaphragm and expand your abdomen.
    • This breathing exercise acts as a sedative. If you are very depressed and need to calm down quickly, find a quiet place and do the 4-7-8 breathing exercise several times in a row.
    • Also, such exercises help to fall asleep.
  2. 2 Hold your breath for seven seconds. Relax and hold your breath, stop breathing in and out for seven seconds. You can count to yourself or look at the clock.
  3. 3 Exhale for eight seconds. Release air slowly through your mouth and count to eight. This will ensure that the exhalation lasts twice as long as the inhalation, which is optimal for deep breathing. As you exhale, suck in your stomach to push out all the air.
  4. 4 Repeat the steps four times. Inhale again, hold your breath and release all the air. Always count to yourself so as not to break the 4-7-8 ratio. Repeat the steps four times for peace and tranquility. Repeat the exercise a few more times if necessary.

Method 3 of 3: How to Use Energy Breathing Techniques

  1. 1 Sit up straight. Sit in a flat-backed chair and keep your back straight. This is the correct starting position for a breathing exercise called bellows breathing. It is a combination of deep and fast breathing. Since the goal is to energize you, do the exercise while sitting, not lying down.
  2. 2 Take several deep, full breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply, and then exhale slowly and completely. Repeat at least four times to relax.
  3. 3 Breathe in and out quickly through your nose for 15 seconds. Keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose as quickly as possible. Breathing should be deep and fast. Continue to breathe with your diaphragm, but try to do everything as quickly as possible.
    • It is sometimes helpful to place your hand on your stomach and make sure it goes up and down as you breathe. In bellows breathing, it's easy to overlook that you rarely use your diaphragm.
    • The head, neck and shoulders should remain motionless during the abdominal movements.
  4. 4 Repeat the steps 20 more times. Take a short break and use the same technique for 20 more breaths. Breathe in and out through your nose and be careful to engage your diaphragm.
  5. 5 Repeat the steps 30 more times. This is the last approach. Breathe in and out through your nose and remember to use your diaphragm.
  6. 6 Get some rest and keep going about your business. You will feel a surge of strength and the balance for you will be able to carry out with increased activity. The bellows method is an energetic breathing technique, so it is best not to do it before bed.
    • Stop immediately in case of nausea or dizziness. If you want to continue later, do fewer reps and do the whole set.
    • This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women, people with panic disorder or seizures.


  • Proceed with caution and patience.
  • The ribcage should not rise and fall, only the abdomen.


  • Nausea or dizziness may indicate that you are breathing too fast.
  • If you have asthma, this breathing exercise can trigger an attack.