How to do a golf swing

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to swing a golf club (simple way)
Video: How to swing a golf club (simple way)


Playing golf is quite difficult as long as you learn the correct technique, but as you improve your skills, you will enjoy the game more and more. One of the biggest challenges with golf is that even the smallest nuances can have a huge impact on your shot. At the heart of everything is swing - stick movement. If you're having trouble slice, hook, hitting the right distance, or you've never played golf at all, this article will show you how to get the most out of your swing.


Method 1 of 4: Stance Correctly

  1. 1 Stand with one foot slightly in front of the ball. Place your feet so that the front is slightly in front of the ball; this will position the club near the center of your body. Your feet should be slightly wider than your shoulders, and the ball should be closer to the middle of your stance.
    • Play with big sticks (hybrids or drivers) closer to your front foot and small ones (iron) closer to the middle of your stance.
    • If you are right-handed, then your left foot will be closer to the hole - about 30 cm from the ball.
    • If you are left-handed, then your right foot should be closer to the hole.
  2. 2 Stand at such a distance from the ball that you can reach it with the middle of the club, keeping your arms straight but relaxed. Don't get too close or you will have to bend your elbows to hit the ball. At the same time, you should not stand too far away so that you do not have to stretch your arms. The upper body should be slightly tilted towards the ball and away from the target, but not too far.
  3. 3 Check the aiming line. The aiming line runs along the shoulders and feet.Make sure that the imaginary lines drawn from the shoulder farthest from the target to the near one - and from the front foot to the back - lead to the goal. This is called a "perpendicular" scope.
    • To test your scope, sit on a rack and place your golf club on the tee-zone along the toes. Go behind the club and look in the direction it is pointing. The club must point either to the target of the next shot or to the hole itself.
  4. 4 Bend your knees slightly. Do not stand straight like a mannequin, but try to adopt an "athletic stance" with your knees slightly bent. Try swinging with absolutely straight legs, and you will understand how difficult and uncomfortable it is.
    • Distribute your body weight evenly across your feet. It's harder than standing on your heels, but it's much easier to shift your weight forward and then backward when swinging.
    • Distribute your body weight evenly across both legs. Lift your heels slightly off the ground several times to feel the balance of the stance. During the swing, hit and after, the weight is transferred, but you need to start with an even distribution.

Method 2 of 4: How to hold a golf club

  1. 1 Whichever grip you choose, keep the club relaxed. The free grip allows the club head to pivot during the swing, which adds precision and range to the hit. In golf, the harder you try, the worse you get. Try to move naturally.
  2. 2 Try a baseball grip. This is the most basic grip, very similar to the way baseball players grip the bat, hence the name. note: In all three grips described below, the left hand (for right-handers) will be positioned the same.
    • Take the club from the bottom with your left hand, grasping the shaft tightly with your fingers. The stick should lie in the part of the palm where the fingers begin; the left thumb should be pointing down towards the head of the club.
    • Grasp the club from the bottom with your right hand so that your little finger touches the index finger of your left hand.
    • Hold the golf club tighter so that part of your right palm is above your left thumb. The right thumb should be pointing slightly to the left, and the left thumb should be slightly to the right.
  3. 3 Try an overlap grip. The baseball grip is good for everyone, but the fingers don't fit snugly enough. With an overlapping grip, the fingers are intertwined for greater stability.
    • Start with a baseball grip. Instead of keeping your right little finger and left index finger side by side, slide your right little finger up and place it on the joint between your left index and middle fingers, or on the index finger itself.
  4. 4 Try a grip called a lock. This grip allows for the greatest stability due to the fact that the left and right hands are intertwined in a lock under the stick. This grip is used by the great players Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.
    • To get the correct lock grip, start with a baseball grip. Then place the index finger of the left hand between the phalanges of the little finger and the ring finger of the right. In this case, the little finger of the right hand should be between the phalanges of the middle and index fingers of the left hand. Your right pinky and left index finger intertwine to form the letter X.
  5. 5 Choose the grip that works best for you. Each grip has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are many other grips that we did not consider - ten-finger grip, weak and strong grips, and so on. Experiment with different types of grips until you find the one with which your swing works best and the error in hitting accuracy is minimal.
    • For example, the castle is recommended for golfers with small hands (think Nicklaus) who are uncomfortable with overlapping golf.
    • If you have a slice problem (the ball moves straight and then sharply to the right - for a right-handed player), try not to have a weak grip.
    • If you have a hook problem (the ball goes straight, but then deflects significantly to the left - for a right-handed player), try a less firm grip.

Method 3 of 4: Swing

  1. 1 Start swinging. When swinging, the club rises from the starting position and winds behind the head. Try to turn your body when swinging, by moving the weight from the foot closest to the hole to the far one. Note the three main phases of the swing:
    • Phase one. Bring your arms back, keeping them closer to the leg farthest from the hole. Try to keep the arm closest to the hole straight. When the club head is at the end of the swing, the shaft is nearly parallel to the ground.
    • Phase two. Turn your hands slightly, keeping your arms parallel to the ground. The stick should be held strictly perpendicular to the left hand (for right-handers). The end of the club will point slightly away from the ball.
    • Phase three. Rotate the body a little further back so that the head of the club at the end of the swing is slightly behind the hands. The front arm should bend slightly in the last stage of the swing.
  2. 2 Start moving down. When the swing goes down, "pull" the head of the club so that it lags slightly behind the general movement of the body, the angle between the hand and the club increases, and once you enter the hitting zone, spin quickly. This will allow you to develop a high speed at the end of the club, while the body continues to move relatively slowly and maintains control.
    • Just before hitting, try again to lock your front arm so that it is completely straight - as at the beginning of the swing.
    • Shift your weight from the foot farthest from the hole to the foot closer to the hole. Let the knees move towards the target. Keep your front knee relaxed, especially when hitting with a driver.
  3. 3 Make sure that the shaft of the club is directed towards the target at the moment of impact. This will help control the direction of the ball's flight. Don't forget to add hip movement to increase impact energy; do not try to hit with only your hands.
  4. 4 Be sure to follow through with the swing. It doesn't matter how far back you swing the club, but if the stroke itself is delivered correctly, then you must complete it in a certain position. The belt buckle will look at the target, the club will be behind the back, the bulk of the body is transferred to the leg closest to the target, the second leg is on the toe. You should be comfortable in this position while watching the flight of the ball.
    • Keep your eyes on the ball while doing the swing and the blow itself. Do not raise your head immediately after a hit to see where the ball has flown; this will only destroy the accuracy of the sight. Look at the ball as you follow it with the movement of the club.
  5. 5 Don't try to hit the ball with all your might - less is more! Just as you shouldn't grip the club too tightly, you shouldn't try to hit the ball as hard as possible. The most important thing for accurate and long-range shots is the correct technique that you sacrifice when trying to hit the ball like a caveman.

Method 4 of 4: Fixing Common Problems

  1. 1 Correct the slice. If the ball goes slightly to the left (for right-handed players) and then sharply to the right, try to keep your knees slightly bent and flexible during the swing. The desire to straighten the leg farthest from the hole during the swing is natural, but try not to do this. But make sure that the knee does not bend back, fix it under the thigh.
  2. 2 Adjust the hook. Hook means that the ball is flying slightly to the right (for players with a right-handed stance), and then very much to the left. This happens when the ball is twisted counterclockwise, if it is kicked from right to left, and not from back to front.
    • Pay attention to your grip. If you can see more than two knuckles on your left hand when holding the club, use a weaker grip and make sure only two knuckles are visible.
    • Your stand should not be too turned to the left.This error can be compensated for by hitting the ball a little to the right, but in this case, the hook can become stronger. To make sure you are standing correctly in relation to the target, place your club on the ground.
  3. 3 Correct the swing if the ball is not flying properly. Sometimes the blow is too strong, and more often, on the contrary, it is too weak and the ball does not fly the required distance. The best solution to this problem is not to raise your head and look at the ball during the swing and hit.
    • By throwing your head back on the backswing, you increase the distance from the base of your neck to the bottom of the ball. Hitting the ball correctly becomes much more difficult. Look directly at the ball and you will hit farther and more consistently.


  • The distance depends on the speed of the head of the club at the moment of impact, on how hard you hit and the angle of contact between the club and the ball. (he is steep or gentle).
  • The direction of flight of the ball is set by the direction of the swing and the angle of rotation of the club at the moment of contact with the ball.
  • Continue to follow the ball immediately after hitting. This will reduce the likelihood that you will be distracted and look away before hitting and the ball will fly in the wrong direction.
  • Distribute weight correctly and maintain balance.
  • Golf is primarily a game. So have fun with it. Do not forget, Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh reached heights not only thanks to luck, it took long training. Over time, with a little effort, you will start shooting balls down the fairway like a pro.
  • Take a video tutorial from a professional player. A real specialist will help you learn how to do everything correctly and will save you from mistakes, which will be difficult to get rid of later.
  • Change your grip if a slice or hook appears. The club should come to the ball with its unfolded flat part.

What do you need

  • Golf club
  • Golf ball
  • Tee
  • Golf course