How to make homemade popcorn

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Making Movie Theater Popcorn At Home | But Better
Video: Making Movie Theater Popcorn At Home | But Better


Homemade popcorn is a delicious snack. You can make it fast, easy and fun if you follow the directions.


  • Raw corn kernels
  • Corn oil (any other vegetable oil can be used) * Salt (to taste)
  • Popcorn salt (optional)


  1. 1 Turn on a high heat on the stove and preheat it well to make popcorn.
  2. 2 Prepare a medium-sized saucepan or saucepan, cover the bottom of the saucepan with 3-4 tablespoons of oil for half a cup of corn kernels.
  3. 3 Place the popcorn kernels in a well-heated saucepan.
  4. 4 Close the pot quickly with a lid and hold it firmly on top. Shake the tightly closed saucepan so that all the corn seeds are completely covered in oil.
  5. 5 Reduce the heat slightly, making it between medium and high. Do not speed up the popcorn preparation process by using very high temperatures.Popcorn is too tough over high heat. It works better over medium heat. On too low a heat, the popcorn will not open at all.
  6. 6 When the cookware is ¾ full, remove from heat and turn off the stove. Do not keep the popcorn on the stove for too long as it may burn. Let the opening process continue until the pot is full and the corn kernels stop bursting, then transfer the popcorn to a bowl.
  7. 7 Let the hot saucepan cool. When the saucepan is not too hot, wash it with soap and water.
  8. 8 Sit down, turn on the TV and enjoy!


  • A microwave will work, too.
  • You can also add popcorn special salt (usually yellowish) to enhance the flavor!


  • Hot seeds can fly out of the pot and burn you if you open the lid (and it hurts in ways you can't even imagine).
  • When you fill a pot with cold water, the hot steam can scald you.

What do you need

  • Medium saucepan
  • Sink
  • Plate