How to shop at thrift stores

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
HOW TO THRIFT LIKE A PRO (*actually useful* thrifting tips)
Video: HOW TO THRIFT LIKE A PRO (*actually useful* thrifting tips)


Buying at second-hand stores is a great way to save money. Not only will you be able to find unique, rare and vintage items for yourself and your home, but you will also contribute to the protection of the environment, as using old items can reduce the amount of waste and labor. To make shopping always enjoyable, you will need to know how, where, and when to shop thrift stores.


Method 1 of 4: Shopping at second-hand stores

  1. 1 Decide what you need. Making lists is the surest way to buy exactly what you need. Also remember the following:
    • It can be helpful to make a master list, followed by a second short list with short-term goals to tackle first.
    • You will need to look for the right things for a long time. In some stores, items are sorted by gender, size, type of item, or other criteria. In others, all things are mixed up. Put on comfortable clothes and get ready to sort, reach, fold, and push through hangers.
  2. 2 Try things on. Without fitting, it is difficult to understand whether it is worth spending your money on something.
    • Choose fitting rooms with a mirror, or try on things in the comfy closet.
    • If there are no fitting rooms or they are busy, try on clothes that fit your figure over your clothes.
  3. 3 Rate the quality of things. Second-hand stores can sell items in any condition, so it is important to inspect them carefully before buying. Please note the following:
    • Check seams, cuffs and collars for damage. Make sure there are no sweat marks on the collar, underarms and inside seams.
    • If you buy furniture, check if it is stable and requires repairs that you cannot do yourself.
    • When buying electrical goods, plug in the appliance to see if it works.
    • See what is written in the care instructions for the item. A $ 200 silk blouse can be a very good buy, but if it can only be dry cleaned, it will negate all the savings.
  4. 4 Learn to see the right things. You will not only need to know what you need, but also be able to make decisions if you come across any other thing. For instance:
    • Learn to see if an item can be sewn or altered with minimal effort.
    • Know in what colors and in what style you need to decorate each of the rooms. This will keep the design consistent and prevent you from making an impulse purchase.
    • Listen to yourself. Sometimes you will come across things that you weren't looking for on purpose, but that are something special or classic and will fit your home perfectly.
  5. 5 Set budget boundaries. It is difficult to predict what will come across in the store, and the risk of making an impulse purchase is very high. Here are some ways to avoid unnecessary purchases:
    • When visiting stores, be aware of your price limit and do not deviate from it. You can set a maximum value for each item or all purchases. The most important thing is to keep track of how much money you are spending.
    • Don't buy an item if you don't really like it. When in doubt, walk around the store again and think about it. If after that you do not have a strong desire to buy this item, do not buy it.

Method 2 of 4: Special Techniques and Tricks

  1. 1 Use your smartphone. It will be especially useful for you if you are looking to buy something vintage or antique and do not know if these things are being sold at a bargain price. Compare the price with eBay or Google.
  2. 2 Buy things on sales. Many stores hold sales from time to time and attach special tags to promotional items. In addition, some stores always have hangers with items that are sold at a discounted price - this allows the store to get rid of items in the warehouse. Large second-hand shops sometimes sell things at a price per kilogram.
    • Don't be afraid to bargain. Missing a sale and not making a major purchase? Buying multiple items and want to round up the amount? Don't be afraid to ask for a discount, especially if you are a regular customer.
    • Don't believe the "sold" labels. Sometimes these things do buy back, but sometimes people find something they like better in other stores and don't come back for a reserved purchase. If you notice such a label, talk to an employee or store manager. Perhaps this label has been attached to this thing for several days, because they simply forgot to remove it.
    • Always ask for a discount. Does the item have defects due to which you can count on a discount? Does the store have a sale on that day? If you buy something on sale, sometimes managers may allow you to buy the item at a discount, even if it is not covered by the promotion.
  3. 3 Search for the best deals. In thrift stores there are worn out and outdated things, but there are also things in good condition, looking at which it is difficult to understand whether they have been used before. Pay special attention to the following things:
    • Belts. Accessories like belts are the first thing that is replaced in a wardrobe with a change of fashion. The advantage of belts is that buckles can be replaced with certain skills, and leather strips usually never go out of style.
    • Shoes. Good leather shoes are expensive, so if you can manage to buy slightly worn shoes for 10% of that cost, you can save a lot of money. If you clean them and rub them with cream, they will look like new.
    • Furniture. It is not uncommon for furniture stores to donate unsold furniture to thrift stores. In addition, vintage furniture can be repainted, varnished, or draped, and you can't tell where it was bought from.
    • Jeans. New branded jeans can cost from 3,500 to 15,000 rubles, and in a second-hand store - only 700-800 rubles. After the New Year, many discounted jeans with labels appear in stores.
  4. 4 Talk to store employees. People who work in thrift stores have valuable information. Ask them about the following:
    • When will the new delivery be? Employees will tell you on which days they receive the goods and run sales.
    • Who do they have partnership agreements with? The store staff will tell you where they get the goods from.
    • Have they seen the thing you want? If you are a regular customer and often buy something, store employees may call you to let you know that what you need is on sale.
  5. 5 Learn to determine the true value of things. Sometimes people donate things to a thrift store without knowing their true value. When buying, remember the following:
    • Warranty. Some kitchen appliances and appliances are sold with a lifetime warranty. For example, there are brands of stainless cookware that should not rust or deteriorate in any other way throughout their entire life cycle. You do not need to have a receipt to receive a replacement item.
    • Antiques and non-obvious values. Despite the wear and tear and condition, some items are of great value due to their rarity and significance in history. If you suspect that you have come across a rare item, search for similar items on the Internet to find out how much it costs.

Method 3 of 4: Finding Stores

  1. 1 Search online for stores. Many stores have websites that appear on search engines. If you want to find small shops, ask your friends and acquaintances.
  2. 2 Consider the location of the store. The type of people who live around a store can be a good indicator of what kind of items and quality to expect from a thrift store. For example:
    • Stores in wealthier neighborhoods tend to sell better quality items than other parts of the city. In addition, residents of wealthy areas tend to buy something not out of necessity, but because they want something specific, and it is easier for them to find the good quality things they need.
    • Second-hand shops near student residences often sell branded items.
  3. 3 Shop while on vacation. It is best to do this if you are traveling by car. In large cities, there are many shops selling a wide variety of goods, and their quality is often very good. It is also possible that stores in other countries are selling completely different things, and you will be able to buy something special and eclectic.
  4. 4 Go to other discounted stores. Second-hand shops are not the only places where you can buy something profitable.
    • Flea markets. Come early - best of all by six in the morning. First, look for the furniture you want, pick out the items and decide what you like. Don't be afraid to bargain, but don't knock the price down too low. When you buy large items and furniture, move on to small items - small pieces of furniture, accessories, clothing, and so on.
    • Stock shops. These shops buy things from firms, and do not accept from the public. In them, things are more expensive, but there you can always find high-quality discounted fashionable clothes, often from well-known companies.
    • Home sales. From time to time, people sell things that they no longer need. Sometimes everyone sells their things at home, in the yard, and sometimes special fairs are held. Look for something similar in your city.
    • Sales of private collections. At these sales you can find antiques in good condition, from furniture and tableware to jewelry and blankets. Usually, such sales are held in the mansions of the owners of things, but in order to be able to buy something rare and profitable, you should study the issue in advance.

Method 4 of 4: Shopping Schedule

  1. 1 Subscribe to the mailing lists of all stores and buy things on the Internet whenever possible. Some stores send customers notifications about new items and promotions.
    • Often, these stores also take pictures of furniture and other popular items and publish the pictures on their website. If you browse the internet more often, you will have to travel less around town.
  2. 2 Buy things for the season. People most often get rid of things in their wardrobe at the same time throughout the year. Consider the following when planning your purchases:
    • Summer clothes are best bought in the fall, when people get rid of light clothes and replace them with sweaters and coats. Similarly, it is better to buy winter clothes in the spring.
    • Look for post-graduate cooking utensils on sale.Many people, after completing their studies, return home or move to another city to work, and they have to hand over kitchen utensils, lamps, bed linen in good condition to a thrift store.
    • Look for furniture in summer and early fall. In the summer, many couples get married and end up with extra items that they donate to thrift stores.
  3. 3 Go shopping every week. Do you want to buy something very profitable? Schedule store visits based on your new product arrival schedule. Remember the following:
    • It is best to shop early in the morning. If you want all the best to go to you, come to the store opening.
    • You can also shop late at night. On sales days, many stores try to get rid of as many items as possible, so they offer big discounts towards the end of the day.


  • Do your laundry after purchase. Second-hand shops may only sell washed items, but you should still wash or dry-clean your linen, clothing and bedding. This will protect you from possible infections.
  • Don't buy personal hygiene items. Don't buy used laundry. Remember that cosmetics, even if sealed, have an expiration date. Cream-based cosmetics can deteriorate even when closed - it all depends on the production date. Don't buy open cosmetics as they can be a source of infection.