How to serve in volleyball

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Underhand and overhand serves | Volleyball
Video: Underhand and overhand serves | Volleyball


Do you want to play on a volleyball team but don't know how to serve the ball? Follow the simple tips in this article to learn how to serve properly.


Method 1 of 4: Do the main feed from the bottom

  1. 1 Take a position. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, but at the same time push one leg forward, the other back.
    • You should be able to lean forward or backward without fear of losing your balance. Therefore, you need to adopt this particular stance, as it is the most stable.
    • Make sure you stand on the ground with your full feet and not on your toes.
    • You will begin your movement by shifting your weight to your back leg. At the same time, keep a stance and do not lift your front leg off the ground.
  2. 2 Take the ball. Hold it with your non-dominant hand (the one you are not writing with), the other hand should be free.
    • Hold the ball in front of you, above your hips and just below your waist.
    • Do not pull the ball too far away from you, otherwise you will not be able to hit it with your free hand.
    • Don't grip the ball too hard, but rather let it rest in the palm of your hand. Hold the ball gently with your fingers to prevent it from falling.
  3. 3 Correct your posture. The upper body and shoulders should be tilted slightly forward. Keep your eyes on the ball all the time.
  4. 4 Make a fist with your free hand. Make a fist so that your thumb is not pinched.
  5. 5 Wave your hand. Make a fist and swing your hand, imitating the movement of a pendulum.
    • Swing so that your palm is facing up and your thumb is pointing to the side.
    • It is not necessary to bring your hand too high when swinging; bring your hand as far as you will bend forward. For example, if you swing half a step, then take your hand half a step back from the starting position.
    • During the swing, smoothly shift your weight forward from your back to your front foot.
  6. 6 Hit the volleyball. Try to hit directly into the center under the ball to gently throw the ball over the net.
    • Remove the hand that was holding the ball just before hitting the ball.
    • Take the blow to the end. You don't need to stop your hand immediately after hitting. Let it keep moving and give the blow more force.
    • Keep your eyes on the ball all the time.

Method 2 of 4: Top serve

  1. 1 Place your feet correctly. Feet should be shoulder-width apart with left leg forward.
    • You need to turn around to where you want to serve. Thanks to this, you will line up your body in one line and make the most of a strong serve.
    • All weight should be on the back leg.
  2. 2 Extend your arm perpendicular to your body. You will hold the ball with your non-dominant hand - the one with which you do not write.
  3. 3 Get ready to toss the ball. With your non-dominant hand, you will throw the ball up 30–45 centimeters.
    • Release your arm when the ball is at eye level or the arm is fully extended.
    • It is important to toss the ball straight up, as if tossed to the side, you will have to stretch and you will lose stability when serving.
    • Do not try to toss the ball, just because it is necessary, try to push it up, as it were. This will help you not throw the ball too high.
    • Get ready to hit the ball. Bring the elbow of the hand with which you will feed back so that it is at the level of your ear.
    • As you pull your hand back, imagine pulling the string with the ball on it. This is roughly how your elbow should be bent before serving.
    • When the ball hits the top point, lean forward and hit it. Use the arm and torso dash to give strength to the punch.
  4. 4 Hit the ball. Hit the ball with your open palm, or you can squeeze your palm in half.
    • Use the energy of the blow. Stop leaning forward after contacting the ball.
    • Unless it’s a bottom serve, you don’t need to finish the shot.
    • For top serve, you need to wave your hand forward and hit the ball. In this case, the hand is either slightly or not at all.

Method 3 of 4: Making a Top Twist Serve

  1. 1 Take the right position. Take the same position as for the top feed. Legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent.
    • The body needs to be tilted forward a little, and all the weight should be transferred to the back supporting leg.
    • To toss the ball, the non-dominant hand must be perpendicular to the body.
    • Raise the hand with which you will hit the ball to eye level, with the elbow pointing back.
  2. 2 Toss the ball. Throw the ball up in the same way as for the top serve. Throw up at least 45 cm from the starting position.
    • Throw straight up, not to the side, so as not to lose balance when serving.
    • Although the ball is tossed slightly higher for a twist serve than for a top serve, still do not toss too high. In this case, it is more likely that you will incorrectly calculate the moment of impact and the serve will come out unbalanced.
  3. 3 Move your hand back to strike. The strike position should be the same as for the top serve, with the elbow back behind the head at ear level.
  4. 4 Wave your hand forward to hit the ball. Instead of just hitting the ball like you would with a top serve, you need to hit with your open palm from above.
    • During the swing, you need to turn around so that the shoulder of the hand with which the ball was thrown is turned away from the ball.
    • Place the hand so that the fingers are directed to the floor during the impact. This should be done at the same time as you touch the ball when you push it forward.
    • During the service, continue to move your hand so that after the service the hand stops lower than the ball originally was.
    • The blow ends with body weight shifting to the front leg.

Method 4 of 4: Jumping serve

  1. 1 Make sure you are ready to serve. The jump serve is the most difficult of all serve and should only be done if you are confident you can. Otherwise, do one of the three previous serves.
  2. 2 Move a sufficient distance from the line. If you play indoors, jump serve should be done behind the court. After jumping, you can land behind the line.
  3. 3 Take the starting position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The leg on the side of the hand that is not serving should be slightly pushed forward.
    • You will need to take a few steps forward, so make sure you are comfortable with this from your position.
    • Hold the ball with your non-dominant hand and be ready to swing the hand with which you will hit the ball.
  4. 4 Take a few steps forward. Starting with your left foot, take two steps forward.
    • Do not take too long steps, otherwise you will lose your balance during the strike.
    • Take these steps slowly when exercising, but speed up as you play.
  5. 5 Toss the ball. Starting to take the third step, throw the ball into the air 30–45 centimeters with your non-dominant hand.
    • To get into the center of the ball and make a good serve, toss the ball not to the side, but directly in front of you.
    • Throw the ball not directly over, but slightly in front of you.This is because during the jump you will be flying forward and it will be inconvenient to reach back to hit the ball.
  6. 6 At the same time pulling your hand back, jump forward and up. To invest in a punch, you'll want to jump as high as possible.
    • Pull your hand back, with your elbow directly behind your ear.
    • Use the moment of the jump to push the whole body forward during the impact; you need the ball to be at your eye level before hitting.
  7. 7 Hit the ball. In the air, you can do either overhead or twist.
    • To twist the serve, move your hand back and hit the ball with your open palm as if you were slapping the face. Jumping may cause you to fly away a little behind the ball.
    • To jump serve from above, hit the ball from top to bottom while twisting your hand. Because of the jump, you will go far behind the ball after hitting.


  • Practice is the key to success, so keep training hard!
  • You can ask a friend to help you with feeds at school, at his place, or at your place.
  • If you hit too hard, you can hit the ceiling or throw the pad.
  • During the blow, the hand must be firm, and the blow itself must be fast and with all its strength.
  • You can practice as a pitcher behind the line of the playing court.