How to do manual on a skateboard

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


1 Start moving your skateboard forward and place your back foot on the tail. To perform the manual trick, you need to be in motion (although if you are having difficulty mastering the trick, you can practice while still). Roll forward at a slow, controlled speed in a familiar posture. Then slide your back foot onto the tail of the board. Place it in a position that is comfortable for you. Typically, the leg covers the entire curved portion of the tail. The front foot should be near the center or on top of the front wheel axle.
  • It may not be worth mentioning, but you should take all necessary precautions before attempting the manual trick. Always wear a helmet (optional: knee pads, elbow pads, etc.) while skateboarding. Before you master the manual, it is possible that the board will often slide out from under your feet, causing you to fall on your back. This can cause serious damage if you are not adequately protected.
  • In addition, make sure that the surrounding area is free of structures that might interfere with your movement. Flat, open spaces are best for practice.
  • 2 Bend your knees. Balance is essential to the manual trick. To hold manual, you must learn to instantly adjust your body position, evenly distributing your weight and maintaining balance. This will be much more difficult if your knees are not bent. When in motion, be sure to bend your knees slightly before doing the manual.
  • 3 Shift your weight onto your back leg, leaning your body forward. Slowly and gently begin to shift your weight onto your hind leg while leaning your upper body forward a little at the same time. The increasing pressure on the rear leg should eventually raise the skateboard's front axle. By leaning forward, you maintain a center of gravity above the board, which prevents it from jumping out from under your feet.
    • Not lean back, even if your intuition tells you to do so. This is the fastest way to lose your balance and fall on your back.
  • 4 Keep your balance. If all goes well, at this stage you are skateboarding forward with the nose raised (if not, you need to practice more.) Now your task is to maintain this position for as long as possible. Listen to your natural sense of balance. If you feel yourself starting to fall forward, lean back and apply additional pressure to the tail of the skateboard. If you feel yourself starting to fall backward, lean forward. The challenge is not to overdo it in trying to compensate for backward or forward lean. Try to make small movements in control of the movement of your weight.
    • It is only fair to think that you will surely make it through numerous falls before learning how to do this trick, so it is prudent to use knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards.
    • Don't be surprised if the first time you can't hold manual for more than 1-2 seconds. This trick takes a lot of patience and training. Initially, you may not even be able to use your muscles correctly to maintain balance. You have to go through this difficult stage!
  • 5 Press down on the board with your front foot to complete the trick. Successful execution of the trick involves not only getting into the manual position and holding it, but also getting back to normal without falling. Slowly shift your weight from your back leg to your front leg. At the same time, slowly return your upper body (which is tilted forward at this stage) to its normal upright position. The front of the board should successfully return to a horizontal position and land on the wheels.
  • Method 2 of 2: Performing the nose manual trick

    1. 1 Begin moving forward with bent knees, placing your front foot on the bow of the deck. Doing the nose manual will require you to do exactly the opposite of the manual trick. Start rolling forward, then reposition yourself so that your front foot is on the crease of the nose of the board. Place your back foot on or near the bolts. Bend your knees slightly. This body position will allow you to raise the rear wheels of the skateboard off the ground, balancing on the front.
    2. 2 Press down gently on the bow of the skateboard. Moving forward, shift your weight from the middle of the board to your front foot. Raise your arms for balance, and if necessary, lean back a little bit. This will invariably cause the board to pop out from under your feet at first. But this is quite normal, and over time you will develop the ability to determine the position of the center of gravity and better maintain balance.
    3. 3 Concentrate your weight above the front wheels. To hold the nose manual while driving forward, you need to carefully distribute your weight over the front wheel axle. This will be extremely difficult at first, but it will get easier over time. If you have difficulty maintaining balance, try moving your hips and / or torso to compensate for the deflection. You can also try gently pushing down with your back foot to maintain balance.
      • When you learn to hold the nose manual for 1 to 2 seconds, start trying to hold it for longer and longer periods. Patience and practice will greatly develop your sense of balance, and balancing in the nose manual position will be as easy and natural as it would be during a normal manual.
    4. 4 To complete the nose manual, push down on the board with your back foot. As with the normal manual, to return to the normal position, the raised part of the board must be lowered to the ground. At the same time, shift your weight back to the center of the board to make it easier to maintain control. Finally, move your legs into the familiar position.


    • When you transfer your weight to the rear axle, your body should not lean back. Only the lower body should be deflected, while your chest will be tilted slightly forward to maintain balance.
    • If balancing with your back foot does not help and the tail of the deck hits the ground, try moving your foot to the fold in the board between the bolts and the tail.
    • Keep your hands in the air. It might look a little silly, but it helps keep your balance.
    • Pick up a little speed, this will make it easier for you.
    • Bend your knees for extra balance.
    • Don't lean back too much. The tail of the deck will hit the ground, possibly causing it to fall.
    • Before trying the trick, practice holding onto a stable object to figure out how to properly balance.
    • Trying this trick on the grass or carpet is helpful for a start.
    • When finishing the manual, lower the board quickly. Otherwise, you may lose your balance and fall.


    • In the process of learning, you will fall. If you are ready to fall and have time to get to your feet, you will be able to save yourself.
    • Watch out for sticks and stones. They will interfere with your movement.
    • Wear protective equipment. Otherwise, you run the risk of injury.

    What do you need

    • Skateboard
    • A suitable practice space.

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