How to Cite Wikipedia Article in MLA Style

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
MLA Citation for a Wikipedia Page
Video: MLA Citation for a Wikipedia Page


As a college student or high school student, quoting from your sources will always be a burden you will have to carry for the rest of your studies. Although Wikipedia articles are usually not used in scientific papers, your teacher or professor will still ask you to list it in the list of used sources. Here's how to do it.


Method 1 of 1: Citing a Wikipedia article

  1. 1 Write the title of the article used in quotation marks (""), and then put a period. Do not write the title in italics.
  2. 2 Insert a space and then write the name of the online encyclopedia. In our case, this is Wikipedia. Place a full stop and italicize the name of the source.
  3. 3 Add another space and write the publisher. In our case, this is the Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. At the end, put a full stop. There will be two dots at the end: one for the abbreviation of the word "Incorporated", the other for the end of the name.
  4. 4 Insert another space, and then write the date when the article was last updated. At the end, put a full stop. The update date is usually at the bottom of the page.
  5. 5 Insert a space and indicate if you got the article from a print source or from the Internet. In the case of Wikipedia, the source will always be the Internet. To do this, you just need to write "Web".
  6. 6 Add another space and include the date you found the article.
  7. 7Place a space and inside angle brackets (>) write the URL of the article. Don't forget about http: // and put a full stop at the end. You have now completed your quoting.


  • To cite Wikipedia as a site in general, skip the title of the article at the beginning and just follow the directions above.
  • Your bibliography should be in alphabetical order.
  • Please note that the latest MLA format says not to specify the URL of the page, unless, of course, without it, it is impossible to find the source.
  • Ask your teacher or professor to check your citation. He or she will be the one who will evaluate your work, and if you ask their advice in advance, you will not get a lower grade when you turn in the final version of your work.
  • If you want to cite an article within the text, instead of the author, inside parentheses, include the title of the article.


  • Wikipedia is usually not a valid source of information for scientific papers, and you can pay the price for this assessment. However, if due to lack of time you still use it, be sure to include it in the list of sources used, as it is better to get a lower rating for an unsuitable source than to be accused of plagiarism.
  • Wikipedia is a good site for general information gathering, but it is better to use the source of the articles than to cite Wikipedia itself. Be sure to check the information provided in the articles before use.The founder of Wikipedia said that students regularly get low marks for using information from Wikipedia without first confirming it.