How to feel lucky

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Create Luck - It’s an Easy Skill to Learn
Video: How to Create Luck - It’s an Easy Skill to Learn


In his famous study, which had a significant impact on the further development of psychology, Richard Wiseman offered several subjects a newspaper and asked them to count all the pictures in it. People who claimed to be unlucky prior to the study took a few minutes to do this task and counted all the images. For people who consider themselves lucky, a few seconds were enough. How did it happen? On the second page of the newspaper it was written in huge letters: "Stop counting. There are 43 pictures." Luck means being able to create your own luck. Change your destiny by finding good luck, a positive attitude, and working on your life.


Method 1 of 3: Finding Fortune

  1. 1 Decide what you want and ask for it. Learn to understand and describe your desires in detail, and your chances of achieving your goals and getting what you want will increase. If you are feeling unlucky and on shaky ground, chances are you haven’t decided what you want to do, what you want out of life, and what you’re willing to do to get it. The first thing you need to do is figure out where you want to go.
    • Some people will find it helpful to start with a 5 year plan, others may write down less ambitious plans.What do you want today? What do you want to get from Thursday? Do this exercise daily.
    • Concentrate on the things that make you better emotionally, not just superficial desires. If you decide you want to win the lottery, it won't help you because it won't reflect your true aspiration. Tell yourself that you want financial stability and self-importance. Feel the difference.
  2. 2 Say yes, not no. Very often, the feeling of bad luck and failure is the result of the fact that a person himself deprives himself of the opportunity to achieve success. If you are preparing for an event with the feeling that you will not succeed, this is exactly what will happen. Instead of coming up with reasons for avoiding difficult situations, think about reasons to act, challenge challenges, and succeed. Say yes instead of no.
    • Remember how a friend spontaneously called you and called you somewhere, and you refused to go? When you are sitting at home and relaxing, it is very easy to find reasons not to leave the house. After all, you need to watch the series, you need to lie down on the couch. Next time, make an effort on yourself and go outside the house and wait for adventures - they will definitely happen.
    • Unlucky people masterfully know how to interfere with themselves. As you take steps forward and give yourself opportunities to succeed, you must not forget about the possibility of failure. If you do nothing, you cannot fail, but this way you will deprive yourself of the opportunity to succeed.
  3. 3 Think of difficult situations as opportunities for success. Have you been offered a very interesting but extremely responsible position at work? Be happy to agree. Have you been asked to give a speech in front of a large number of people? Write a great speech. Have you been tasked with picking up a famous person from the airport? Chat with him on the way. In unfamiliar situations, think about possibilities, not about insurmountable difficulties.
    • It may sound trite, but you should encourage yourself as often as possible. Make a playlist to play every morning before work or in situations where you need to tune in to something difficult that scares you. Sister Rosetta Tharp, an American gospel star, has never made people feel unhappy.
  4. 4 Use your luck. Unlucky people believe that all luck is accidental and use it as a means of self-deprecation or self-excuse. In the newspaper experiment discussed above, the only thing that distinguished lucky people from unlucky people was that the lucky ones were looking for new opportunities and relied on luck, while the unlucky ones simply did not notice these opportunities.
  5. 5 Monitor all situations. Francis Ford Coppola, creator of the popular films Apocalypse Now and The Godfather, is known for his unusual, if not bizarre, ways of working on paintings. When he wants to make a movie, he just starts doing it. No script, actors, equipment? No problem. He has an idea, and he will not let anyone interfere with him. Respect yourself and don't let your feelings prevail over your desires.
    • Instead of "I don't know if I will be allowed to do this," think "Who can stop me?" By making yourself accountable for your success, you give yourself the opportunity to achieve that success. Take control of the situation yourself and don't let other people stop you from getting what you want.
    • Don't wait for permission to do anything. Take what you need. At work, don't look for support for your project idea - just do it yourself and show everyone the finished product. Don't wait for your agent's permission to write a new book - just start writing.
  6. 6 Stop thinking and start feeling. Lucky people rely on intuition, subconscious clues, and other senses. If you tend to over-analyze situations and are looking for new reasons to feel resentful, disenfranchised and unlucky, it is better to simply learn to listen to the subconscious.
    • Do an experiment. When you have an important decision to make, allow yourself to decide intuitively. Fix your original thoughts and do not give yourself the opportunity to rethink everything. Have you just realized that you don't love your partner? Break up. Right now. Feel the urge to quit your job and volunteer for vineyards for a couple of months? Prepare all papers. Let the desired come true.
  7. 7 Work hard. Coppola worked hard on the films that he decided to make. This job involved hundreds of hours of tedious filming in the jungle of Vietnam, early waking up, talking to Marlon Brando, who surprised him with his weirdness, and hundreds of reels of film to watch and edit. But he was ready for it. Sow the seeds of good luck with labor. Work hard.
    • Hard work opens up new opportunities, because the results of quality work are always superior to all other results. If you work with redoubled diligence, the result of your work will be twice as good as that of your colleagues, and you will feel twice as lucky.
    • Try to concentrate on one task and do everything very well. On Monday, don't think about what you need to do for the week. Don't even think about what you need to do after lunch. Think only of the present moment and follow through with what you started.

Method 2 of 3: Positive Mood

  1. 1 Wait for your luck. Luck comes to lucky people because they expect it in every situation. If you think you will be bored, you will really be bored. If you go to work expecting a tough day, chances are, that is what the day will be. If you face a new situation with a sense of new opportunities, you will have a better chance of success.
    • If you wait for good luck, you will believe in your capabilities. Like the lucky people who needed to count the pictures in the newspaper, you will be more attentive to the world around you and will begin to look for something that will help you get ahead, and not give up just because you are confident in your bad luck.
  2. 2 Make a list of your accomplishments daily. At the end of each day, think about what you have accomplished. Every task you cross off the list as completed and every task you complete will be an occasion to praise yourself and celebrate your victory. Don't think about what you could or would like to do. Consider what you have done. Concentrate on your achievements and enjoy them.
    • Make a list of both big and small accomplishments. Have fun cleaning the kitchen? This is an achievement. Get out of bed and take the bus to work? Great achievement! Think about how lucky you are to do all of this.
  3. 3 Rejoice in victories big and small. Take time each day to celebrate these events. There is no need to open champagne and buy a cake - it is much more important to simply replay new and old achievements in your head: it will make you feel like a lucky person.
    • Learning to praise yourself for completing tasks every day will make it easier for you to move forward and set new goals. You will quickly get used to this pleasant feeling of a productive day.
    • Make sure you don't overuse notes. If you choose to compliment yourself on a tough day at work by going to the bar late into the night, you are unlikely to be able to be productive in the morning.
  4. 4 Stop comparing yourself to others. You don't have to do the same as your former classmates, colleagues, relatives, friends, or partner. The only person you should please with your successes is yourself. Don't compare yourself to others and start seeing what you are doing as a lot of luck.
    • Many people are frustrated by watching the news feed on social media.If you are tired of the fact that your former colleague constantly uploads photos from vacation and boasts of success at work, unsubscribe from his updates, or even better, give up social networks altogether.
  5. 5 Try to be more sociable. Learn to get to know people, and it will allow you to make connections and feel more fortunate. Imagine that every meeting with a stranger (even if it will be a five-minute conversation on the subway) can change something in your life. It's possible that the boring guy in line at the post office loves the same music as you, and you could play in a band together. It is quite possible that the barista in the new cafe is your destiny. Don't let opportunities pass you by.
  6. 6 Be prepared to adjust and readjust. Plans are a surefire way to create feelings of frustration and bad luck. You can't feel lucky all the time or always get what you want, but if you can handle the blows of fate and adapt to new circumstances, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficulties.
    • Try not to lose sight of the whole picture of what is happening. If you were planning to spend a quiet Sunday cleaning or spending time with a loved one, and a friend suddenly called you and asked to take him to the airport, do not be annoyed. Think of this as an opportunity to chat with a friend again. Try to see the good in everything.

Method 3 of 3: Lucky Charms

  1. 1 Complement your work on yourself with symbols of good luck. While this may seem superstitious to many, some people are enthusiastic about the use of amulets and rejoice when they notice special signs that speak of good luck. You can't rely on these conventional signs alone, but there is nothing wrong with expecting good luck on the day the ladybug sits on you or you notice any other good omen.
  2. 2 Pay attention to "happy" insects and animals. In different cultures, a wide variety of animals and insects bring good or bad luck. If you are in nature, pay attention to the following living creatures:
    • Crickets. In Europe and Asia, people believe that crickets bring luck. North American Indians also consider this insect "lucky". In other cultures, the appearance of a cricket is considered a bad sign.
    • Ladybugs. According to legend, if a ladybug sits on a woman who has recently married, the number of dots on the insect's wings will correspond to the number of children in the family or the amount of money that the family will soon receive. In addition, the appearance of ladybugs indicates the approach of good weather. Do not kill this insect if it lands on you.
    • Dragonflies, scarabs, rabbits, eagles, turtles, dolphins, frogs, bats, and other animals are also often considered "lucky". If you have a favorite animal, carry a picture or a figurine with you for good luck.
  3. 3 Get a lucky plant at home. Plants smell good and are nice to look at. This is a great way to decorate your home and bring success and prosperity to your home. Different plants have different properties. The most popular plants for good luck include the following:
    • Honeysuckle, lavender, jasmine. These scented plants will fill your home with a soothing scent. It is believed that the presence of these plants in the house will allow the owner to realize his dreams, sleep better and start a new day with ease, striving for luck and success.
    • Bamboo is one of the most important plants for luck. He brings wealth, inspiration and health with him. Bamboo forests are considered a mystical and sacred place in many cultures.
    • Basil, rosemary and sage have protective properties that work in and around the home. These herbs grow well in almost any climate, and because of their aroma, they are often used in cooking. Previously, they were also used to drive out evil spirits from a person.
  4. 4 Wear good luck charms. Just take them with you! If you have a "lucky" pendant or keychain, you will feel that you always carry good luck in your pocket, and this will set you up for positive thoughts and actions that can lead to good luck.
    • People employed in agriculture often carry acorns, chestnuts and small stones with them. Guitarists have "lucky" picks, and athletes have T-shirts.
    • It doesn't matter if this or that object actually has power. All that matters is that it helps you feel lucky, and this influences your behavior.
  5. 5 Make the space around you lucky. It may sound silly, but the right organization of the space in the house can direct your energy in the right direction and correct your behavior. If you feel comfortable in your home, you will strive to achieve only the best.
    • Remove debris from the entrance to your home. The entrance symbolizes the flow of positive energy. Piles of newspapers, a pile of keys and shoes near the front door are unlikely to help you feel lucky when you leave the house or return back. Organize your entrance.
    • Some people believe that the color of the doors can also make a home "happy". According to Feng Shui rules, the southern doors should be red or orange, and the northern doors blue or black.
    • Arrange the furniture so that the space is organized in a circle. Placing rectangular furniture along walls can disrupt the flow of energy and luck, so aim for rounded shapes that create a more welcoming atmosphere.


  • Luck is a special quality, it is a flash, a splash. This does not mean that you have to be original, special, or be able to do something better than others. They all have special talents, you just have to look for them.
  • One amulet for good luck is much stronger than several different ones. Your amulet should have a special meaning for you. It can be your favorite color, your grandmother could give it to you, or you just always had this thing. You should be attached to it, and the value of the thing in monetary terms does not matter here.


  • Not everything will turn out the way you want, and you have to come to terms with it. Don't complain about bad things to people, because that won't help anyway.