How to feel confident

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed
Video: 3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed


1 Think positively. When you think about it, reality is just perception. If you feel confident, then you are. If everything goes wrong, but you do not notice it, then in fact nothing is lost, right? So start thinking more positively! You are not fooling yourself with this. Don't think positive thoughts are stupid, you are just taking control of the situation.
  • If you catch yourself thinking, "Oh my God, I'm so fat," stop. Rephrase. Say it again, only this time think like this: “I don't like my weight. What am I doing to change this? " Thoughts should not be only sunny and bright, but it is still worth being kinder to yourself.
  • Positive thinking leads to positive and more confident behavior. Do you know what happens when you think negatively about yourself? It turns into a habit, which makes you start to see negativity in to all... You may start to gossip, complain, or become one of those who constantly humiliate others. Don't let this happen.
  • 2 Be grateful. So, have you already read the article on how to think positively, but are still confused? Then start with gratitude. The more events that happen in your life, you remember, the higher the likelihood that everything is not so bad for you. The only sad thing is that we very easily forget about what we have!
    • Think about it. You are alive, you are dressed, you have talents (what?), People who love you, and a future - and this is just the main thing. This is what most people have, and what do you have that others do not?
  • 3 Smile. There is a constant debate about what comes first - thoughts or behavior. It turns out that your intelligence follows the prompts of your bodyso learn to trick your brain and smile! It turns out that smiling is the muscle equivalent of oatmeal. By the way, oatmeal is practically a miracle in the world of food, and here's why:
    • When you smile, your body releases endorphins and serotonin. If you force yourself to smile, you literally you will become happier. You won't look happier or appear happier - you become happier.
    • Smiling helps relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and strengthen immunity. Like oatmeal, only without calories and always at hand.
    • Smiling makes us more attractive to those around us. Hasn't anyone told you about this before?
    • Generally, the happier people are, the more confident they are. There is something in this. There is no point in worrying when all is well!
  • 4 Change your surroundings. Think about who you are at home, who you are at school, who you are at work, who you are at your favorite coffee shop. Probably not the same person, right? It is possible that in one or the other setting you feel more comfortable and confident, so if you are now in an unpleasant place for you, then get up and leave! If this is not possible, think about where you are. The realization that it may be in the setting, and not in you, will take the burden off you.
  • 5 Use visualization and deep breathing. It is rather a short term solution. If you are going to talk to that cute boy or give a speech, you can use the following techniques:
    • Imagine that you are doing a great job and everything is going smoothly. If you expect success, it can come, but if you expect failure, it will happen.
    • Take a deep breath in and out. When we breathe too fast, our heart rate increases and the fight-or-flight response is activated in the brain.This makes us even more nervous. Since you won't have to hunt giant mammoths in the near future, there is no benefit to this response.
  • 6 Talk to yourself. Look in the mirror and try to convince yourself that you are you and that you are great. Tell yourself that you have nothing to hide from without counting yourself. Take a confident and proud posture in front of the mirror that will make you believe in yourself.
  • Part 2 of 3: Outside work

    1. 1 Dress up and down. How would you feel if you walked into an expensive restaurant in your favorite penguin pajamas and your hair refused to lie neatly? Probably insecure and awkward. How would you feel if you walked into the same place in your best outfit? Clothes don't color a person, but they can make you feel like a million dollars.
      • It’s much easier to like yourself when you’re sure you look good. Take a shower, comb your hair, put on clean clothes and apply a perfume to your skin that will charm everyone around you. You don’t need to dress up like you’re going to prom, but it’s worth working hard and making the look complete.
    2. 2 Watch your posture. Find a room or space with a lot of people. In 9 cases out of 10, you will be able to identify an insecure person by a slight stoop or lowered gaze. In fact, even just copying his behavior will make you feel insecure. Do not do that! Raise your chin, pull your shoulders back and walk with a confident gait. Remember that someone is always looking at you.
    3. 3 Start playing sports. When a person plays sports, he looks better. When a person looks better, he feels better. In addition, exercise promotes the release of endorphins, gives us a sense of productivity, energizes us and gives us confidence. And, of course, they improve health, so we live longer.
      • You don't need to run a marathon to benefit from exercise. Thirty minutes of sports a day (even if this time is broken up into small segments) will be sufficient.
    4. 4 Wear brightly colored clothing. During mourning, black clothes are worn for a reason: they reflect a person's mood. People have many associations with flowers. If you're sad, wear something bright. It’s possible that all you’re missing is a noticeable accent for self-confidence.

    Part 3 of 3: Practice, Practice, Practice

    1. 1 Do what you do well. Yes, you are good at something. Even if it's cleaning toilets, you do it well. And you know that! When we do what we do, we feel proud and rejoice in the ability to get things done. Confidence begins with these feelings. You should do what you get as often as possible. This will serve as a reminder that you are great.
      • Knowing that you are good at something, that you have a skill, gives you a special character, gives you a topic for conversation, makes you interesting in the eyes of others, and gives you a pleasant sense of completion. Did we mention that it's also fun? What are you waiting for? Take time for yourself and do your favorite thing.
    2. 2 Talk to everyone. In part, self-doubt stems from the fact that we don't fully understand people. To avoid this, talk to everyone. Communicate with everyone, even if you just drop the notice about the late bus. Here's what you will learn from this:
      • Most people are friendly enough. They don't want to hurt or judge you. In fact, they will most likely enjoy communicating with you, and you with them.
      • Most people don't like to be proactive. They will open if you take the first step. When you need to get out of their comfort zone, they are as nervous as you are.
      • People withdraw into themselves. They do what they've always done and don't like to be different. It's boring. You shouldn't do that. You will learn a lot from people who are not like you.
    3. 3 Continue to communicate with everyone. Yes, go ahead. The more you talk to people, the less it will scare you, the less you will worry about what they think of you, the less often you will think that everything around you is better than you, and the more often you will understand that most people absolutely ordinary. There are no perfect people, so you have no reason to worry about how you seem to others.
      • The more you talk to people, the more you learn about communication. It may scare you, but not after talking about the same thing a hundred times. Not sure how or where to start? You can read articles on how to be an extrovert, a life of a party and a sociable person.
    4. 4 Compliment others. Remember the positives we talked about earlier? It turns out that people like it. Praise people, and they will see that you can say pleasant things. This is similar to the principle of "giving is more pleasant than receiving." It's nice when someone compliments you, but it's even more pleasant to know that you've helped someone see something good in themselves.
      • Learn to accept compliments. A simple "thank you" is the best way to do this. Don't blush or make excuses if someone treats you well. Of course, this will demonstrate your modesty, but this is not good in relation to the speaker. Imagine that you were presented with a gift, and you say: "No, no, I don't deserve this, keep it for yourself." Worse than that!
        • In this case, compliments should be sincere. Don't say something if you don't really think so.
    5. 5 Watch yourself and everyone around you. Wherein:
      • Observe yourself and others instead of in order to condemn. When you stop judging others, the negativity will pass. Your consciousness will open and you will be able to learn something new.
      • Observe yourself and others to learn new things. What makes others so confident? What makes you feel confident and what doesn't? What triggers stiffness and what behaviors do you have?
    6. 6 Find real life role models. If you have an example to follow, you can become more confident in yourself. Choose a real person - don't take Kim Kardashian as an example. You need a source of positivity to empower you when you need it.
      • You should not only find a role model or mentor, but also surround yourself with positive people. If you often associate with people who try to humiliate you (intentionally or not) or force you to be who you are not, you will never be happy. Such communication is not worth it, no matter how beautiful, wealthy, or smart these people are.
    7. 7 Stay true to yourself. It's hard to be confident in your abilities when trying to be someone else. It's important not only to think about the fact that you need to appear confident in yourself, but also of who you really are. Get rid of the excess and just be yourself. It will be much easier that way.
      • You cannot be a happy person if you try to become someone else. Perhaps at first you will notice that people are drawn to you (thanks to the clothes that suit you and other things), but sooner or later this will pass, and you will be left alone with your ideas about yourself. If some part of you tells you that the image you are creating is not you, listen to yourself. It is important to believe in yourself and do what works for you, and then you will have confidence in yourself.


    • Always be honest and believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, then no one will believe.
    • Surround yourself with people you love and who strengthen your faith in yourself. Don't settle for anything less. Self-confidence is strongest where there is support from loved ones.
    • Remember, everyone is afraid. You are not alone.
    • When sitting, put your shoulders back and keep your head high!
    • Always smile broadly. This will help others think that you are confident in what you are saying.
    • When speaking with a person, always look into their eyes.
    • Self-persuasion is a very effective remedy. You should say what you want as if it has already happened. Say to yourself: “I am a very confident person. I can do anything if I try. "
    • If someone tries to humiliate or ridicule you, think about the person's words and understand that he said complete nonsense. Consider this a joke and don't take it personally.
    • Always consider that you and the people around you are equal.
    • Maintain your body hygiene.
    • Every day, going to bed, repeat to yourself at least ten times the following phrase: "I am confident in myself." This will give your brain the right program, and in the morning your faith in yourself will be stronger.
    • Try doing something you've always feared: Get behind the wheel of a car, give a speech to an audience. Vincent Van Gogh has the following words: "If an inner voice tells you that you cannot draw, just keep drawing and the voice will die down."
    • Be courteous to others and be skeptical about insults.
    • Store a photo of your favorite superhero on your phone. Look at this picture throughout the day to remind yourself how brave you want to be. Tell yourself, "I can handle it, no matter what happens today!"
    • Don't let harsh remarks stop you.


    • Never be arrogant or humiliate other people in order to increase your own self-esteem, as otherwise you will no longer be liked by people.
    • Instead of “trying to feel confident,” study yourself and take care of yourself. You are noble and full of self-esteem. As you strive to get to know yourself better and protect yourself, you will regain vitality and feel confident.