How to read the Bible

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to READ the BIBLE for BEGINNERS | 7 tips you need to know
Video: How to READ the BIBLE for BEGINNERS | 7 tips you need to know


The Bible is considered by many to be the greatest and most important book ever written. However, it is difficult for many people to understand. Here are some tips to help you get started reading the Bible.


Method 1 of 4: Before You Begin

  1. 1 Decide on a goal. There are many reasons why you might want to read the Bible. It is possible that you are a Christian, but you have never read the Bible or never read it in its entirety. It is possible that you are not a Christian, but you would like to read the text in order to understand it and have more opportunity to discuss it with your peers. Perhaps you want to read the Bible for educational purposes, for example, to gain an understanding of the history of the ancient Near East. You should decide why you want to read the Bible before you start so that you know which approach to the text is right.
  2. 2 Decide how much you will read. Do you want to read the entire text or are you only interested in specific books? Do you want to read the Old Testament (the original Hebrew texts on which the beliefs of the religion are based) or just the New Testament (the part of the text concerning the life of Jesus Christ)? Decide how much you want to read and in what order so you are better prepared.
  3. 3 Read a little every day. Consistency matters.
  4. 4 Decide which translation is right for you. After you decide why you are reading the Bible, you will need to decide which translation is best for you. There are many of them and there is a big difference between the versions.
    • If you are reading for religious reasons, you can read a translation that is common to your denomination and then try another translation for comparison. Knowing the beliefs of other faiths will give you a better understanding of your own version and lead to more critical thinking about your beliefs.
    • If you are reading to gain an understanding of Christianity as an outside observer, it would be better to read several different translations. This will give you a better understanding of the difference between denominations, as well as an understanding of how the text has changed over time.
    • If you are reading to study the history of the region, you should read the most direct translations or the original text if you have knowledge of the respective languages.
    • New International Version: This translation was made in the 1970s, although it has been updated since then, by an international team of scholars. It has become the most popular translation and is widely used.
    • King James Version: This translation was made in the 1600s specifically for the English Church. It is widespread in the United States, especially in evangelical churches. The language of this translation, although outdated, has had a great influence on English in general. There is also the New King James Version, which is a modernization of the original text and is also quite popular.
    • New Translation: This translation, made in the 1990s, is not focused on direct translation, but on conveying the original concepts and ideas of the text. The language has been modernized so that it is more understandable to a wider audience.
    • Standard Edition: This translation, made by scholars in the 1990s, is a literal translation and was intended to be as accurate as possible. This option is most often used for Bible study, although it is the official text for some churches.
    • New World Translation: An example of a translation associated with a specific religious group, New World Translation is a text used by Jehovah's Witnesses. Notable for the fact that the text uses the name Jehovah instead of the word “Lord” when it comes to God.
    • Joseph Smith Translation: This version of the Bible includes notes and revisions by Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is intended to be read in conjunction with the Book of Mormons. You can read it either if you are a Mormon or if you want to understand Mormonism better.
  5. 5 Purchase the guide. The language of the Bible can be very complex and because it is very ancient, much of the cultural context is missing. It is important to understand what the original authors meant, as well as the history of the time in which they lived, and how this influenced them. Buy a guide to help you read between the lines and better understand the text you are reading.
  6. 6 Take your supplies. It would be wise to take notes as you read. The text is long, depending on the book you have chosen, so you can easily forget the details. Keep a notebook and pen handy to jot down important passages, notes, periods, family trees, significant people, and any questions that arise so you can explore the answers later.
  7. 7 Take your Bible! You will need to borrow a copy or more, depending on the books and translations you have chosen to read. They can be easily obtained or purchased from local churches, bookstores, Christian bookstores, or over the Internet. You can also use the free online translation if you don't need a paper copy. If you have purchased a Bible manual, it may be that the manual already contains some or all of the text that interests you. Find out to make sure you don't take more than you need.

Method 2 of 4: General Tips

  1. 1 Be open. Read the text with an open mind. He can introduce you to information you didn't know before, and he can challenge your preconceived notions about religion and history. You will gain so much more from the reading experience if you open your mind and are ready to receive new information. Remember that different people have different opinions, and that's okay. We will only benefit from the exchange of ideas and philosophies.
  2. 2 Make a schedule. Because the text can be long and complex, it may be easier for you to highlight a specific graph to help you read. It will also help you process information if you are not in a rush with text. Make a plan to spend a few weeks with text, as taking in information over a longer period of time will help you process and retain it better.
    • You need to set a schedule that works best for you. If your days are usually scheduled, it might be worth spending an hour or two before bed each night to read the Bible. You may be better off studying the text during your lunch break if your evenings are too busy. If you find it especially difficult to find time during the day, then it may be more feasible to set aside a large amount of time once a week (for example, on Sunday). Also, try to make the most of your reading time during the day. If you are too tired in the evening, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the material, and instead you should try reading in the morning.
  3. 3 Think critically. Analyze the text by reading it.Asking yourself what you know about the text and what you believe in philosophy will make you smarter in your beliefs and also give you confidence in understanding the text. Thinking critically about text can also help you learn more than just what is written on the page.
    • Think about how teachings and events in the Bible make you feel. Do they match what you know about the world? Are they consistent with your personal beliefs about right and wrong? You may find that your beliefs differ from what you expected, even if you agree more or less with the text.
    • Think about how the culture of that time compares to yours. Thousands of years have passed since the time of the New and Old Testaments. The world has become a completely different place, and people have completely different values ​​than they were then. Critical reflection on the text allows us to understand that, although there may be scenes of some sinners being stoned to death in the Old Testament, this is no longer considered correct and does not agree with the general beliefs of Christianity. Think about the history of the region and how it shaped the order of that society, and compare to how our environment affects us and our culture today.
    • Look for metaphors, allegories, and literary devices. Not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. Just because Christians are called sheep, we should not, in turn, assume that they make good sweaters. Just because Jesus calls Himself “the vine” does not mean that He thought there were grapes growing out of His fingers. Ponder over the text as you read it and look for passages where the author has more in mind than just what is written on the page.
    • Compare the style and content of different books of the Bible. The Old Testament is very different from the New Testament. What can we learn from this? Look for changes in values ​​and beliefs, and think about what those changes mean. Think about how the change may have influenced the history of religion and how you personally feel about the change.
  4. 4 Clarify the incomprehensible. If you do not understand something, clear it up for yourself! The text is very complicated and old. It may use words that you don't know, or it may refer to things that you don't know or understand. Feel free to search the Internet for these items, in books purchased or borrowed from your local library, or ask your local priest for clarification.
  5. 5 Take lessons or consult with experts. If you want to get a better understanding of the text, you can take lessons or consult with experts. Lessons may be offered at local churches or universities. You can consult with local priests or professors of religious studies at your local university to get their understanding of the text as well as the context in life.

Method 3 of 4: Reading to Study

  1. 1 Study the history. Read about the history of the region and time period before reading the text. This will give you an important connection to events, people, and ideas in books. Look for books on the history of the ancient Middle East, history of ancient Israel, history of the Bible, history of Christianity, history of Judaism, as well as books on the history of the church itself to get an idea of ​​how the text was translated and changed.
    • Remember that people can be wrong. It's not that hard to get a book out and people can say whatever they want. Look for documented studies to be sure you have the most accurate information. Best of all - peer-reviewed texts.
  2. 2 Prepare questions. Think about what you want to understand from the text that interests you. Are there specific gaps in your knowledge, or topics that you find particularly confusing? Write them down so you remember what to look for as you read. You can write down the answers found in a notebook. After completing the reading, you can ask your local priest or professor of religion.
  3. 3 Read in chronological order. Read the books in the order in which they were written, as this will give you a better understanding of how ideas have changed over time. You can also read them in the order in which they should be presented, but the easiest way to see the changes is when you read in chronological order.
  4. 4 Take extensive notes. Take notes on everything you read. There is a tremendous amount of material out there and can be difficult to track. To make sure you understand the text and not get confused by ideas and people or circumstances, take notes. It will also be helpful if you plan to discuss your research with others or write an academic paper.
  5. 5 Read about the accompanying research. Read about the accompanying research by scholars, preferably from peer-reviewed sources such as academic journals, as this will give you a deeper understanding of context and history. Much of the Bible is disputed in scholarly circles. Whole books are sometimes excluded, and there is much debate over the correct translation of certain passages and entire sections. You can gain a deeper understanding of religion and the Bible itself by studying what is considered canonical and what is not.

Method 4 of 4: Reading for Religion

  1. 1 Pray. Pray before reading. Ask God to open your mind and heart of the Bible and lead you on the right path. Ask God to reveal the answers to any questions and doubts in your mind, and to reveal the truth about any misunderstandings that may arise. This will give you the right mental frame to absorb the spiritual benefits of Bible reading.
  2. 2 Check with your priest. Check with your own or just a local if you do not belong to a particular congregation, priest or preacher. Ask about any questions you have about the text and ask for advice on reading techniques and especially important books or passages. You can even schedule some of the sections together to get the most out of the text.
    • If you are in doubt, or there are areas where your faith has waned, your priest can lead you to passages that address these issues. Discuss your doubts.
    • If you are having trouble discussing your faith with unbelievers, your priest may suggest passages that will clarify the contested topics.
  3. 3 Prepare questions. Write down the questions you have, as well as those that you discussed with the priest. This will allow you to take notes of your own impressions of what you discussed with the priest, as well as write down the answers you came up with. This way you will not forget what you wanted to know, so that you do not have to search for it in the text again.
  4. 4 Read random passages. While you will get the most out of reading the entire text, it can be helpful to read selected passages at random. Pray and open the text at random so that God will lead you in the right direction. It can lead you to the answers you want you didn't know about, or open your mind to new ideas.
    • You can later discuss with your priest how you felt about the passages you were led to. He may have an understanding of the meaning of the passage or its meaning in your life.


  • To get the most out of the Bible, don't choose certain verses and neglect others. Try to read the entire Bible from beginning to end. In this way, you will gain a much better understanding of the context of the Bible and what it really teaches in general.