How to hook girls

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To "HOOK" A Woman Using Your FRONT END | Attraction Myth Debunked (2019)
Video: How To "HOOK" A Woman Using Your FRONT END | Attraction Myth Debunked (2019)


Getting to know a girl can be extremely difficult, whether you spot her at a club or in the aisle of a supermarket. If you want to get her attention and pick her up, then all you have to do is be cheerful, lighthearted, and show genuine interest in her. If you work on your patience and be yourself, you won't even have time to notice how it becomes yours.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

  1. 1 Come at the right time. When gluing a girl, one of the most important things is knowing when to take action.If a girl gives you signals - looks into your eyes, then smiles at you, and then - to the side or stands in the company of friends, peering into the crowd, then with great confidence it can be assumed that she is not against dating. While you won't be able to hang around forever waiting for the most appropriate situation, you should choose the right time to maximize your chances. Here's what you should pay attention to before going to meet:
    • Pay attention to her gestures. Is her appraising gaze directed at the crowd, rather than staring at friends? If so, then this is a sign that she is open to communication.
    • See if she is bored with her company. If she often picks up the phone, fiddles with her hair, or often rummages in her purse, this may be a sign that she is open to new acquaintances.
    • Make sure the girl isn't talking to her friends about anything important or serious. If they leaned towards each other, actively discussing something, and even if it seems to you that one of them is about to cry, then today is not your day. Do not interrupt an important conversation that a girl is busy with.
  2. 2 Impress her with your confidence. Women are attracted to confident men, and if you want to meet a girl, then you have to show her that you are comfortable with who you are. While it may take a while for you to build confidence, it's okay to fake it when meeting a girl in order to maintain your peace of mind - then you seem confident. Here are a couple of tips on how to strike a girl down with your confidence right away:
    • Let her see that you are not afraid. Maintain eye contact as you approach her and smile. There is no need to be shy and look at the floor.
    • Your movements should exude confidence. Turn towards her, straighten your shoulders, and try not to slouch or lower your eyes.
    • Don't belittle yourself right away. Making comments like "You probably don't want to talk to a guy like me ..." will discourage her from communicating with you.
    • One of the essential parts of building confidence is appearance. Wear things that suit you; they must be clean, tidy and appropriate to the situation. The most important thing is to wear clothes that look good on you and are comfortable for you, so that from the outside it does not seem that you are uncomfortable.
  3. 3 Start a conversation with confidence. If you want the girl to take you seriously, and even think about going on a date with you, then you will have to choose your words carefully. They say that girls determine whether they like you or not within the first fifteen minutes, so don't waste time on small talk, but try to charm her with your words and manners. Here's what to remember:
    • Beware of using low-quality pick-up tricks. Whatever you read on the Internet or hear from friends is unlikely to work. Moreover, using these techniques, you show that the girl is important to you only as a trophy, and not as a person whom you want to get to know better.
    • Introduce yourself and ask her name. Nothing special. Just say "Hi, my name is Chris, what about you?" Keep it simple and short.
    • Don't slow down. Do not be shy when you approach the girl. Let her know that you want to talk to her and don't act like you think it might bother or discomfort her. If this is true, then soon you will find out about it anyway.
  4. 4 A little flirting. As soon as you start talking to a girl, immediately turn on your charm as quickly as possible, but do not flatter her rudely. Look into her eyes, bend over to her and show that you are interested in her. You may even tease her a little, as long as it doesn't come with insults and you don't overdo it.Just boil it down to kind, fun, and harmless teasing, making sure she responds appropriately. If you want to get her attention, you can't do without flirting.
    • Say something like, "Do you always wear pink because they look so good on you?" Compliment her clothes or other accessories she's wearing to show your interest, but don't be too serious.
    • Give her a little compliment. Say that you like her hairstyle or something similar but harmless to show that you are interested in her.
    • Don't be afraid to say something nice to her just because she may have heard it all. Just because all the guys she knows have talked about her beautiful eyes doesn't mean you should ignore them.
  5. 5 Show interest only in her, not in her friends. While you might think that your chances of picking up a girl will be increased by flirting with a crowd of girls and waiting for someone to bite, it's actually much better to direct your energy towards just getting one girl. If she thinks that you are as comfortable hanging out with her friends as you are with her, then she will decide that you just want to rent her for one night and quickly lose interest. On the contrary, you need to show her that you only need her.
    • No girl wants to be considered a piece of meat. She wants to think that you think she is special, and not one of those who you drove up to.
    • In addition, if you start hammering wedges on her friends as well as on her, then they will begin to discourage the girl from communicating with you, since they will also understand that you are not taking her seriously.
  6. 6 Meet girls not in bars or nightclubs, but in other places. If you want to increase your chances of picking up a girl, then you have to use your brains. Naturally, many guys prefer to meet girls in bars and nightclubs, but in reality it is much easier to pick up a girl in a cafe, in a market, on the street or even in a gym, as it will be unexpected and she will not be so alert. Do not think that you can only meet a girl in certain places, and always be on the lookout - suddenly some representative of the fair sex will attract your attention.
    • If you are sitting in a cafe, try to talk to the girl about the book she is reading. She will be impressed with how suave and smart you are.
    • If you are in the market or even at the grocery store, don't be afraid to look stupid by asking something about the product or wondering what it will do with such a bunch of kale.
    • If you come to the gym, look her in the eyes when you swing, and then walk up to her when she finishes so as not to take her by surprise.

Part 2 of 3: hook her

  1. 1 Ask her questions. If you want to please a girl, then you have to show that you really want to get to know her. You don't have to ask her about equations of the first degree, but at least you should ask her a couple of questions about her interests and show interest in her person so that she feels how hard you are trying. Be sure to tell her about yourself - it will be fair. When it comes to dating a girl, it is much more important that you are interested in her and not in yourself. Here's what you can ask her about:
    • Her hobbies
    • Her pets
    • Her friends
    • The city she grew up in
    • Her favorite bands, films or actors
  2. 2 Find common interests. You don't need to be soul mates with the girl you want to hook up, but it definitely won't hurt if you find something in common. It could be your love for the Warriors football team, your obsession with the Community TV show, or even the fact that you went to the same college three years apart. You may even find out that you have something else in common, such as little things like your dislike of the bartender or your love of black.Once you have common interests with your girlfriend, you can establish normal human communication.
    • If it turns out that you have no common interests - favorite sports teams, TV shows or music, then you can play a little joke on her tastes, provided that she does the same.
  3. 3 Show her that you think she is special. Tell her that she really stands out from the crowd. Compliment her eyes or clothes, tell her why you think she is special, and show her that you're not just trying to tell her teeth. Let her feel that you genuinely care about her, and not just want to lure into your bed for one night. Lean closer to her, tell her that her laugh is the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, and try to show her that you really think she is special.
    • No girl wants to be considered a piece of meat. Let her see that you like her the way she is, and you do not consider her one of those with whom you can just spend time.
    • If she is really different from the others - in a good way - then tell her about it. Tell her something like, "I've never met anyone who knows so much about indie rock."
  4. 4 Don't be too clingy. If you want her to appreciate your persistence, you shouldn't go overboard. Hint to her about your sympathy, without offering a hand and heart, and without asking how many people she kissed. Show her that you are a fun, cool and simple guy, and that you don't worry too much about meeting a girl. The harder you try, the more it will turn her away.
    • Don't be jealous of her other guys. If you see how other guys approach her, or how she talks to some guy from her company, don't start asking a million questions - who is he and how does she know him. Just stay calm and don't worry about anything.
    • Try not to ask questions about her relationship to you, or it may seem like you are too obsessed with the desire to please her.
  5. 5 Don't take yourself too seriously. Always stay positive and be optimistic about things. Don't be nervous or anxious about what she thinks every two seconds. Think of it as just casual conversation that can lead to something more. If you are too worried about what she will answer you, then, in the end, after her words, some awkwardness may ensue. It's better to just be yourself, talk about simple topics and not strain too much about it.
    • Remember that by agreeing to go out on a date, she also wants to have a good time. If you are too demanding of yourself, trying to immediately find a soul mate in her - in fact, this will only reduce the chances that this will happen.
  6. 6 Don't flaunt your money. You may think that the girl you met at the bar really wants to know how much you make, but in practice it is better to bypass this topic in conversation if you want to be successful. It's better to impress the girls with your personal qualities, and not with a bank account, and if you focus on how much you spend on purchases or talk about your sports cars, the girls will evaporate so quickly that you won't have time to blink an eye.
    • Even worse than bragging about your condition is lying about its existence. If you want to conquer a girl, then don't worry about it.

Part 3 of 3: Final Steps

  1. 1 Get over the touch barrier. Once you are in a relationship with your girlfriend, don't be afraid of a little casual flirting and touching. Just bend over to her and place your hand on her hand or shoulder to watch her reaction. If it flinches or moves away, it’s most likely best if you stop. But if she clings to you or even touches you in response, then this is a signal that she wants to overcome the barrier of touch.
    • You can also playfully tap her hand when poking fun at each other to make it look like a joke.
    • You can be bold and compliment her earrings or bracelet as you reach for them to touch them - on that pretext, you can get closer to her.
    • If you are sitting, move up to it so that your knees, hips or legs touch each other.
  2. 2 Ask your girl out on a date at the right time. You should ask your girl out on a date when your communication is at its peak. When you're laughing, you're having a great time, and when she's really caught up in the conversation, you should say something like, “I would love to continue this conversation about Radiohead, but I have to run. Can we see each other the other day for dinner or maybe we can go for a drink? " Make it sound casual so you don't catch her off guard. If things are going well, then most likely she will agree.
    • If you wait too long to ask her out and the conversation gets boring, she's unlikely to want to talk to you. If you already have nothing to say, what can she expect from your next meeting?
  3. 3 Take her phone number. Just ask for her phone number in passing. Just say, "Hey, let's call up sometimes?" or “I would love to meet you again. Can I have your number? " You shouldn't make a big fuss about it or tell her that you think she's the perfect girlfriend for you. Just calmly ask her for a phone number, and let her see that it was not too difficult for you. Remind yourself that the worst thing that can happen is that she will refuse, but that it really isn't worth making a big fuss in the midst of the general course of events.
    • Do not ask for the addresses of her pages on social networks from the very beginning. While you may think that by saying, “Hey, can we chat on Facebook somehow?” You are putting less pressure on her, it’s actually going to feel like you’re not taking her seriously. If you really want to ask a girl out on a date, then get her number.
  4. 4 Ask her to stay longer. If you want to check if she is ready to go to you that night, then you have to ask politely about it. You can start by saying, "Hey, let's get out of here," or you can be more polite and start by asking her to have a glass of wine at a bar across the street, or go to another crowded place to chat. You might even say, “I enjoy talking to you so much, but I would like to go to a more secluded place. What do you say about this? " Let her know that you really want to spend more time with her, and that you are interested in her not only because you want to drag her into bed.
    • Well, if you really only want to spend the night with her, there is nothing wrong with that, but you should not convince the girl that you want more if you are not.
  5. 5 You need to learn to understand when your presence is undesirable. Read the signs that tell you to leave the ship. If a girl is looking around, staring at the floor, constantly poking around on her phone, or waiting for her friends to save her, then things are probably not going well. If she rarely answers you and steps back gracefully, then you shouldn't try to pick her up. Perhaps she has a boyfriend or you just didn't hook her. Whatever the reason, it is better to live in the future, not the past.
    • Read her gestures and find out if she has something for you. If she continues to shy away from you, crossing her arms over her chest, or slowly pulls away when you touch her, then most likely she does not have tender feelings for you.
    • You should come to terms with the fact that they do not want you. Maybe the girl just wanted to spend some time with her friends. Don't let this upset you - direct your energy towards winning the next girl you like.


  • Show your emotions with looks and smiles
  • Be confident (required)
  • Be fun, but don't go overboard or you may lose the conversation.
  • Try making direct eye contact with her.
  • Be a gentleman and show respect (required)
  • Be a little weird and pick an ugly item or product if you meet in a store
  • Don't show her how much you need her (required)
  • Try to compare it with models of rare beauty.
  • Be irresistible
  • Admire everything she says
  • Try to take her hand and do palmistry