How to kiss a girl

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you like a certain girl, then most likely you have thought about kissing her. Before kissing, however, flirt with her to see if she is open to it, and if so, take action! Whether it's your first kiss or after a short relationship, make an even bigger impression on your next date with these tips!


Method 1 of 3: Flirt with her

  1. 1 Make an effort to smell and look good. She will appreciate it if you take the time to comb your hair and dress up. It would also be nice to use a little cologne or body spray, but don't overdo it or the smell will be suffocating.
    • Brush your teeth and floss before dating the girl you want to kiss.
    • You don't have to dress up - it all depends on the situation. Above all, make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free.
  2. 2 Keep mints or gum on hand. Don't let bad breath spoil your mood. Carry a small box of mints in your pocket so you can freshen your breath before intimacy with your girlfriend. If you're chewing gum, be sure to spit it out before kissing!
    • By the way, if you suck on a peppermint while talking to a girl, it may serve as a hint to her that you want to kiss her!
  3. 3 Have a little chat before kissing. Let her know that you are interested in what she has to say, even if you just met. Ask questions about her and really listen to her answers. Once you get to know her better, try asking more about her hobbies.
    • Have a casual conversation. Try saying something like, "Tell me more about where you are from."
    • If she mentions pets, ask if she has pictures of them on her phone. People love to talk about their pets!
  4. 4 Make eye contact when you speak. Eye contact is one of the most versatile signs of flirting, and it can really make her feel closer to you. If she says something cute or funny, look her in the eye while laughing.
    • Maintain eye contact for a few seconds and then look away. If you stare at her for too long, you may seem strange or even creepy.
  5. 5 Touch her hand and compliment her. A light touch on your hand or face combined with pleasant words will show your interest in the girl. Most importantly, be sincere: if you like her smile or the way her eyes shine, tell her about it.
    • Try to think of something that other people would not notice. For example, if she has bright blue eyes, chances are she has heard compliments about them throughout her life. You will earn extra points if you instead say that her freckles on her nose are adorable.
    • Avoid compliments about your figure, as this can embarrass her or make her feel uncomfortable.
  6. 6 If you're not sure if you can kiss her, ask. If she leans towards you and looks you in the eyes with slightly parted lips, you can be sure that she wants to kiss you, and there is no need to ask questions. However, if you are unsure, do not hesitate and ask directly.
    • Try to touch her face and say, "I can't stop thinking about kissing you."
    • If she says yes, go for it! If she says no, show that you respect it and are willing to moderate your ardor.

Method 2 of 3: Moving on to the kiss

  1. 1 Turn your head slightly and lean closer to her face. If she turns her head in one direction, tilt your head in the opposite direction to avoid hitting her noses. Start off with a slight incline, just a couple of centimeters.
  2. 2 Kiss her softly but firmly. There are many kissing techniques out there, but the real secret to making the process amazing is to let it build up gradually. By starting slowly, you allow the kiss to develop. Most likely, she will signal that she wants more. For example, he can lean closer to you or place his hands on your arms, shoulders, or face.
    • If you want, you can touch her cheeks or hair while kissing.
  3. 3 Break the kiss after a few seconds and then kiss her again. The first kiss should be long enough to feel close, but try to stop after about 10 seconds. Lean back slightly to look into her eyes and smile. If she smiles and feels comfortable, bend over to her for a second kiss.
    • If she seems hesitant or uncomfortable, stop kissing her and ask her if everything is okay. Perhaps she is thinking of something that she wants to discuss with you, or perhaps she does not want to continue kissing. Respect what she says, whatever it is.

Method 3 of 3: Enhancing the Kiss Effect

  1. 1 Prepare for a kiss. Kiss softly in French, touching her tongue with yours. Once both of you are completely relaxed and enjoying the process, you can add some spice with your tongue. You should never be overly aggressive with a French kiss, just try to use the tip of your tongue in a natural manner.
  2. 2 Kiss her neck and ears. The neck is an extremely sensitive area and a girl will enjoy kissing there. Diversify the process by gently kissing her neck a couple of times or just behind her ears.
    • Don't kiss her neck too hard, or you might leave a hickey !.
  3. 3 Use your hands. The kiss should involve more than just your mouths. Start by placing your hands on her waist or placing one hand on the back of her head to keep the girl closer to you.
    • Explore her body in a natural manner, but take your time. If you go too far too quickly, she may feel uncomfortable.
    • Do not touch her intimate parts of the body, unless you get permission to do so. She can show you that she wants it by pointing your hands there, directly talking about it, or touching your private parts. If you're not sure, ask.
  4. 4 Follow her. Watch her behavior while kissing. You can use her body language to figure out when to break the kiss.
    • Does she move away from you a little and dodge during the kiss? Perhaps she feels it is time to complete the process.
    • If she presses her body against yours and runs her hands over you, most likely she wants to continue kissing.


  • Relax! Kissing is natural and fun, so don't push yourself too hard.
  • Remember, just because the girl agreed to kiss you does not mean that she gave permission to do anything else. Just enjoy the kiss and see where it goes on its own.


  • Always get consent before kissing anyone. Even if you are confident that you will not be refused, it never hurts to ask.