How to change the world for the better as a Christian

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Change The World (a work in progress) | Kid President
Video: How To Change The World (a work in progress) | Kid President


If you are a Christian and want to change the world for the better, you should remember that it is not about going to church or reading the Bible at all (although this is also important). You can change the world if you live a Christian life every day. There are many ways to work for the good of people and change the world for the better as a Christian.


Part 1 of 3: Taking the Right Position

  1. 1 Be a good example to other young people. As a young Christian, you should set a good example. This means that you must follow Christian teaching. Everything you do in your life should be a reflection of God's goodness.
    • Smile, show a positive outlook on life, and do good deeds. Don't gossip behind others' backs. Be kind to everyone, including those who are not popular. Love your neighbor as yourself. Act, not just speak.
    • Be a leader. Do not engage in sinful deeds or laugh at them. Just walk away. But also try to stop other people from doing this. If you see something bad going on, intervene. Become the only person at school who does not tolerate gossip and bad language.
    • Don't drink. Don't smoke, go to parties, cheat on tests, gossip, or engage in other bad things. Become someone willing to kneel in prayer on Friday night rather than go to a party and waste time.
  2. 2 Be kind and patient. If people, according to your words and deeds, cannot see that you are a Christian, then you are doing something wrong. Every day you need to live with the right mindset.
    • Love other people and help them even when it is not beneficial to you personally. This is the main command that Jesus gave during His earthly life. It is imperative to love other people as much as you love yourself. Don't let your ego and social standing prevent you from treating other people as if they were your brothers and sisters.
    • Don't be narrow-minded. Love people of all religions, nationalities, beliefs, any sexual orientation. Do not swear or talk in vain. How can you be different from others in a good way if you yourself swear obscenely or tell dirty jokes? Behave with respect, dignity, and integrity.
    • Set a good example of the Christian life every day, at work or at school. If you associate with unbelievers, be kind, humble, patient, show respect.
  3. 3 Go to meet people from whom everyone turns away. Jesus showed love for people who were rejected or considered by others to be the dregs of society. Never put an end to a person, especially never be disappointed in God, neither in good nor bad times.
    • At school, you will encounter factions and segregated communities. These are people who communicate only with a certain circle of people, because they don't know anyone else and don't want to do anything to get to know someone else. Everybody does it. And you take a step forward and build bridges, leaving your comfort zone.
    • During lunch, you can sit next to someone who is sitting alone and make friends with him. Or listen to someone. Establishing a personal relationship with someone is a great first step to lead them to Christ. A modest but effective way is to sow seeds and allow the Holy Spirit to take root in the hearts of others.
    • You already have some kind of relationship with the people around you. And you can encourage them, invite them to pray for them, live by the Bible, and testify by your example of God's love and grace. Treat everyone as equal.No matter what their social status or profession, remember that all people are God's creation and deserve to be understood.
  4. 4 Learn to gratefully accept when you are rejected or when you are missing something. If you do good deeds, you can rejoice. But sometimes it can be difficult if you are repulsed or you are faced with some kind of negativity in life.
    • If you are asked about your faith, do not panic. Remember that everyone has their own path to Christ. Some had a dramatic conversion, some came to faith gradually, but no matter how your conversion to Christ happened, this is your unique experience. Tell people what you believe in and why, even if they laugh at you.
    • Substitute the other cheek. If someone is being rude or cruel to you, show forgiveness and love. Christians tend to forgive. We are all sinners from birth, we all struggle with sin and sometimes fall. Don't be discouraged. If someone is wronging you, find a way to forgive.
    • If you fall, forgive yourself, get up and try again. It matters to God how many times you have risen. Try to grow in a positive direction. You are unique, you have your gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Develop the positive aspects of your personality.

Part 2 of 3: Study Your Faith

  1. 1 Study your faith continuously. Constantly study what you believe in. Remember that even adults are still struggling with difficult questions.
    • Come to youth meetings with a heart ready to learn. The people in the group will notice the difference. Start answering questions and step out of your comfort zone. If you step out of your comfort zone, others will do the same.
    • It is good to proclaim Bible verses. But it is even more important to understand the deeper meaning of the verse and how it relates to the context of the entire Bible. You can say, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son ...” (John 3:16), but until you learn to show the same love for others, it will be difficult for them to see the positive changes in you associated with your faith. ...
  2. 2 Read the bible. Try to read Scripture every day. The Word of God is vital to the Christian life as it provides us with guidance. You can also listen to Christian podcasts or watch videos on You Tube.
    • Ask questions. You will never know everything. Many Christians have studied their faith all their lives, but they do not know everything. Remember that when we read Christian teachings, it is important to take into account the historical context, language, translation, as well as the linguistic context.
    • Look for senior faith teachers and show respect for them. This could be a pastor or priest, or a Sunday school teacher. Ask them to help you study the faith. Try to attend a Bible group for children your age. It is much more effective for your growth in faith and Bible knowledge than attending traditional services.
  3. 3 Pray as often as possible and go to church. You can start with these words: "God, I don't know what to do, but I want to contribute with all my heart." It is not so important for God what exactly you say to Him. He loves to listen to you.
    • You can keep a prayer diary, then you can track what you prayed about, and then see how God answered your prayers. Remember to pray not only for yourself but also for other people.
    • Try to attend church as often as possible. Ask your parents to take you to church. Try to memorize some prayers and pray before bed and before every meal. During the day, just take time to relax and think about God, what you are grateful for, what you did wrong, and what you need to fix.
    • Ask God in prayer what you should do. God knows all your abilities, strengths and weaknesses, He knows what you need to do to contribute. Neither your age nor your comfort zone should stop you from doing what God calls you to.

Part 3 of 3: Serve Others

  1. 1 Organize collecting donations to help those in need. You can start by storing up your change or your pocket money. Find a worthy business and help raise funds for it. Or just donate your money to a good cause.
    • You can use donation sites on the Internet. You can participate or help in evangelism, help people know God and His Word. There are many organizations that strive to help disadvantaged people around the world, as well as bring them the Good News of Christ.
    • You can wash cars or open the lemonade rack. You can sell your old books. The size of your donation is not so important, it is important to give all or most of what you have.
  2. 2 Join youth group or join a mission. This is another way to minister to others: to participate in the work of the youth in your church. Try to go on missionary trips that your church conducts, it can be international trips, around the country or in your own city. If your church does not do any of this, you can invite the congregation to organize such a ministry.
    • Try to give tithes (10% of your money) to the church or donate some items that you no longer use. It would also be great to invite friends to a church or youth group.
    • Don't look at the youth group as a school and don't act like it's boring. Dedicate yourself to God and show it to others by staying happy and joyful, and contribute as much as you can to the group. If possible, join a Christian club at your school.
    • Remember that the mission does not have to go to other lands, overseas. You can organize a mission trip to your local university or college, or simply take to the streets with your church friends and share Jesus with anyone who wants to listen to you.
  3. 3 Don't hide your faith and principles. This can be very difficult at times. You may feel that you are the only Christian who does not hide his faith. Stand firm on your own. Develop actively your relationship with Christ. Get out of your comfort zone, collaborate with other people, and develop relationships with them.
    • Young Christians are messengers, not secret agents. In order to change the hearts of people, you must first establish a relationship with them. Try to exercise your faith openly. You can wear T-shirts that will provoke discussion.
    • Stand your ground and express your moral convictions openly. This can be done in a positive way, not negatively. Be prepared to stand up for what you believe in. Be witnesses of what Christ has done for you. Many young people today have little, little or no faith in God. You will do your part if you are living proof of what the Word of God has to offer them.
  4. 4 Dedicate time to volunteer service. You can help the homeless, care for the elderly and disabled, or work at an animal shelter. Help in church, school, and at home.
    • You can also serve by simply being a positive force in your environment. Help classmates do their homework, organize a park cleanup, or donate blood.
    • Help in your church. Do whatever you can to help in your church. Maybe you will just open the church door in front of someone. You can offer your help in cleaning the hall after the services.
  5. 5 If you think your testimony will help someone, share your faith. This does not mean that you should impose your faith on other people. But if someone asks you what gives you strength in your affairs, tactfully tell them that you believe in God and place all your fears, fears, pains on God, and you yourself can help other people in their difficulties.
    • Don't be afraid to share your testimony. Talk to your minister, pastor where you can share your testimony, and where you can help in the church.It is important to remember that sometimes it is enough that people just know that you are a Christian, as long as you yourself are happy, welcoming and do not impose anything on anyone.
    • If you know that someone is on the lookout and open to the word, it will be good to tell that person more about God. But remember that Christianity is not exalted over other religions. Christianity is a religion of peace and love. Learn to love the people around you for who they are and remember not to impose the Bible on them, this way you will not change them. If you want to show people that Christianity has made you better, be kind to those around you, regardless of their faith.


  • Don't worry about what other people are saying. Be firm in your faith.
  • If you want to contribute to the lives of others, change your own first. If God is not the center of your life and you do not know your faith, it will be more difficult for you to serve others.
  • If you don't know how to pray, just talk to God about your concerns.
  • Try to listen to Christian music and read Christian books.