How to deal with the nocturnal rustle of rats

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Film Theory: The Rat That Beat Thanos! (Marvel Endgame)
Video: Film Theory: The Rat That Beat Thanos! (Marvel Endgame)


You may be overwhelmed by rats in the attic, under the floor or in the gaps between the walls in your house. At the same time, they are not visible in your rooms, but every night you clearly hear them running. Rats are nocturnal, so most often they make noise at night when you try to sleep. If you feel like there is nothing you can do about it, follow these steps.


  1. 1 Sleep soundly. If the rats cannot get inside the room, then there is no point in spending the whole night without sleep. You can deal with these rodents in the morning. Of course, you cannot help but be alarmed by the rustle of rats running up and down in your house, but if you are sure that pests cannot get directly into the room, they cannot harm you. If rats do enter your living quarters, try to close and insulate the kitchen and any other places where food is stored in your home. Lock the doors and take all precautions to prevent rats from entering.
  2. 2 Find the place through which the rats enter the house. In winter, they look for a warm place and can move through pipes to get into your house. Check for warm secluded spots throughout your home and cover up pipes or voids in walls.
  3. 3 Place rat traps near such an entrance or inside any holes you find in the house.
  4. 4 Contact pest control. If rats are really hard to find, you may need professional help. Even if you just get advice on lures or catching methods, it will help you a lot.
  5. 5 Don't live in fear. If you have a phobia about rats, ask a neighbor or friend for help. This way you don't have to be too close to rodents.


  • If you are a rental property, do not hesitate to ask for help. In most cases, it is absolutely not your fault that rats find your home attractive to inhabit. They look for warmth and shelter, and this is not at all influenced by your personal lifestyle, unless you have a habit of leaving food anywhere, especially crumbs, wrappers, and eaten leftovers. If you've created a supportive, dirty environment in your home, clean up the mess before the owner arrives, otherwise you may be reprimanded.
  • When trying to locate rats, tapping on areas where you hear rats during the night will help. They will temporarily cease their activity if you get close. Mark this place with a pencil.


  • Rat poison can kill a rat in the gap between the walls of your house. Then it will begin to decompose and release strong bad smell! Only use poison outside buildings. Seek professional advice if you have any doubts.