How to be a confident teenage girl

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to be confident as a teenage girl
Video: how to be confident as a teenage girl


Make the right choice and change your life for the better. These simple steps will improve your self-esteem... Just relax and be yourself.


  1. 1 Start taking risks, because every risky step makes you more confident and stronger. But remember that risk can lead not only to positive, but also to negative consequences. Do what leads you to your goal.
  2. 2 Define your goals by writing them down. Set realistic, achievable goals so you don't get discouraged if you can't achieve everything right away. Take it step by step and think positively!
  3. 3 Always watch your posture (when sitting, standing, walking), especially when walking alone.
  4. 4 Be well groomed. Wash your hair often (as much as your hair type requires) and shower. Don't be obsessed with how you look all the time. In order to be confident, it is important to please yourself and be satisfied with your appearance. Pay attention to the clothes you wear: they should not be too open or too small in size; such things will make you look unfavorable. If you feel the need, carry simple supplies with you: a small comb, lip gloss / chapstick, and a small bottle of deodorant.
  5. 5 Create your own unique style. Buy what you enjoy wearing and what brings you joy. Don't wear things just because everyone is wearing them. But if you like the way you look in regular jeans and a T-shirt, then this is definitely yours. As long as you feel comfortable, you will be confident in yourself. Follow your standards.
  6. 6 Never worry about what people think of you as long as you are confident: what you are doing is right and does not harm others. Never be afraid to do what you think is right.
  7. 7 Personalize your look. Being different and confident is all it takes to be unique. If you enjoy wearing jewelry, don't miss out on showcasing it! If you do not like wearing jewelry, this is your personal choice, and no one can force you to do otherwise. Your hairstyle, hair color, shoes, purse and other accessories are what can personalize your look. For example, jewelry, they are not suitable for everyone and should not be worn if you do not feel comfortable.
  8. 8 Make sure to keep your room tidy. A clean room means you can find what you need when you need it, which means you won't worry about losing something. When friends come to visit, you will feel better if you can show them a clean room. Nobody wants to see your underwear on the floor!
  9. 9 Make sure you always have pads or tampons in your bag and change them regularly to avoid trouble.
  10. 10 Study, do your homework, and always do your best. Prepare for tests, do your homework, and read assignments. Be active in the lesson and ask questions related to the topic. Do not be afraid if you still do not understand the material being studied, discuss it with a classmate or teacher. You will not be able to pass exams if you do not ask questions. Being smart is not a vice. People who think this way are not very smart.
  11. 11 Speak correctly, clearly and distinctly and do not swear. If you have a problem with the use of obscene language, invent your own "substitute words". Use bullshit or bullshit instead of bullshit. A simple substitute word always sounds better than a curse word. If you can, get rid of these parasitic words over time.
  12. 12 Develop your talents. If you are good at dancing, do it and hone your skills; if you are a good athlete, go to training and join the team.
  13. 13 Join a club if you are a socialite or if you want to get rid of shyness. It can boost your self-confidence, help develop communication skills, and help make friends.
  14. 14 Pick a hobby for yourself. If you love music, go for it and don't be afraid to use an iPod or player (if the time is right, of course). Read books or write poetry if you love it. Draw, swim or watch anime if you like. Everyone has different hobbies, and there is nothing wrong with expressing your attitude towards something. Remember, do what makes you happy, not what others are pushing you to do. Find things that will captivate you, and don't be afraid to experiment.
  15. 15 Get rid of friends who don't respect you or appreciate who you are. If you feel that your friends respect you less, talk to them. Let them know how you feel, tell them how you want to be treated, and suggest a way out. If someone makes you feel bad or not good enough, they are not your friends, you should get rid of them immediately.
  16. 16 Remember to be friends with the people you like, not the people you think you should be.
  17. 17 Understand that it's not okay to let a friend or students sit on your neck, it's a big problem to be shy or to please people all the time. Don't be afraid to say no when circumstances call for it. An example would be when your friend asks for help cheating or for cheating on homework.
  18. 18 Be nice to those around you and smile at people as you walk by. Accept the dissimilarity of others and value diversity.
  19. 19 Be sociable and befriend your parents, talk to adults, but remember to be polite.
  20. 20 Understand that relationships that weigh you down and dates that you are not ready for are terrible. As a teenager, you grow up, but you also have to respect your own boundaries and boundaries. When the time comes, you will understand and be much happier that you have waited.
  21. 21 Remember, you cannot be forced into drugs, alcohol or sex. This is one of the biggest problems teenagers face. First of all, drugs are a bad hobby, and it is advisable not to take them at all. They can do serious harm and ruin your reputation. Don't get drunk with your friends. First, since you are a teenager, you are a minor. Secondly, alcohol intoxication can be dangerous, you can do what you regret.
  22. 22 Be yourself! Don't fall for school stereotypes like being a nerdy, emo, or punk rocker. You must create your own style. If someone calls you a poseur, don't listen to them. Think positively! Don't try to look like a model or celebrity.Beauty is in the eyes of others, and if you feel beautiful, then you are!
  23. 23 Forget about neglect and never mind resentment. If you are given a nickname, ignore it, however, if you are given a compliment, accept it. Think about it.
  24. 24 Learn to smile and thank the person who tells you: "You have a great figure" or "You have flawless lips." This will not only make you happy, but it will also make the other feel good about themselves because they did something nice. It can also make you friends.
  25. 25 Look at yourself in the mirror and say: "I love you!" or "Look at me ... Today I look great" ... You can take a chair, sit in front of the mirror and list everything that is good in you, everything that makes you beautiful in its own way. Don't compare yourself to a movie star.
  26. 26 Ask for help if you are in a bad mood or have trouble getting along with your family, talk to your parents, a trusted teacher, someone in the church, or a school counselor. If you don't take care of yourself and your emotional state, you may make bad decisions that you will later regret. Tell someone if you are afraid or upset about something; Make it clear that you are waiting for help to feel better.
  27. 27 If someone is unkind to you, just say: “Don't be pathetic” and leave.


  • Take good care of yourself in every way. Healthy people are confident people. Constant exercise will boost your self-confidence. You will feel better, you will look better, you will even move differently. Go to the gym, jog, play soccer or basketball, and try to eat low protein foods at least 5 times a day. It would be nice to carry dumbbells in a school backpack.
  • You don't have to be rich to be confident! You can buy clothes from Payless, Target or Ross, which sell a lot of trendy and trendy brand names at affordable prices (and you don't need to know about it!).
  • If you value your intelligence, work hard to develop your thinking. Smart people are very confident in themselves. Read, enroll in a specialized class, and get mostly top marks. Set priorities and follow them!
  • Don't go overboard trying to look your best. Your hair, makeup and nails should be natural. It looks better and more natural.
  • Keep yourself busy. Always demand more of yourself. Don't expect to be perfect or make mistakes. Make your own decisions about learning.
  • Take time for yourself. Stay alone with yourself and enjoy it! Think about what you value in people, school, and your life.
  • Try to improve your communication skills so that people understand you. Don't be sullen or angry, it won't get you anywhere.
  • Make friends with people you feel comfortable with instead of surrounding yourself with people with whom you feel more alone than you really are.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep. Most girls need at least 8 or more hours of sleep. Take a weekend nap if you're feeling fatigued.
  • If someone tries to pressure you, calmly and politely say no. "Hey, do you want to smoke with us tomorrow night?" A reasonable answer, if you're not interested in this, might be something like, "I'm not really into it, but I'm going to the movies on Saturday night, would you like to join?"
  • Be healthy! Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals and eat enough foods from each food group. Exercise at least 3 times a week. Try jogging and, if possible, run 5 kilometers. Join extracurricular sports teams.
  • Set achievable goals for yourself.Do you want to be known about you due to your personal data, intelligence or sporting achievements? Or because of all three advantages? Pull yourself together and write down everything you strive for. Make a detailed, step-by-step list of how you will achieve your goals. For example, if you want to be recognized because of your outstanding personality, try to be more relaxed, fun (not in class), docile, friendly, and open. Compliment and notice different people every day, but be honest. Be honest and don't lie, then people will trust you. Don't be afraid to change and grow.


  • Don't be arrogant just to hide your concerns. Most people don't like this, and they can get you through.
  • Say no if you feel something is wrong or dangerous. Beware of self-destructing people who are involved in drug addiction, pornography, vandalism, or gangs.
  • Being confident means not giving in to pressure. Make your own opinion on things.
  • If you're in serious trouble with a close friend, don't get into a fight. Calm down and talk. Discuss everything and respect their feelings. Treat them with dignity. Tell them that you hope to hear only the truth from them.
  • Don't change if some people don't like you. Treat yourself with humor.
  • If someone insults you, ignore it. Don't worry about this. You are not responsible for the behavior, actions, feelings, or problems of others.
  • You have the right to cut off any unpleasant conversation. Just walk away.