How to cope with a girl who doesn't love you

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why The New Girls Can’t Sing || A Video Essay.
Video: Why The New Girls Can’t Sing || A Video Essay.


Loving a girl who does not love herself is not easy, but this situation still exists in love and has become a source of inspiration for many great works of art in the world. Unfortunately, if she doesn't love you, it will be difficult for her to change. The only thing you can do is accept the truth, cut off contact with her (at least for a while) and focus on healing the emotional hurt.


Part 1 of 3: Accepting the truth

  1. Watch for the signs. When you genuinely care about someone, it is easy to ignore signs that they are not feeling the same way. However, the longer you ignore these signs, the longer you will only prolong the time you are rejected and fall in love. Some signs that she doesn't have a crush on you include:
    • She doesn't make time for you.
    • She doesn't answer your text / calls.
    • She never actively communicates with you.
    • She said she only loves you as a friend.
    • She is not interested in romantic gestures.
    • She once said she doesn't love you.

  2. Accept that this sentiment has ended. Whether you notice a series of signs or if she is bluntly saying she doesn't have a crush on you, make an effort to accept it as true. The heart wants only what it wants, and very rarely, what it doesn't want can make it vibrate. Don't assume that you can change her. Trust her and accept that the sentiment is over.
    • Saying this to yourself or a friend can help.
    • You could say, "My relationship with Lan has ended. Lan doesn't love me".

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD

    Relationship and love psychologist Sarah Schewitz, PsyD is a psychologist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals improve and change habits in love and relationships. . She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychology clinic.

    Sarah Schewitz, PsyD
    Psychologist specializing in love and relationship

    Rejection does not reflect who you are. Dr. Sarah Schewitz - The psychologist of love and relationships says: "Sometimes rejection is how this universe protects you from the wrong people. This doesn't mean you're unworthy. Worth it or not good enough, it's simply that the two of you are made for each other. For someone, you'll be the greatest person in the world. "

  3. Feel your feelings. When rejected, you will experience a variety of emotions, including distrust, anger and sadness. Do all you need to feel those emotions and overcome them.
    • Cry if you want to cry.
    • Talk to your friends.
    • Write diary.
    • Comfort yourself with things you enjoy, like eating ice cream, taking a hot bath or watching a movie.

Part 2 of 3: Cut off contact with her

  1. Avoid contacting her. You will need space for the damage to heal. If you love a girl and she doesn't love you, you won't be able to pretend you're friends. You are not friends: she is the person you love. So until you are completely out of love, avoid unnecessary contact with her.
    • Consider deleting her phone number to avoid calling / texting her.
    • Stay away from places you know she goes to often.
    • This means you will be absent from some parties or gatherings, but you should.
    • If it is imperative to meet her (eg you are from the same company), communicate briefly and professionally.
  2. Avoid visiting her profile. In today's technology age, we can communicate with friends very easily and quickly. Unfortunately that also means you can see the girl-don't-love-you very easily and quickly. Whatever you want, avoid visiting her profile on social media. You should even block her (at least temporarily). You need space for your injuries to heal, and you won't be able to do so if you keep an eye on the person's movements. To avoid seeing her online (online), you can:
    • Limit your use of social networks.
    • Unfollow her.
    • Avoid visiting your profile page in general.
    • If you happen to meet her online, quickly put your phone away (or turn off your computer) and go somewhere else. Do not let yourself sink deeply.
  3. Refuse intimate contact. If you know she doesn't love you, don't let her come to you when she needs someone to share feelings with or get physically close to. Those tempting invitations will only make you more suffering. If she comes to you, try boldly to refuse.
    • Either way, you really shouldn't contact her!
    • If she comes to you, just say, "Now I need some space for myself. I think we should not see each other."

Part 3 of 3: The next step forward

  1. Avoid taking revenge. Once you accept that she doesn't love you, you may turn from sadness to anger. You may want to swear at or even think of revenge (she or the person she's dating). It is perfectly natural for these thoughts to appear, but it is not okay to act like that. Revenge will not make her fall in love with you, nor will it make you as comfortable as you think it will, and will cause more trouble. Instead, let those thoughts come and go, and then you can move on again.
    • You should also refrain from talking badly about her to your mutual friends, this will only make you ugly.
    • At first, you can confide in a few close, trusted friends. Then try to stop talking about her.
  2. Live happily. In order to move on, you need to do something positive to forget the negative. Try to live happily! You can go out with friends, go dance, go to karaoke or travel somewhere never seen before. Even if you are not in the mood, you must force yourself to try, everything will probably be more fun than you think!
  3. Focus on one goal. You have no control over who she loves, the only thing you can control is yourself. Now is the best time to focus on perfecting yourself. Have you always wanted the opportunity to learn to play the guitar, exercise more, or achieve excellence in your studies? Now is the time to focus on a new goal.
  4. Give yourself time. Unfortunately, there is no miracle that can help you overcome this disappointment. Only time will help you heal. Even though you can be happy all day long, the sadness will creep again when night comes. It's okay, just remember that it's a process, the lesions heal little by little every day. advertisement


  • Don't rush to find a new love right after being rejected. Give yourself time to heal.
  • Don't let rejection destroy yourself. Becoming self-miserable or hateful will only make people separate from you.
  • Don't hate her! Hate will only make things worse and you may lose other friends as well.