How to be saved through Jesus Christ

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Video: Salvation Through Jesus Christ


Are you wondering how you can be saved? Well, this article will provide the answer. The process is simple, but the result is eternal!


  1. 1 Leave everyone out of it; it's only between you and god. You've probably heard all these "how" phrases many times, however, this "How" can change your life! And it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
  2. 2 Realize that you are a sinner. Ask yourself these questions: “Has anything ever mattered more to me than God? Have I ever lied (a lie is a lie, no matter how small you think it is), have I stolen (spied on an exam, stolen a piece of chewing gum, etc.), have I hated (The Bible says it murder in your heart), whether you felt lust (the Bible says it’s adultery in your heart), whether you used the name of the Lord in vain (Lord, my God !!!), whether you dishonored your parents, or you felt envy of something else. ? " The Bible says that we are all sinners and that if you have broken one commandment, it is the same as breaking all commandments. Every sin deserves punishment, and God - he is God. He has to give you what you deserve - Hell. However, He died for your sins and took your punishment so that you can live forever.
  3. 3 Repent of your sins and change your path. It means turning away from them in order to follow Jesus. You cannot do it in your own strength, but the Holy Spirit will help you if you ask Him. He will change you and make you a new creature.
  4. 4 Rejoice and experience happiness now that you have been forgiven (because when you ask Him for forgiveness, He forgives). Trust and believe that He will graciously save you from hell.
  5. 5 Stay connected with God. Pray every day: Prayer always helps - even prayer for little things like asking God to help with a test - and for more serious things, such as asking God to help doctors find out what is wrong with someone you love.
    It is very exciting to know that Someone is always there for you, and that someone is Jesus Christ. See examples of God's answers to our prayers. Read the Bible daily: otherwise, what kind of relationship is it if you are the only one who speaks? You will never know what God is telling you until you open the Word of God.
  6. 6 Remember these verses: “Jesus answered:“ Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God ”(John 3: 5) ...“ For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that everyone whoever believes in Him did not perish, but had eternal life ”(John 3:16).
  7. 7 When you need help, ask Jesus and expect him to keep his promises: “Cast all your anxiety on Him; for He cares for you ”(1 Peter 5: 7).
    • Jesus is someone you can always rely on. Talk to him as if it were your friend, close brother, and say “everything” to Him. He loves you as his brother or sister so much that he gave his life to die in your place! The Holy Spirit will never leave you: He is your comforter and friend!


  • We hear the name Jesus from the very first day of our birth, although we did not know at that moment who this magnificent one, which our parents talk about all the time, was. However, as we grew, we learned more and more about the Son of God, who came into this world for you and for me as a human child, and forgiven our sins by giving his life on the cross - who could do so much for us if not Jesus Christ? If Christ loves us so much, we must believe that He will forgive us our sins. He is the only way in life, as Satan tests us every moment. However, the Lord, every moment calling us is always closer to him. Problems never come to destroy us or just bring pain: they are there to make us stronger every time. Risen Jesus, if he has the power to overcome death, then he also has the power to forgive us our sins, to save us from our sins. He is patient, he will forgive us our sins. Just believe in the Lord, because faith works miracles.Trust him; he will not leave you and will not let you give up.


  • It's not always easy to be a Christian; you will have a lot of joy, but also trials. Such tests only happen to make you stronger, to test your faith. They will both help you and wear you out. Rest assured that during difficult times, you trust in Jesus and pray. Prayer works every time. God responds with events: "Yes." ... "No". ... Or "Wait". Don't take God's silence as "No"; he may be working silently on your situation, as you are working on it day by day, so that one day you can see a big difference.
  • One door can close, however, another swings open. New work, friends, school or career changes, and family changes come and go.

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  • Bible
  • faith