How to be attractive

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy
Video: How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy


Beauty and visual appeal are of great importance to many people. Self-confidence and adequate self-esteem directly depend on attractiveness. Each person is beautiful in their own way. Attractiveness criteria go beyond physical appearance. Your attitude towards people influences how they perceive you. After reading this article, you will learn how to treat people in order for them to consider you an attractive person. This will improve your appearance and self-confidence. After reading this article, you will learn how to treat people correctly, improve your appearance and self-esteem. This will help others see you as an attractive person.


Method 1 of 3: Take Care of Your Look

  1. 1 Get enough sleep. A person who has slept well looks much more attractive than one who has slept little. Most adults need about eight hours of sleep. Teenagers should sleep at least ten. If you are constantly tired, try going to bed a little earlier. Find the optimal bedtime and you will feel refreshed.
  2. 2 Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If your body does not suffer from dehydration, you will look your best. Your skin will be healthy, the condition of your nails and hair will be improved, as well as your well-being. If you are used to drinking sodas, coffee, or juices, try replacing most of these drinks with water until you reach the required minimum water intake.
    • Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks negatively affect the appearance. If you want to look your best, skip these drinks!
  3. 3 Take a bath daily. Make sure to shower every day. To be clean, you need soap and water. How often you should wash your hair depends on your hair type. However, you should shower or bathe daily.
  4. 4 Use a moisturizer for your skin. Use a moisturizer for your face and skin daily. Even if you have an oily skin type, moisturizing cream can help you solve this problem. You can use any moisturizer. However, pick one that suits your skin type.
    • You can be attractive even with acne! Drink plenty of water and use benzoyl peroxide to treat acne. If you can't get rid of acne, don't worry, many people have acne.
  5. 5 Keep your nails clean and long. You don't need to varnish your nails every day.However, your nails should be clean and trimmed. Trim your nails and use a nail file to shape them as desired. Make sure that dirt does not collect under the nail plate. Remove it if necessary. If you are covering your nails with varnish, make sure that the varnish does not peel off. Apply a new varnish if necessary.
  6. 6 Keep your hair clean. Also, do your styling. Style your hair daily. Make sure your hair is well combed and free of tangled knots. Also, keep your hair clean.
    • Depending on your hair type, you may need to wash it daily. If your hair becomes oily in the evening, wash it every day.
    • You don't have to do a complicated hairstyle. Do a simple styling, such as brushing your hair to one side. You can also braid your hair, pull your hair into a ponytail, or make a bun.
    • If you're not sure which hairstyle suits you best, check with a friend or stylist.
  7. 7 Use deodorant or perfume. A pleasant aroma emanating from a girl is a component of her attractiveness. Use deodorant daily. You can also use perfume. Many people have their favorite perfume scent that they wear on a daily basis. If you don't use perfume often, start with a light floral or fruity scent.
    • Do not use deodorant or perfume as an alternative to bathing or showering.
    • Apply a small amount of perfume. Apply them to the pulsating points located on the wrist and neck. A subtle scent should emanate from you, which will be noticeable only when the person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air for everyone around you to feel it.
  8. 8 Brush your teeth twice a day and use dental floss. Attractive people take care of their oral hygiene. Brush your teeth daily, floss and rinse your teeth to keep your breath fresh. Use dental floss after every meal or snack.
    • It's okay if your teeth are not perfectly straight or if you wear braces! Just keep them clean.
  9. 9 Improve your posture. It's hard to imagine an attractive slouching girl! Keep your back straight when you sit and keep your chin parallel to the ground. This will make you an attractive and confident person.
  10. 10 Do light makeup. If you are unhappy with your appearance, try natural makeup. Light, natural makeup will help enhance the attractive features of your face. In addition, natural make-up is much easier to do than complex make-up with a lot of cosmetics. Hone your natural makeup skills until you do it perfectly.
    • Try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eyeshadow and blush in light, neutral shades, such as light pink or beige.
    • If you plan on using foundation, choose a cosmetic that suits your skin type.
  11. 11 Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. A girl in dirty and wrinkled clothes looks unattractive and sloppy. Be sure to iron your clothes before putting them on. Also, only wear clean clothes.
    • Pay attention to the labels on the garments. The label provides helpful information on how to care for the garment, such as the temperature at which it can be ironed.
    • If you do not want to iron, hang the garments immediately after washing and drying. Also, use a gentle drying mode (slow spinning mode) to prevent your clothes from getting too wrinkled.
  12. 12 Wear clothes that suit you. You don't have to dress in the latest fashion to be attractive.If you want to be beautiful and attractive, choose clothes that suit you. Don't wear too tight or baggy clothes. Your clothes should not be so tight that you will feel discomfort or will show the creases from your underwear. You shouldn't have any problems in order to take off or put on the item of your choice. In addition, the chosen garments should not be too loose. Choose clothes that you don't have to tidy up during the day.
  13. 13 Consider getting help from a stylist who can find the right makeup for you. If you are still unhappy with your appearance, you may need help. Contact your local beauty salon for help. A stylist or makeup artist can teach you how to do your makeup correctly and you will return home irresistible.
    • If you cannot afford professional makeup, ask a friend or relative who is competent in the matter to help you.
    • Do not hesitate to ask a beauty salon for help. Stylists and makeup artists will be happy to help you. They have the necessary knowledge and experience.

Method 2 of 3: Work to Improve Your Confidence

  1. 1 Celebrate something positive about yourself every day. The best way to boost your self-esteem and feel beautiful is to reassure yourself daily about your attractiveness and other positive aspects of your personality. Celebrate something good about yourself every day. You can set an alarm for the same time, and it will remind you to find something positive in yourself. Also, whenever you think negatively about yourself, force yourself to pay attention to the positive aspects of your personality.
    • For example, you might say to yourself, “I have a very beautiful eye color,” or “I did a great job,” or “I wrote my algebra test well.”
  2. 2 Learn to accept compliments. If you ignore others' compliments to you, they may think you don't want to hear positive comments about yourself. If someone says something good about you, resist the temptation to say, "No, you're wrong." Instead, say, “Thank you! Your words mean a lot to me. "
  3. 3 Don't compare yourself to others. You are a unique person. You are in different life circumstances. Don't worry too much about what other people are doing or what they have. If you are tempted to compare yourself to other people, tell yourself that you are a unique person with a certain set of positive qualities.
    • Try to make a list of your positive personality traits, and whenever you're tempted to compare yourself to someone else, go through that list.
    • Do some research on beauty standards. This will help you understand why so many are overly attracted to attractiveness and stop comparing yourself to others.
  4. 4 Try something new every day. If you want to boost your self-esteem and build self-confidence, try doing something new every day. No, no drastic action is required from you. Try wearing a new hat or taking a new route from home to school. Make it a goal to do something new every day.
    • If you usually wear dark or neutral shades, try a bright blue blouse.
    • Sign up for a new school circle.
    • Order something new at your favorite cafe or restaurant.
  5. 5 Take more selfies. Selfies are a great way to boost your self-esteem. Take the time to take a dozen selfies. Browse through the photos and choose the best shot. You are not required to add a photo to your social media page. However, you can still edit it by adding decorative elements.
    • Don't worry if you don't like some of your photos! Even supermodels have photos that they don't like.
  6. 6 Be confident, even if you don't feel it. Of course, it's not so easy to immediately become a self-confident person. If you lack confidence in yourself, try to pretend that you are a confident person! It may seem strange at first, but if you try to be confident all the time, your brain will get used to the thought and you will feel that way.

Method 3 of 3: Show Your Inner Beauty

  1. 1 Smile and make eye contact with people throughout the day. Many people who lack physical beauty have an inner beauty that attracts others. Cultivate your inner beauty, smile and look people in the eyes that you encounter on a daily basis. It doesn't matter if you know them or not, remember, everyone loves smiling people!
    • Many people see smiling and eye contact as an invitation to chat. If you're in a hurry or don't want to speak, don't look the person in the eye for more than one second.
  2. 2 Be friendly and courteous to other people. Be nice to the people you interact with. If you don't know the person, introduce yourself and refer to them by name. Ask what he does and show your interest in him by asking questions related to his life.
    • This does not mean that you should let people treat you badly. If you want the person to leave you alone, be clear about it.
  3. 3 Show your loved ones how you feel about them. If you love and care for someone, tell them how you feel. You can say, "I care about you" or "I love you." However, this does not have to be done verbally. Show your love to your loved ones by being considerate, listening to their concerns, and giving them time.
    • Tell your parents that you value what they do for you.
    • Write a note to a friend in which you confess that he is the best friend.
  4. 4 Offer your help to others. If you want to be an attractive girl, be around people when they need to. If you are in a situation where you can help someone, do it! Hold the door, help move boxes, or do your homework.
    • Be aware of your disabilities. Do not offer help if you are unable to provide it or need to rest. If you are completely absorbed in helping others, it can lead to emotional and physical exhaustion.
  5. 5 Compliment other people. Attractive people don't just think about their appearance. They also pay attention to the beauty of other people! Watch your family and friends. Find something to praise everyone for. Compliment their appearance. When you learn to notice the beauty and attractiveness in others, you will see it in yourself.
    • You don't have to tell the person, "You are attractive." Better to say, "I like your hairstyle" or "You look so good today."