How to be attractive

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy
Video: How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy


You are here to find secret tricks on how to attract a man, a woman, anything in between, or anything above that. There is no secret, you just have to feel comfortable with who you are.


  1. 1 Don't seek attention. It means laughing too loudly to get people's attention or to make them think you are a funny person. There is a difference between a sweet laugh and a loud, feigned laugh. He makes people think you are annoying.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to defend your tastes in music, art, etc.At the same time, respect the fact that people may have opinions that differ from yours. Being arrogant and narrow-minded isn't cool; arguing about something in order to educate others and yourself is the best alternative to stupid fighting.
  3. 3 Don't swear too often. It's not cute, cool, or funny. Sometimes swearing is okay, but if everything that comes out of your mouth is obscene and offensive, then people will not like you. Learn to control your words.
  4. 4 Be confident in yourself. Don't show self-loathing in front of others, even if you don't hunt for compliments or feel sorry for yourself, it will look like this.
  5. 5 Develop your skills in everything you do. What does it mean? This means that you need to do everything as best as possible, as efficiently as possible, and maybe even a little energetically. Exaggerated movements, however, do not always seem cute or strange, so try not to act like a cartoon character.
  6. 6 Be happy. Don't spread negative energy. If you can't say anything good, don't say anything. The goal of communication is to make positive change.
  7. 7 Don't judge other people. The truth is that what you say about other people is a reflection of how you think about yourself. If you love yourself, love other people as well. You don't have to fall in love with them, just respect them.
  8. 8 Don't go after people. It's weird, scary, and it definitely turns people off. If you constantly write messages to a person who does not like you, and he stopped responding to you, then you should lag behind him. Don't stalk anyone, keep a photo of him in a locker, and definitely don't make a shrine out of his chewed gum.
  9. 9 Don't look for other people. If you are always looking for the right soul mate or friend, people will notice that you are half of the person. You will never find your soul mate, because you were not born half of someone else, you are a full-fledged person, and the essence of a relationship is that you share this integrity with others as a full-fledged person.
  10. 10 Don't be selfish. Sharing things is caring, and sometimes people will want to borrow things from you. If you are not uncomfortable lending your things to someone, then you can nicely explain it to them. Don't be too lazy to pull something out of your bag, just bend over and borrow a pencil. This is a good thing. If the person is known for returning things in a terrible state, or not at all, but you probably shouldn't give them your things.
  11. 11 Don't just think about yourself. A sign of this might be that you are only talking about yourself if you are telling stories about yourself or other people. Also, not everyone will want to know about the news in your life if you ignore what they want to say; there is Facebook and Tumblr for that, if you think your life is that important.
  12. 12 Don't talk about people you don't know. In fact, don't say bad things about anyone. Telling a friend about a problem is fine, unless you are throwing mud at the person and really want to fix the problem.
  13. 13 Don't be lazy. We all have responsibilities, and motivation is not something you get to over time. You have to do what you have to do. Find a job that you are passionate about, and maybe work on being passionate about everything. If you hate housework, remember that if you get through boring activities as soon as possible, you will be able to do something interesting.
  14. 14 Don't be addicted to people. Again, we're not born to depend on someone for our entire lives, if you're lucky. If you refuse to go somewhere and complain that you are lonely, then people will not want to spend time with you because you are a bore.
  15. 15 Don't complain all the time. You don't have to constantly pull yourself down. Remember, you are lucky in many ways. No one wants to spend time with someone who whines about how much he hates himself and everyone around him, or that no one loves him. Pity is not a way to attract a person.
  16. 16 Help people who help you. This is a two-way street and also a scale that needs to be balanced. If you are having problems and a friend is helping you, you should be there too.Reciprocity is the key to a successful relationship.
  17. 17 Don't center your life around how others see you. You should feel comfortable in your body and not think about what others think of you. People around you don't control your life or your choices, so don't let them do it!
  18. 18 Don't do anything just because people think you're cool. It's okay if you like something and show it to meet people with similar interests, but arrogant, boastful, and disingenuous behavior is unattractive. You will also look like a poser.
  19. 19 Don't be a poser. If someone talks to you about something that you have no idea about, be honest. They will probably tell you all ears about it and you will learn something new. Be aware of your interests, after all, those are your interests.
  20. 20 Most importantly, be honest. Honesty is the best strategy; people won't want to talk to a liar or a know-it-all.