How to be indifferent

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
STOICISM | The Power Of Indifference (animated)
Video: STOICISM | The Power Of Indifference (animated)


In modern society, it is often considered cool to pretend that you do not care about anything - not what people think, not what is happening in society, or even what will happen in your own life. But if you don't care, you have a lot to lose. Caring for loved ones, your beliefs and values, and what will happen to you in the future makes life more meaningful and happier. If you've forgotten what it's like to be partial to something - or you just want to be more caring, this article will help you figure out what's important to you and practice expressing those feelings.


Part 1 of 3: Finding out what you care about

  1. 1 Make a list of your interests. Perhaps you have not shown interest in something for so long that you seem to have lost the very ability to do so. But no matter how deeply indifference is hidden in you, it is in you and it only takes time to help it rise to the surface. To be indifferent means “to show participation or interest; to attach meaning to something,” “to feel sympathy or attraction.” If you start from this definition, then to what or to whom are you not indifferent? Make a list of anything that piques your interest, engagement, or attraction of some kind.
    • Write down the names of people you have affection for — parents, relatives, friends, and anyone else who touched your heart. If you often think of someone and miss them when they are not around, chances are you are partial to them. You don’t have to love the person for that, you don’t even have to like him.
    • Likewise, write down everything related to these people. Don't write what must you are only interested in what you really do. Maybe your life is better because you play football, or you can't imagine a world without Warcraft. Perhaps you are interested in poetry or adore some kind of movie star. There are no restrictions on the list - write everything, both large and small.
    • When making your list, be honest with yourself and don't miss anything. Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where you are forced to act as if you are "above all this", or to hide everything that really touches you. People will try to impose on you what should and shouldn't interest you, but you need to learn to ignore those opinions for your own happiness. And in most cases, persistent resistance and conviction in your own interests will only win you recognition from others.
  2. 2 Pay attention to how you spend your free time. Still unsure of what matters to you? See where you are spending your time when all responsibilities are complete. When the housework is done, the work day is over, and the homework is done, what do you usually do? How you spend your free time can say a lot about you. Most likely, you keep him occupied with what you are not indifferent to.
    • In your free time, do you call someone to chat, chat with friends, or write comments on Facebook? This is a sign that you are interested in social connections, that you like to stay informed and strengthen your relationships with people.
    • Perhaps you spend your free time in creativity - writing, playing music, painting, etc. Or, for example, running, lifting weights, tending a garden, or preparing a meal. If it’s something that you do of your own accord, then you have an interest in it.
    • What you read and watch about also helps to identify your area of ​​interest. For example, if you read the world news every day, you may be worried about what is happening outside your city. Even TV shows can indicate something you care about. Pay attention to the frequent topics and genres you are referring to.
  3. 3 Pay attention to what you are thinking about when you fall asleep. During the day, you may have to discuss many issues that are not so interesting to you. Between small talk, trying to impress people, and discussing school or work-related issues, you may become confused about what really drives you. If that's the case, pay attention to your thoughts before falling asleep. In this exclusively your personal, uninterrupted time, exactly what you really care about may come to the surface.
    • What kind of people do you think about most before bed? How do you feel about them? In any case, if they come to your mind, then you are not indifferent to them.
    • Do you have an idea of ​​what you are expecting or what you do not "expect" from the next day?
    • Sometimes interest in something takes the form of anxiety. If you realize that before you fall asleep, you are worried about speaking tomorrow at the presentation, most likely you are so worried about it because you care.
  4. 4 Pay attention to what piques your interest. What situations, ideas, stories or information evoke strong reactions in you? What makes you want to learn more, give a speech, or give help? Pay attention to what motivates you to invest more, and you can evaluate your ability to be indifferent.
    • For example, when you see your little sister being teased, you feel compelled to stand up for her and protect her.
    • Or perhaps you find out that the river in your city is polluted and you are tempted to join the movement to cleanse the river or find another option to tackle pollution in your area.
    • Less serious investments should also be taken into account. Perhaps you once watched a funny show and rummaged all over Youtube in search of performances by an artist you liked, or read a fresh story about a cat that saved its owner from a fire, and after that read several articles on the same topic.
  5. 5 Find out what touches the strings of your heart. When something excites you, you have an emotional reaction to it. You experience joy, excitement, nervousness, guilt, fear, sadness, or something else entirely. Perhaps you belong to the type of personality with very restrained emotions, or maybe, on the contrary, they overwhelm you and take over completely. In any case, they are a signal that you are partial to something.
    • Depression is often described as a state in which you feel nothing and are indifferent to everything - you are devastated. If this is how you feel and you are trapped in indifference to everything that happens, you need to find a cure for depression. With the appropriate treatment, you will again be able to experience emotions and show a passionate attitude.

Part 2 of 3: Learn to Be More Caring

  1. 1 Allow yourself to be attached. Participate in the events taking place in this world, and let them influence you, do not dismiss or hide. By admitting that something matters to you, you open the way for a caring attitude. Of course, sometimes it's much cooler to seem indifferent to everything that happens. But by ignoring the significance of something to yourself, you lose the opportunity to gain wisdom through the situation.
    • Sometimes building a personal relationship with something will make you stand out from the crowd. For example, students in your English class never do their reading homework. They find it foolish to waste time reading stories and just sit at the end of the class and write messages on the phone instead of keeping track of what is happening in class. If you want to get a good grade and see the point in studying literature, you need to be brave enough to do your homework and keep an eye on what is going on in class, even if it doesn't earn you points in the eyes of your classmates.
  2. 2 Be less dismissive. Are you being too sarcastic? Is your usual reaction to everything new - neglect and cynicism? You are not alone. But think of most of the interesting people you know - those who are confident and know where they are going in this life. Perhaps they all have such a trait as honesty and a positive outlook on life and calmly talk about what worries them. Instead of hiding their interest behind a veil of sarcasm, they proudly confess what inspires them.
    • Don't be afraid to try new things. Instead of shying away from everything new, give it a chance.
    • Instead of acting like you don't care, try talking proudly about what inspires you. Position your circle of interests as something worth showing to others, not hiding.
  3. 3 Allow yourself to feel your emotions, not run away from them. Indifference does not always lead to pleasant feelings. In fact, it can sometimes make you feel quite disgusting, such as when it takes the form of guilt or sadness. But letting yourself feel deeply, even when emotions hurt, is the whole point of caring. As a reward, you will receive deeper relationships and will be much more involved in the world around you.
    • For example, you might be tempted to ignore the sadness that your grandmother in a nursing home gives you and looks forward to your next visit. But if you allow yourself to be indifferent, if you find the courage to deal with this feeling of sadness and go to visit your grandmother, you will never regret making a decision at the behest of your heart.
  4. 4 Work to strengthen your relationships with others. Some of the most important concerns in your life are likely to be related to people. Caring for people is what drives the development of relationships and brings them satisfaction. Sometimes even just a little more time with your loved ones can affect how you feel about them.The better you get to know them, the more you will be indifferent to them.
    • In romantic relationships, people often hold back their emotions for fear of pain. Nobody wants to be in a position where you worry about a person more than he does about you. Being indifferent takes courage. He forces you to invest, even if you are not sure you will get something in return.
  5. 5 Spend time with other caring people. You can learn a lot about what it means to be indifferent by interacting with such people. Surround yourself with caring and supportive people, not violent egotists. Observe how caring people interact with others and perceive new situations, and try to reproduce their behavior. As you allow yourself to be indifferent, you will find that it becomes more natural for you.

Part 3 of 3: Demonstrate that you care

  1. 1 If you don't feel something, do it automatically. If you just don't have enough practice, start doing things until feelings come along with them. Sometimes it’s just the automatic actions of caring that form the right situation that allows the feeling of care to develop, and at some point you’re really going to care. This does not mean that you have to pretend that you are interested in something just because other people do it, or pretend that you like something that you really hate. But in some circumstances, it’s okay to practice caring in the hope that feelings will come along with things soon.
    • Such automatic actions will put you in a situation where you find yourself closer to some person, whom you never had a chance to get to know better. For example, you may not think too much about your housemates, but clearing the road of snow just to make them feel good. After some time, after a couple of conversations provoked by elementary politeness, you may have a really warm neighborly relationship.
    • It can also help you learn something that is closely related to indifference. You may feel that you are completely uninterested in biology, but you decide to do your best to earn a good grade. After some time of regular homework preparation and active participation in the lessons, you may be surprised to find that you start to like this subject.
  2. 2 Be a participant, not a bystander. It’s hard to be partial if you don’t participate in anything. Every time you have the opportunity to try something new or take part in something, try to say "yes" and as rarely as possible "no". You never know where a positive outlook on life will lead you. You may discover hidden talents and interests in yourself that you would never otherwise have discovered.
  3. 3 Show concern for yourself. If you have poor self-esteem, perhaps first and foremost you need to set a goal for yourself to start appreciating yourself. Self-care means showing kindness to yourself and worrying about how your story will turn out.
    • Take care of yourself on a daily basis by keeping yourself in good physical and mental shape. Do the things that help you feel less stress and more self-confidence. Many people argue that perfect little things like healthy food, a few exercise a day, and a little self-indulgence from time to time make a difference in life as a whole.
    • Set goals and move towards them. Part of taking care of yourself is taking care of your future.
  4. 4 Learn to recognize situations when it is best to retreat. It happens that a too open heart allows the eaters of someone else's energy, rapists and manipulators to find a way to it. Sometimes we are in too much pain and want to help others without taking into account our own condition.In this case, it is important to step back a little. If you feel that you are giving all your energy to something to which you are partial, but at the same time you have almost nothing left for yourself or other important parts of life, it may be time to start giving this object of your attention less time.