How to be malevolent and intimidating when needed

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Signs of Fake Nice People Who You Need To Avoid
Video: 15 Signs of Fake Nice People Who You Need To Avoid


Being mean and fearsome all the time can get tiresome and won't help you make friends. However, there are times when it is absolutely necessary to scare people off a bit and stand up for yourself. If you need to be unfriendly and intimidating towards someone, then you should stick to the "I don't care what others think" attitude, have a healthy dose of confidence, and words to back it up. If you want to learn how to be harmful and formidable, if necessary, take a look at step 1 to come to this.


Part 1 of 3: Know When to Act

  1. 1 Know when you have to stand up for yourself. The first step is to know when you need to be mean and fearsome. You can do this all the time, or it loses value and you lose friends. But if someone humiliates you by making you feel like a worthless person, or just doesn't give you your due, it must be time to show the malevolence / intimidation factor. If you feel like there is a person or people in your life who are constantly treating you with disrespect, and you've tried to treat them nicely, but it didn't work, it may be time to examine your bad side.
    • If you feel that the times when you are being disrespected or disregarded are recurring, it may be time to act. Being Mister Good or Miss Kindness doesn't always work in your favor, unfortunately.
  2. 2 Make sure your motives are clear. You don't have to be malevolent and intimidating just to offend someone's feelings, or to show off, or just to feel better. If this is what you want, then you will end up always being malevolent and formidable. You should only do this if you feel that you are really not being heard and must stand your ground, or if a person or group of people in your life simply steps over you and does not take you seriously. Remember that you must use your power for good, not evil.
    • And it cannot be said that fighting fire against fire always works - if someone is unfriendly towards you, then the solution should not be to show ill will in return. But if you've tried everything else, then it might be time to make a name for yourself.
  3. 3 Don't do it too much. If you find yourself on this page, then you are probably in a difficult situation in which you feel that you have no choice but to be a little threatening. If so, then that's okay, but you shouldn't try to do it in your new permanent way. Choose your methods and do not get in the habit of being unfriendly and intimidating towards many people, or your new personality may immediately be memorized.
    • Observe yourself from the side. If you feel like you somehow feel good about being formidable and unfriendly, then it's time to back down.
  4. 4 Make sure you haven't completely changed. There are many ways to act in an unfriendly and threatening manner, and you can of course accept some of them. However, you don't want a complete reincarnation where your original personality is completely overshadowed. If you behave completely differently around people who know you, they may think that you are acting out a scene, and they will even find you funny. Find a way to bring elements of malevolence and fear into your real person.
    • You shouldn't overdo it. If you used to be shy and shy and suddenly started acting like a bouncer in Manhattan's hottest club, people might get you through.

Part 2 of 3: Accepting a relationship

  1. 1 Don't be afraid to say no. Unfriendly and formidable people are not inferior to others and do not allow themselves to be stepped over.You need to be willing to stand up for yourself and say no to people who dump too much work on you, ask for ridiculous favors, or pressure you more than makes you feel comfortable. People who are truly intimidating are more motivated to get people to do what they want than to yield to the needs of others.
    • If something seems ridiculous or impossible to you, say so. This is the new you, remember?
    • The question is to get the respect you deserve. People won't respect you if they know you will say yes to anything they don't ask you to do.
  2. 2 Don't settle for less than you deserve. If you want to get the right attitude, then you must remember that you deserve what you want, and you must not waste your life settling for second rate. You might want to climb the corporate ladder, or you might want to get rid of some annoying people at school. Whatever you want, write it down and see that you really deserve nothing but the best. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    • You really need to know what you want to know if you agree. Sit down and think about what you would like in life - and what you hope to achieve if you are unfriendly and fearsome.
  3. 3 Be calm while going about your business. Unfriendly and formidable people have their own ideas about how to live life, and they do not give in and do not adapt to other people's ideas about success or doing the right thing. This does not mean that you have to take and set fire to the house, but it means that you have to stay true to your beliefs and not care too much about what anyone there thinks. If you want to go to a concert but no one else likes this band, go yourself. If you walk into a class and don't know anyone there, and you feel uncommunicative, sit down and do whatever you want.
    • Stop desperate to look like you fit in with society and stop surrounding yourself with people you really don't care about, so you will look cooler.
  4. 4 See the world like your oyster (i.e.That is, everyone is given the same opportunities in this world). Stop thinking that the world hasn't given you or that it has kept you from something and think of it as something you can embrace and might even conquer. When you enter a room, do not withdraw into yourself, worrying that you will misbehave or that you do not know anyone there; instead, think about how awesome you are going to have the time because you are in control of the entire evening.
    • It's a matter of attitude. If you think that a million nice things can happen to you and are happy to start getting what you want, then it is more likely to happen than if you curl up in a corner and cry, “Nothing good happens to me. -o-o-th ... "
  5. 5 Let your recognition come from within. Don't wait for others to tell you how amazing you are, how good you look, or how worthy you are. While it's nice to get approval and praise, none of it will matter if you think you are an unworthy person and nothing is right for you. Instead, take a step back to take stock of how amazing you are and let people see that you are so comfortable with yourself that you don't care what they think of you — now it’s going to be intimidating.
    • This does not mean that you have to think that you are perfect. This means that you have to realize that you are a worthy person with your shortcomings.
  6. 6 Have a clear sense of what you want. Another way to intimidate people and even seem a little unfriendly is to know exactly what you intend to get. It may be that you want to walk down the hallway without talking to anyone who humiliates you; this may mean that you want to graduate from college in three years.Whatever you want, you must have a solid vision of the future you wanted to achieve, so solid that anyone along your path of life might think, "Wow, nothing can stop him / her."
    • Look straight ahead, not down to the floor. Let people see that you are always looking to the future.
  7. 7 Have a strong opinion. Unfriendly and fearsome people don't walk around asking others what to do or constantly questioning everything they believe. While you can of course question your beliefs, in order to find the correct answer, you should avoid becoming the kind of person who doubts and always looks to others for answers. You must be able to not only express how you feel about a particular issue or situation, but also have concrete evidence to back it up.
    • While everyone is entitled to their own judgment, you shouldn't go around and rant about unreasonable, hurtful, or just annoying opinions; it won't make people respect you. Have strong beliefs, but make sure they are grounded in reality.
  8. 8 Control. Unfriendly and fearsome people are always in control of their emotions, their bodies, and their words. Speak in a calm and measured manner, trying not to look like you are about to explode if you find yourself in a difficult social situation. If you get hot and raise your voice, step aside and say that you need a break. If you want people to be intimidated by you, then they will think, "Wow, he / she really wasn't joking when he said this ..."
    • If you want to sound confident and to be taken seriously, then you must have complete control over your emotions and your words.
  9. 9 Exude confidence. You cannot be malevolent and threatening even to a houseplant unless you can back it up with confidence. You have to act and look like you love yourself, like you know where you are going and are aware of what you are doing. Speak convincingly, maintain eye contact, keep your posture and don't fuss or look around or you will look insecure. You don't have to look arrogant and flawless, but if you show yourself too weak, then no one can take you seriously.
    • Simulate until you learn how to do it. If you can control your body language and voice, you are much more likely to feel confident.

Part 3 of 3: Taking action

  1. 1 Stand your ground. Whatever it is, don't back down. Even if someone said that your opinion looks like bullshit, keep sticking to what you think and say exactly what you think. Don't say, “Yeah, I think you're right, boy. I pass ”or something like that. Continue. Even if you fail, it will show people that you will not back down and that you stand on what you believe in. Just make sure you don't come across as being too stubborn.
  2. 2 Be secretive. This can be achieved with the use of facial expression and speech control. Stick to polite manners, but at the same time, do not give too much about yourself. You may find it helps to keep the conversation short and to the point without getting into personal details. This will create a sense of mystery and uncertainty for others when it comes to your interactions with them.
    • Also remember not to appear cowardly or scared. otherwise it will destroy the desired effect.
  3. 3 Portray a lack of positive emotions. This implies avoiding such behavior when you laugh, joke, and smile - even if this is usually your typical behavior in front of others. If you find this challenging, striving to be as unemotional as possible - within the specific situation where you are trying to appear unfriendly and threatening - can help with this.However, expressing negative emotions such as outbursts of anger or irritability is acceptable - as it will likely lead to intimidation of the person / people.
  4. 4 Use the proper tone of voice when speaking. Make sure to speak convincingly, firmly and confidently. Don't talk so softly that people can't hear you. Speak little, but a little louder than usual, to make sure that you are being heard. Plus, it will silence people. Don't say anything to provoke an argument or get you into trouble, but make sure you say what you think in a slightly firmer manner than usual.
    • You can always record yourself at home to hear how it works out for you.
  5. 5 Be rude when expressing your opinion of others. If it happens that someone made the wrong decision or didn't look their best, rush forward and be honest with them about it - but don't be tactful as you won't come across as unfriendly if you do so. You will probably achieve the effect you have been pursuing, even better if you apply sarcastic manner of commenting.
    • This is a great way to show that you don't care what others think, which is a characteristic of formidableness.
  6. 6 Enter the room as if you were your own. Unfriendly and formidable people know what they are trying to achieve and enter the room as if everything there belongs to them. By doing this, they simply emit energy when they say: "Get out of the way!" It definitely scares people a little and makes them think, "This is the person who knows where he is going." If you want to be unfriendly and intimidating, then you should not enter the room as if you do not know where you are going or when you will already be there. Be tough and assertive about your superiority, and do it as soon as possible.
    • Don't look around nervously to talk to someone. If by your appearance you show that you know where you are going, then you will immediately intimidate people.
  7. 7 Do not laugh too much a lot of. While the most malevolent and most fearsome people have a softer side, you won't make a lot of people duck if you burst out laughing every 2 seconds. Humor is a great stress reliever and helps you build relationships with people, but if you find yourself around someone you want to intimidate, then it's better to joke less. You shouldn't let them think that you are light-hearted, cheerful, or too relaxed, or they may take advantage of you.
    • Of course, if you're just hanging out with people you don't want to be hostile to, then laugh your fill!
  8. 8 Let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You don't have to brag to intimidate or show ill will to people. If you talk about how amazing you are at soccer, school, or starting a business, then people are less likely to respect you or be intimidated than if they find out about it themselves. If you are really that cool, then people will probably figure it out very quickly; if you tell them it won't bother them that much.
    • Don't invest so much in bragging and showing people how great you are by trying to intimidate them. This will make you seem like you desperately need praise, which contradicts the image of a malevolent and fearsome person.
  9. 9 Don't be fawning. Don't flatter people when you don't mean, ask permission, or as a general sycophant. This behavior will make people think that you are getting all of your acceptance from other people and that you really don't know what you want, or that you are not sure you can get over it yourself. Yes, if you suck up to your teachers, famous people, or bosses, the people around you will lose respect for you because they will feel that you do not respect yourself.
  10. 10 Watch your appearance. If you want to be formidable and unfriendly, then you also need to pay attention to your appearance.You don't have to be dressed up and down or look like you just got out of bed, but you should wear neat, clean and ironed clothes, shower regularly, and do whatever you need to do to look like someone who really cares about yourself and your appearance. This demonstrates a basic level of respect for oneself, which suggests that others should follow suit.
    • Don't let people see you looking at your reflection or adjusting your clothes and makeup in public. This will make you look a little insecure.
  11. 11 Don't show weakness. Now is not the time for people to see how insecure, fearful, or uncertain you are. If you want to intimidate people, then let them think how comfortable you are with yourself, how happy you are with who you are, and you don't have the 8,000 flaws that you broadcast about all the time. If you show weakness too often, people will cling to it and see that they can be unfriendly again.
    • It's okay to open up to friends about your weaknesses and doubts. But when it comes to going out in public and intimidation, keep it to yourself.


  • If someone you know has always been unfriendly to you, he may leave you alone if you show him who is in charge.
  • Always keep your head high and don't back down!
  • Using the muscles in your face, move your eyebrows together to create a significant and austere look when speaking and expressing your point of view.
  • If you are thinking about using them, do not neglect outbursts of anger. It's one thing to express anger with facial expressions and words. But it is quite another to threaten someone with physical harm. Avoid this at all costs, as otherwise it will get you into trouble and in any case, you will most likely end up with an injury as well.


  • If you really don't like the idea of ​​potentially offending or making people possible enemies, this article is probably not for you.
  • Trying to use these techniques can still lead to trouble or a fight, so be careful when choosing your words and actions in relation to specific people. Make the best of your sense of fairness to work without leading to likely problem situations.
  • Applying these steps is highly unlikely to help you gain popularity points. People often dislike those who have a habit of being malevolent or intimidating.