How to be nice to a girl

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou
Video: 5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou


Being in the company of girls, many young people feel awkward and do not know how to behave correctly. If you are polite, respectful, and open with your girlfriend, you will prove yourself to be a good side. If you want to endear a girl to yourself, listen to her. Show interest in what she says and does, instead of being distracted by extraneous matters or thinking only of yourself. Do your best to make the girl feel special. Small pleasant gestures on your part will help you with this. With a little effort, you can build your reputation as a nice guy.


Part 1 of 3: Be Kind and Friendly

  1. 1 Be open and approachable. Show your interest and enthusiasm. Girls will be more willing to communicate with you if you are an open and approachable guy. Behave in a way that gives others the impression that you want to help them, or at least are open to conversation.
    • Use open body language. Smile. Maintain eye contact. When talking to a girl, look at her.
    • Don't be distracted by your phone, computer, or other devices when you're chatting with a girl. She needs to see that you are absolutely free when you communicate with her. For example, if you are talking to a girl at a party and are constantly distracted by your phone, she will probably think that you are unfriendly or do not want to communicate with her.
    • Don't worry when a girl tries to talk to you. Try to relax and do not make unnecessary movements.
  2. 2 Be a good listener. Learn to be an active listener by showing interest in the girl's words. Don't just talk about yourself and your interests. Communication is a two-way street.
    • Listen carefully to the girl. Do not be distructed.
    • Summarize what was said or paraphrase her words. This will show that you are listening to it carefully or that you want to clarify something. For example: "I correctly understood your words that ...".
    • React to the girl's words.For example: "It looks like you had a difficult night after talking with your parents."
    • Tell them that you understand what it is about. For example: "I understand your concerns."
    • Take short breaks for only a few seconds. Don't interrupt the girl until she has finished her thought.
  3. 3 Show that you are interested in what the girl says and does. Even if you have your own point of view on a particular issue and you are interested in completely different topics, know that to be nice and friendly means to show a sincere interest in the words and actions of other people.
    • Ask questions to find out what the girl is interested in. Finding out what she likes can help you bond with her. For example, if she loves cats and enjoys cycling, and you, in turn, do not have such a love for cats, but you also love the topic of cycling, try focusing on bicycles.
    • Try not to be distracted or distracted when you interact with a girl. When meeting a girl, you should be extremely attentive and focused on communicating with her. If you find it difficult to stay focused, you can politely apologize and return to the conversation later when you are ready to do so.
  4. 4 Avoid minor disagreements. Sometimes different opinions on a particular issue lead to minor disagreements. It doesn't matter if you're with a boyfriend or girlfriend, you should always remain calm and respectful. Don't make difference in views too big a problem.
    • Being nice means respecting the views of others. A girl has the right to have her own view of things, just like you. For example, after class, you can share with the girl that you do not like a particular subject. Perhaps, unlike you, the girl is well versed in this subject. You shouldn't start an argument just because she has a different opinion.
    • Try not to do anything that might upset you or the girl. Think about what your words or actions might lead to an argument. If the situation escalates, pause, take a deep breath, and try to iron out the rough edges.

Part 2 of 3: Do whatever you can to make the girl feel special

  1. 1 Be nice to the girl. Small gestures from you can make the girl feel special. Be gallant towards her. This will show that you are a polite and respectful young man. You don't have to do the impossible to be courteous. Small gestures can be expressions of kindness and respect:
    • Be sure to say please and thank you. Thank the girl for any help on her part. For example, if your pen fell to the floor and the girl picked it up, do not forget to thank her for it.
    • Open the door for her. Let the girl walk first and then you walk. Show that you are a gentleman.
    • Help the girl take the necessary item from the shelf that she cannot reach. Imagine that you are in a store and a girl needs to get some product from the top shelf. Help her by submitting the necessary product, or ask the seller to help you with this.
  2. 2 Compliment her. Complimenting a girl will make her feel special. However, don't overdo it. Don't compliment her body. Otherwise, she will be extremely unpleasant to hear this.
    • Compliment the girl by saying that she looks very pretty. Don't focus on anything specific, just say, "You look so good today."
    • Praise her for her academic achievement. For example, if a girl does a good presentation and successfully introduces it to the class, praise her for it. For example, you might say, “You made a great presentation. Your performance was very casual. "
    • Praise her for what she does for others. If the girl is particularly generous with others, you might say, "You are very caring."
  3. 3 Come early or on time. This will show that you are interested in communicating with the girl. If you have made an appointment with a girl or you are planning to attend an event, come on time. Show that you respect not only your own time, but also that of the girl. It is especially important to take this into account if the girl takes part in organizing the event.
    • Your presence is one of the easiest ways to show your interest in a girl.
    • If you want to be nice, appreciate the time of others. Therefore, come on time to meetings if you don't want the girl to get upset.

Part 3 of 3: Be Sincere and Humble

  1. 1 Be confident and humble. Be a confident person by showing others your strengths of character. Avoid overconfidence, be kind, and show appreciation for others.
    • Avoid bragging and do not just talk about yourself. For example, imagine that you have just met a girl and she asks you about what you do. You may be tempted to tell her how much money you make. While this may seem like a good way to impress a girl, it's important to be humble and focus more on what you love about your job.
    • Avoid negative topics. Choose interesting topics for conversation. Don't dwell on what annoys you or makes you unhappy. Avoid sensitive or painful topics.
    • Show that you can be friendly to others, not just the girl you are interacting with. Learn to connect with other people, even those you don't know. Show a genuine interest in them.
  2. 2 Be attentive to her feelings. A girl shouldn't feel stupid, uninteresting, or ill-mannered when in your company. Watch what and how you say it. If you think that the girl will not interpret your words quite the way you want it, think again before speaking.
    • Think before you speak. Take a few minutes to think about what you want to say. Consider if your words will sound too harsh, inhospitable, or cruel. Try to put yourself in the girl's shoes.
    • Remember that every person is different. Each girl may have her own reaction to the same situation. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the girl may not react exactly the way you imagine it.
  3. 3 Support her when she needs it. Provide support when someone is feeling depressed, upset, or going through a difficult time. Show compassion and concern. This is the secret to a successful relationship.
    • Offer your help. For example, if a girl is having a hard day and is carrying a lot of things, offer to help her.
    • Don't try to solve her problems. Most likely, the girl just needs emotional support, not advice.
    • Hug her to help calm her down. If she is very sad or crying, be kind. However, consider whether your actions are appropriate. You might say, “I'm sorry you have to face this. May I hug you? "
    • Treat her the way you would like others to treat you - with kindness and sincerity.