How to be cool

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL
Video: 10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL


Being cool is about more than just playing big. Tough people cope with difficult situations with strength and even grace, they remain positive, despite all the cynicism around us, they are ready to help when someone needs it. Like wisdom, coolness comes only with experience. Generally speaking, every problem you face along the path of life gives you a chance to get cooler. And the next time you run into a tough problem, remember that you can step back ... or get cool.


Part 1 of 3: Cool Thinking

  1. 1 More self-confidence! Coolness and self-confidence go hand in hand. The coolness literally comes from the choices we make in difficult situations. Self-confident can make the right choice and see it through to the end. And if you give up at the sight of an obstacle or a problem, then perhaps only because your self-esteem and self-confidence need to grow a little.
    • Learn to understand what you really think, and do not live by other people's thoughts and opinions. Trust yourself to find the right way to deal with the problem.
    • Don't compare yourself to other people. Many of us do this, and in vain - comparison with others often hurts our self-esteem, and it hurts. Next time you run into a problem - look not around, look inside yourself!
    • Learn to refuse. People will respect your opinion more if you say what you think. When refusing, always look people in the eye so they can see that you are serious.
  2. 2 Be consistent even when pressured. Have life circumstances only slightly put pressure on you, and rage or tears are already blurring your eyes? Will not work! A tough person is not necessarily an emotionless person, a tough person is someone who can think clearly and make rational decisions. If you often react more emotionally to problems than you need to ... pull yourself together. Just get started.
    • Before you do anything, take a deep breath and count to 10. The trick is old but effective. After 10 seconds, the first emotions will no longer be felt so sharply.
    • Channel energy in a targeted manner, rather than scattering it randomly around. Exercise, journaling, and meditation are good examples of how you can channel your emotions in a positive direction.
  3. 3 Don't worry about the little things. If you want to get cool, you just can't let bad news or evil comments ruin your day. If every tiny problem shatters your peace of mind, then you simply will not have the strength to cope with large problems when they appear on the horizon. You need to get a thick hide!
    • It will be a waste of time to worry about what other people think of you. Fact, objective fact - people will disagree with you, they will condemn you. But that's their problem. As long as what you do does not harm others, everything is fine.
    • Do not get angry about empty things. Traffic jams, queues and other life moments are not worth losing your temper. If you can't pack a parcel without yelling and yelling, how can you deal with a really big problem?
  4. 4 Be consistent with your goals. Everyone sets goals for themselves, but not everyone is consistent in achieving them. Achieving many goals requires long hours of monotonous work.If you want to be cool, then you need to learn how to make the effort and spend time achieving goals.
    • Break your goals down into smaller goals and schedule them to achieve them. This way you will know exactly what needs to be done to achieve the most important goal.
    • Be ruthlessly consistent. If you give up before you reach your goal, then you will not become tough. Don't let yourself get tired or lose interest in a goal because it takes work to achieve it.
  5. 5 Get back on your feet after the mistakes you've made. Only the dead are not mistaken. Cool people are wrong. Nevertheless, cool people use their mistakes for, so to speak, educational and methodological purposes in order not to repeat them again. If you tend not to draw conclusions from mistakes or, even worse, blame other people for them, then you need to urgently reconsider your attitude to this issue.
    • Wrong about something? Admit it. It would be a misconception to think that tough people do the right thing and nothing else. The truth is the opposite - tough people can and are willing to deal with the discomfort that comes with admitting their own mistakes.
  6. 6 Be optimistic. At least outwardly. Of course, you don't have to shine and smile 24/7, but a predominantly optimistic view of the world and coolness are, in general, closely related concepts. As life gets harder and harder, it can be very helpful to look to the future with hope. People who are constantly complaining or cynical about the future will not be able to handle the problem or despair well.

Part 2 of 3: Solve problems in a cool way

  1. 1 Don't run away from reality. Do not try to portray an ostrich when faced with something really difficult. Even sticking your head in the sand won't solve the problem. A problem can be solved by being able to boldly face the problem and make practical decisions that can make a difference. Only this way, not the other way around.
    • Escapism doesn't help the business either. Drugs, alcohol, TV, the Internet, gambling and all that not only will not solve the problem, but also prevent you from soberly assessing its scale.
  2. 2 Weigh your options carefully. In any situation, you can make a choice. It's up to you how to react and what to do. Sometimes the right choice is obvious, and sometimes the right and wrong choices are almost impossible to distinguish. In times like these, the ability to think clearly will come to your aid.
    • Let's say there was a problem - you didn't get something that you really wanted. What paths come from this pivotal point in your life? Is there a wrong way to react to this nuisance? Is it correct?
  3. 3 Listen to wise people. Taking someone's good advice is not a weakness. The opinions of other people can be valuable to you, especially if you are faced with something that you have not experienced before. Seek advice from those you trust, but remember that the choice is yours and yours alone. Other people's opinions are always secondary to your values.
    • Loyal friends and family can be good counselors. However, you do not need to blindly believe their advice, because all of them, despite all the feelings that they have for you, can give you selfless advice. For example, your mother may advise you not to go to study in the capital - but only because emotions speak in her.
    • If you need professional advice, see a psychotherapist.
  4. 4 Let your conscience guide you. Yes, yes, exactly that voice, which with the accumulation of life experience and wisdom becomes louder and more confident. After thoroughly examining the situation and finding out several opinions about it, it's time to listen to yourself. To be tough means to act with courage and honor in the face of even the most dire challenges.
  5. 5 Don't back down (unless it's part of your plan). Once you've made a decision, stick to it and stick to your own values.Difficult decisions are usually the most unpopular, so at times it will seem like people are against you. Be strong and don't give in when others try to force you to change your mind.
    • There are exceptions to this rule. So, you should not automatically get into a pose of unshakable confidence in your own righteousness if you are pointed out to a mistake. Always take into account the situation and analyze its development, considering whether you can continue to act in the original manner or not. And if it turns out that it would be better to make adjustments to the plan - do it!

Part 3 of 3: Remaining Steadfast

  1. 1 Don't run health. In a healthy body healthy mind. If you are tired and sick, it will be more difficult for you to deal with problems. Don't forget about your own body if you want to get cool.
    • Sleep well! A healthy sleep is a guarantee of good health and sobriety of mind. Sleeping less than 7-8 hours a night is harmful! Make sleep your priority.
    • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Make them a permanent part of your diet, vitamins and other nutrients from them you need to be strong.
    • Go in for sports. Cardio and strength training will help you keep fit.
    • Don't build up stress. If there is a lot of "vanity" around, then your ability to make good decisions will suffer.
  2. 2 Be close to people. Strength in numbers. Yes, it's easier to build a wall around yourself than it is to try to build strong and reliable relationships with other people. Yes, earning and maintaining someone else's trust is also difficult. It may sound strange to you, but not being afraid to show your weaknesses to others is an important moment for anyone who wants to be cool.
    • Show family, friends, and family that you are reliable and loyal. Help people, answer their requests for help as soon as possible.
    • Become a leader in the community. You can volunteer from time to time, work as a coach on a local team, set up a garden, etc. Make an impact on the world around you!
  3. 3 Enrich your spiritual life. A rich spiritual life will not let problems overwhelm you. Find ways to engage in spiritual self-development, thus becoming one with the world. Yoga, meditation, prayer together and time spent in nature will help you with this.
  4. 4 Stick to your own views and values. Cool people know what is valuable to them, and they do not give up on it. Understand what is valuable to you - and you can pass by small dramas and grievances, just not noticing them. Form your own views - and you can understand what is important to you and how to achieve your goals. Most importantly, it will help you make the confident choices that you feel are right when the time comes to choose.


  • Always look people in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Control yourself, don't let your “cool” become “aggressive”.
  • Speak in a medium volume voice. No one will listen to you if you whisper, and no one will pay attention to you if you scream.
  • Don't make faces or scream - you don't want to be thought of as crazy, do you?


  • Understand that people will not always do what you ask for their own reasons. So if they are talking or at least trying to tell you something - listen, listen carefully, otherwise they will not listen to you.
  • Don't be selfish. Self-confident and selfish are two different qualities that do not overlap.
  • Threats only make things worse. Threats are a direct way to the very hell!
  • Don't speak too loudly, people don't like screaming very much.