How to be cool and cool

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL
Video: 10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL


Would you like to be that tough guy who always does everything right? Or do you strive to be that cool girl who floats through life with ease and grace? If you observe people you think are cool, you will realize that they have several things in common: they are all confident, extraordinary, and friendly with everyone. There is no reason why you cannot be the same. There's really no one-size-fits-all way to be cool, but here are some tips to get you started.


Method 1 of 3: Be Cool

  1. 1 Don't be intrusive. Remember, great people never do that or get stuck in a state of despair. Instead, try to fix the problem yourself. In this case, people themselves will want to help you or ask for your help. This quality attracts people. Need turns away from you, so don't do it or end of story. This does not mean that you have to be invulnerable. You just don't have to beg people for attention and behave as if you can't do anything yourself and ask others to solve your lice problems.
    • Friends are good, but you don't have to make a tragedy out of the fact that you will spend one Friday evening without them. Sometimes you need to be alone.
    • Don't bother the person if they haven't called you back. No need to bombard him with a bunch of messages. Respect people's privacy and they will respect you.
  2. 2 Be yourself. This is the kind of trait that people look up to. You are unique and you don't need to look up to anyone. Make friends with whoever you want. Being cool means be yourself only friendlier, even if you are quiet, only if you are not a hermit talking nasty things behind your back. Don't copy someone else's behavior. Live his life. Don't lose yourself and your morals. Being cool doesn't mean changing yourself; it means being confident enough to show people how wonderful you really are.
    • What's the point in being cool if you don't let people see their real self? The coolest thing is when a person behaves for real. and for that others appreciate him.
    • Defend your individuality. Your bad habits, your good features, your appearance, your voice ... everything that belongs to you. Be proud of everyone and in front of anyone, do not apologize for anything, even if it is something bad or you do not like it personally. Do not forget that we are all living beings, and we are trying to accept each other with all the disadvantages and advantages. So why not accept yourself, the most important person in your life, for who you are?
    • Write a list of what you want to achieve. Individuality in a person is what's really cool. Everyone is talented in something: sports, music, creativity. People will see that you are giving your heart and will respect you for it. You can try doing something new and meet new people in the process.
  3. 3 Open up to people. The more you open up, the better you understand yourself. By being more relaxed, you both consciously and subconsciously reveal yourself to other people. That is, you share with other people thoughts, feelings, aspirations, goals, failures, successes, fears, dreams, as well as likes, dislikes, preferences and more.
    • This should be done slowly. It is unlikely that something good will come of it if you tell the first acquaintance from the party about your personal life.
  4. 4 Be friendly, but not overly intrusive. Everyone loves cheerful people, but no one loves it when a person does not know when to stop. Many are even annoyed by such excessiveness. No need to force your communication on other people. Smile, talk, but try not to cross the line of obsession.Even if you've met someone and you think they are your soul mate, don't go overboard.
    • If you too much you will strongly impose your company on a person, others may think that you have no friends at all.
    • If you want to give a friendly compliment, do it, but don't tell the person how awesome he is for half an hour.
  5. 5 Be a good conversationalist. Everyone loves people who know what to say at the right time. You don't need to dominate the conversation. You don't have to tell the same story for all occasions. Just listen and insert minor comments when someone speaks. In most cases, it is much better to listen quietly, analyze the conversation while enjoying your friend's sense of humor.
    • Listen carefully. Remember the golden rule: people always need to feel that someone needs them and it is better if it is sincere. When you listen carefully to the other person, they feel important and you improve your attention skills.
    • Most people want to talk about themselves. People will enjoy talking to you if you keep the conversation focused on them. And if you still comment on the story, they will be delighted. However, if you are dealing with a quiet company, it is better to use the Tony Stark approach.
    • Be funny! Joke, but make sure you know the limits and that you are in the company of people who know you are joking.
  6. 6 Try not to use too many colloquial expressions. By using such speech, you will look "unnatural" and people will think that you do not speak normal language. Speak normally, clearly and confidently, and if the moment is right, you can use more formal speech and polysyllabic words. However, do not overdo it, or people will think that you are too arrogant, which is as bad as looking unnatural.
    • Finding the right balance in the conversation is important, as this will make you appear smart and rather sophisticated in the presence of friends.
  7. 7 You're kidding. Cool people are always light and cheerful in any situation. They are not annoyed and not angry no matter what happens to them, they never behave harshly, they joke about it. They understand very well that they should not let bad emotions affect them, so they are excellent at controlling them.
    • Learn to laugh at yourself. Being cool doesn't mean being perfect, and being able to make fun of yourself in awkward or awkward situations is the defining sign of coolness. For this, the rest will respect you and love you for your simplicity.
    • There are cool people, but there are too cool. Too cool are those who think they are too serious to laugh at clearly silly but funny jokes. Don't be that person.
  8. 8 Speak. Watch the "cool" people. They usually speak confidently and clearly and at a good pace. They don't talk fast, they don't stumble, they don't say "uh", "hmm" ... and they don't mutter. They say what they mean and give meaning to their words. Be confident in your words and don't let anyone change that. If you voice your opinion and people disagree with it, don't worry.
    • You said what you thought and people will respect you for that, only if you don't say something knowing that it might offend someone. But be careful. You don't have to shout your opinion just to be heard. Make sure it's on-topic and be prepared to support reasonably.
  9. 9 Keep your cool. Cool people are those who are calm, level-headed, stay in control of their actions, not agitated, indifferent and socially adaptable. Often times, cool people are the ones who don't get nervous about trifles, unless they have something cool to say. Learn to approach people. Don't get angry or annoyed. Being cool is a natural state. It's easy. Just be sure.
    • Often times, people who are too eager to be cool only harm themselves that way. excessive aspiration.People like people who do things naturally. How it works? The secret to being cool is finding a balance between trying and not doing it at all.
    • Take a deep breath. Being cool means being calm and adaptable to any circumstance. Stay calm. If you feel like you’re about to lose your composure or cry, or whatever, take a deep breath and pull yourself together. Stay calm.
  10. 10 Don't use bad behavior to attract attention. There are many young people who start smoking, drinking, bullying and other bad habits. This is most often due to negative reinforcement. After a bad deed, a person can be "rewarded" with attention. “I can't believe he did it!” People will say. It is very easy to confuse attention with popularity, even if it is attracted by bad deeds. If you want to be cool, you have to know the boundaries. ...
    • Don't think it's cool to draw attention to yourself by doing bad things. Most of the time, people who compete in breaking the law and drinking beer don't fall into the cool category. If a group of people doesn't like you or your lifestyle, look for other friends.
    • Don't use drugs. Truly tough people can be tough without the influence of drugs and alcohol.
    • Don't smoke, it won't make you cool, it will only make you smell bad. Other smokers will not notice the unpleasant smell, because they themselves smell the same. If you smoke, you are more likely to spend time with other smokers, and this limits your range of options for a soul mate, because non-smokers hate the smell of smoke and will not want to be around you. Don't judge smokers, just don't start smoking, or you will have to pay someone to quit.
    • Never argue. Don't support an argument if you think you're cool. You understand that winning the dispute does not make sense. When you know that you are right, you just know it. You don't have to waste time, effort, and energy trying to convince someone who doesn't understand what you understand.
  11. 11 Don't think about how you want to be cool, just be. It's all good that you read books and articles on how to improve yourself, but it's time to put the theory into practice. Do it! It's scary, but you will change for the better before our eyes. Who knows who you will meet in your life and what will it bring you? (Fun, mental growth, pony ride or work?)
    • Do what you want to do, not just think about it.
    • Of course, it is good that you do not rush into the pool with your head, but do not stumble on the spot, doing nothing.

Method 2 of 3: Think How Cool

  1. 1 Remember that all people are the same. If you are talking to a potential employer, a group of wealthy sponsors, a child, a stranger, a president, or an attractive guy or girl, remember that this person is no better or worse than you. You need to treat him the same way you treat you. Respect other people and expect them to accept you the same way.
    • When people are disrespectful to you, ignore them until they figure it out. Not in the sense of not listening to this person, but naturally and verbally rejecting his comments. There is some reason why he doesn't show you respect or does what you ask him to do.
    • People may disrespect you because they are unhappy, someone recently hurt them, you disrespected them, or because they have never been taught how to behave with people. But know that there is always a reason, and try to find out what it is if you want this person to respect you.
  2. 2 Not all people will understand you. While it's great to surprise people with your resourcefulness, sometimes you will meet people who just don't understand you. They will look at you in surprise and ask you to explain what you thought was common, obvious, and common knowledge. Does not matter.The most charming thing about people is their diversity.
    • Sense of humor is different. If you get a blank look, just be polite, apologize, and laugh at it later with your friends.
  3. 3 Trust your friends. There is a reason why they are friends with you. Your friends may love you precisely for personality traits that you don't like about yourself. Let them decide for themselves instead of presenting an imperfect version of themselves to the world. If you want to be cool, you need to believe that people truly value you and your friendship.
    • Make friends with the people you are think cool just to be cool at the same time, that's not cool at all. This is not how life works.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to be different. Try to excel and stand out in everything that does not imply: defend your interests, protect someone or be interested in something that no one else is interested in, for example, playing a musical instrument. Most cool people are those who go against the grain from time to time and make others question the established order of things. At times, insecure people can envy you. They may try to get to you, hoping to take over the attention given to you.
    • It is important to remember that you do not need to smile at them in weakness, just ignore such people. Not in the sense of not listening to this person, but naturally and verbally rejecting his comments.
  5. 5 Know how others perceive you. There is a difference between letting someone else's judgment influence your self-esteem and knowing how you introduce yourself to others. What you have to do is know how you look from the other person's point of view. In terms of appearance: watch out for food stuck in your teeth, stale breath, bad body odor, toilet paper stuck to your shoes, and so on. In terms of self-control: be smiling, sit / stand with your back straight (this way you look and feel more confident), smile a lot, be polite, attentive, and so on.
    • Watch your body language; knowing what it means, you can present yourself more profitably.
    • Knowing how you look at school, at a football mast or at a party, you can guess what people think of you and act accordingly. This does not mean that you need to change yourself, it’s just good if during a conversation, for example, at a party, when you notice that you’re not letting anyone insert words or even bored people, you can retreat in time.
  6. 6 Relax. Seriously. If you constantly tell yourself that you are not good at communicating, you create anxiety that plagues your mind whenever you talk to anyone. Then you focus on this worry, and it all becomes a vicious circle of attempts at self-realization. If you constantly think that something will go wrong in a social situation, you may not notice the moment when everything will be fine.
    • People will notice if you are constantly worried and nervous and they will use it, which will make you even more worried. Instead, to attract people to you, be calm and make people feel even more relaxed in your presence.
    • Sometimes you can jump out in front of a close friend if you really need it. The main thing is that you don't get a reputation for being hysterical.

Method 3 of 3: Look Cool

  1. 1 Introduce yourself positively. Walk with correct posture and look people in the eye. If you slouch or look at the floor, people will not respect you. You need to look and feel confident to get the respect you deserve. Don't walk too fast because it looks like you are running away.
    • Smile. Feel free to smile a lot, make it a habit, and let every smile be genuine. If you smile when you meet someone, you show yourself as a confident, friendly, and calm person.It is much more pleasant to communicate with confident, friendly, calm people than with constrained ones.
  2. 2 Keep yourself in good shape! If you keep yourself in shape, your self-esteem will increase and you will see the world with different eyes. This does not mean that you need belly cubes to be cool. The very fact that you watch yourself does you cool. Try to exercise regularly, go to the gym or play sports and keep yourself in good shape. Also eat healthy foods. Energy is not something everyone is born with, so try to work on it. You will see results if you try.
    • Know that you can never please everyone. Try, but don't get too carried away by judging yourself and listening to the opinions of others. There are thousands of ways to hook a person to the living. Learn not to take everything to heart. Be happy with yourself and do what you like.
  3. 3 Practice good hygiene. Be sure to brush your teeth in the morning and evening. And even after eating, if possible. Wear perfume (if you are a girl) and apply a little, very little cologne (if you're a guy). Shower and use deodorant daily. Also, use a lotion to keep your skin dry, and carry chapstick with you if your lips are dry. Wash your face every morning to keep your face fresh and acne-free.
    • You don't have to stand in front of a mirror for hours to be cool. But you won't die if you take 20-30 minutes a day to take care of yourself.
  4. 4 Body language should exude confidence. If you want to look cool, your body language will show your confidence. When you are talking to someone, make eye contact, gesture with your hands, and sit or stand with good posture; Smile even if you are nervous, do not fiddle with your hands or look at the floor, otherwise you will sound insecure.
  5. 5 Find your style of clothing. You can wear whatever you want, as long as the clothes reflect your character. Guys find girls even if they wear sweaters all the time. Some of the "not cool" guys find girls because people have different tastes. This is definitely a testament to the coolness.
    • You don't have to follow fashion trends to look cool. Clothes should be comfortable and you like them.


  • Don't be shy, but don't speak too much or too loudly either. Be yourself and behave in a balanced way. Be friendly, have fun, meet new people.
  • Be calm and collected. This means that you do not need to behave hyperactively, make noise and cling to people.
  • Change your negative attitude towards everything that happens. Cool people always have only positive emotions. Nobody likes negative people. When people get to know you better and notice that you always have a positive outlook on things, even when things go wrong, they will love your company.
  • Respect others. Don't argue or be arrogant if you see someone is wrong. Everyone is entitled to their point of view, even if it differs from yours.
  • Learn to read people and be calm when expressing your opinion. Understand that whatever you say to someone, or whatever advice you give, it is only your opinion. It can either be accepted or rejected, there is no need to try to convince anyone. Just say what you are confident in.
  • To be too vain, to the point of narcissism, is not cool. On the contrary, personal magnetism often coexists with humility and acceptance / agreement, appreciation, mutual passion and joy about the genre of music, faith (religion), self-denial and charismatic leadership.
  • Don't sit at home. Take action. Be proactive. Join a hobby club. Do something. The more time you spend outside the home, the more you interact with people and have fun.
  • Don't wait for someone to invite you out. Friends are waiting for you. Invite them yourself.And be prepared so that it does not happen that they come, and you cannot think of what to do. It is unlikely that your friends will like this, and next time they will not come.
  • Find a way to love learning. The coolest people do a lot of really cool things.
  • Wear sunglasses.


  • Always stand up for people and do not humiliate others, because being cool means being liked by everyone, including those who are socially below you.
  • Some people can affect you badly. You can “be cool” without being part of the most popular company.
  • Don't try to sound badass by belittling others. This will make you more enemies than friends. People will not associate with someone who constantly commands or hits them. They may be afraid, but they certainly won't respect.