How to be like Beyoncé

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Group Therapy 233 with Above & Beyond and Ferry Corsten
Video: Group Therapy 233 with Above & Beyond and Ferry Corsten


Beyoncé is one of a kind, but she could very well be your source of inspiration for positive life changes. Everyone cannot become rich singers or performers, but you can learn to show your best qualities in order to achieve success in any area.


Method 1 of 2: Behavior

  1. 1 Be confident. If there is a quality - in addition to talent, perseverance and a stage aura - that sets Beyoncé apart from others, then it is definitely an unprecedented confidence that she radiates always and everywhere. It doesn't matter if you are performing on stage or going to the store for shopping, everything around you should obey your self-confidence, but at the same time not interfere with being yourself.
    • Use positive affirmations if your self-confidence is lame. It can be lines from a Beyoncé song to be as close to her as possible: hum "I’m a survivor" to yourself every time you lose confidence. Repeat until you believe in yourself.
    • Accept your flaws and worries. Knowing your weaknesses will help you solve these problems. They are part of you.
  2. 2 Set ambitious goals. Beyoncé's mom is a Texas hairdresser and her dad is a Xerox sales manager, but her success is not accidental. He was the result of labor. She strived to meet the highest standards and became so through work and faith in her talent. Set the maximum possible goals and make a plan of action so that one day they become a reality.
    • Start as early as possible. Beyoncé met other girls from the Destiny's Child group as a child, but even then they had clear and big plans. They wanted to be stars. What do you want to achieve?
    • You don't need to think about other people's merits and constantly compare yourself with those successful people who did not make much effort. Focus on what needs to be done for you.
  3. 3 Try to think creatively. Try to make creative decisions in any kind of activity. Act according to your ideas and make the work as unique as you are.
    • Come up with creative hobbies if you have talent and inclinations. You don't have to be a singer or dancer like Beyoncé, but it's a decent creative pursuit.
    • Each person is talented in some way, but it usually takes time to discover their strengths. Never give up. If you haven't become a neurosurgeon, astronaut or actress, this does not mean that you have no talent or purpose. Find an activity that inspires you.
  4. 4 Work hard and passionately. Beyoncé will never satisfy the required minimum. Whatever type of activity you are engaged in, try not to limit yourself to a framework, spare no effort and strive to rise to the highest level of success, even if now you do not want to do anything.
    • It may seem trivial, but if you are too lazy to complete an individual project at school or a work assignment, then imagine that you are Beyoncé. How would she approach the task? What would you tell your boss?
  5. 5 Keep motivated. Beyoncé hangs Grammy awards in her gym to always see her goal and stay motivated. Simply setting ambitious goals for yourself is not enough. You need to be able to concentrate and work on them every minute, sparing no effort.
  6. 6 Develop different talents. Beyoncé not only sings and dances well. She is also a talented designer, perfumer, shoe designer, actress, activist and more. She is a jack of all trades and strives to achieve a high level even in areas in which she does not yet have experience.
    • Avoid stagnation. Add new talents and skills to your arsenal. Work tirelessly. Do what is necessary to be successful in your chosen business.
  7. 7 Please. Beyoncé is a well-known philanthropist, she generously spends her time and money to help others.Beyoncé Knowles became the ambassador for World Humanitarian Day 2012 and donated her song "I Was Here" to the campaign, which was filmed at the UN. Of course, this is impossible without worldwide fame, but start small: help your friends, family and neighbors.
    • People do good deeds every day. Sometimes it's enough just to smile, hold the door, donate some money. Give people your time.
  8. 8 Find yourself a worthy partner. Beyoncé and Jay-Z are equally respected in the pop world for their talent and new ideas. If you want to become like Beyoncé, find yourself a partner who respects and admires you, treats you as an equal, in order to conquer the world together. Individually, they control their lives, set high goals, and achieve success. Together they are unstoppable.
    • You don't have to be rich or powerful to find a worthy partner. Such alliances are built on mutual respect, common goals and independence. It is necessary that two successful like-minded people meet each other and a connection arose between them.
  9. 9 Come up with an unstoppable alter ego. Sasha Firs is a more energetic stage persona for Beyoncé. We can say that on stage she "becomes" Sasha Firs in order to gain courage and dance among pyrotechnic lights in a luminous bodice and leopard-print trousers.
    • Transform into such an "unstoppable" image in order to gain the desired confidence and perform uncharacteristic acts, as well as to believe in yourself. Pretend to be a different person.
    • Move into an alter ego to believe in yourself. Need to prepare for an important presentation? This is where the Unstoppable Mask comes in handy.

Method 2 of 2: Appearance

  1. 1 Develop your own style. No doubt Beyoncé was influenced by Janet Jackson, Madonna and Tina Turner, but she didn't copy any of the celebrities. She determined her own path and formulated her own recipe for success. If you want to be like Beyoncé, then you don't even have to try to look like her.
    • Find out what suits you personally. Develop your own sense of style based on preferences and dislikes.
    • Strive to dress well for your age. It is important to look elegant. Beyoncé always looks stylish in any setting and at any event.
  2. 2 Maintain physical activity. Beyoncé's stage image requires staying in top form and cardiovascular health. Be active no matter what type of job, age, or build. Do a variety of exercises several times a week to stay fit and healthy.
    • You don't have to do boring exercises. Want a simple and effective exercise from Beyoncé? Play "I Am ... Sasha Fierce" and dance non-stop to get a good sweat.
    • Beyoncé does interval training, alternating high-intensity exercise and endurance workouts at timed intervals to burn calories.
  3. 3 Choose healthy foods. Beyoncé eats healthy foods three times a day. Her diet is based on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. On one of her tours, she and Jay-Z decided to experiment and went vegan for 22 days in a row. You don't have to go vegan if you don't want to, but a healthy diet without simple carbs, fatty foods, and sugar will be good for everyone.
  4. 4 Be yourself. It's important to do what makes you feel comfortable, regardless of opinion or current trends. If you want to put on makeup, please. Today, if you want to do without makeup, that's fine too. Your sense of self-confidence should not be influenced by external factors.
    • An important aspect of Beyoncé's personality that inspires many girls and women is her figure. She's not skinny at all. Puffy Beyoncé proves time and time again to others that you can be sexy with any figure. Be proud of yourself and your body. It's sexy.
  5. 5 Accentuate your hair. Beyoncé's hair is energetic, flowing, sexy, with a transition from a light shade to a dark color. They are striking in any photograph. The two colors do not converge at all in the middle of the hair length. Beyoncé has dark roots and the rest of her hair is a light shade.
    • Ask your hairdresser to give your hair a dynamic look like Beyoncé. Darken blonde hair or accentuate a lighter shade.
    • You don't even have to dye your hair. Natural color perfectly in the spirit of Beyoncé. It's about the attitude itself, not the appearance.
  6. 6 Buy flash tattoos. These are temporary metallic tattoos that can be seen on Beyoncé's Instagram page. Order them online to complete your "irresistible" look.