How to whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Teeth Whitening : Can I Whiten My Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide?
Video: Teeth Whitening : Can I Whiten My Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide?


For many people, white teeth are a sign of vitality and youth. However, as we get older or when we use products such as cigarettes or coffee that can leave stains, our teeth will turn yellow and dull. Although using hydrogen peroxide products or home mixtures may cause tooth sensitivity, commercial hydrogen peroxide products or homemade hydrogen peroxide mixtures can be used at home. Home to safely whiten teeth.


Method 1 of 2: Use commercial whitening products

  1. Brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste. Buy hydrogen peroxide whitening toothpaste at a pharmacy or supermarket. Use this product to brush your teeth at least twice a day for at least a month to see results.
    • Buy products that contain at least 3.5% hydrogen peroxide; This is the standard level. Note that the higher the amount of hydrogen peroxide, the more likely the teeth will become oxidized.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day with whitening toothpaste. Results may take 4 to 6 weeks.
    • Know that toothpaste will only remove surface stains from drinking stains or smoking.
    • Consider adding another hydrogen peroxide product in addition to toothpaste for deeper stains removal for better results.
    • Look for products that have the American Dental Association's mark of approval to minimize the risk of using unsafe products.

  2. Use a tooth whitening gel tray. There is evidence that holding a tray containing 3% hydrogen peroxide gel can cause visible teeth whitening. You can purchase a gel tray at an over-the-counter pharmacy, or visit your dentist for a separate order.
    • Buy gel trays or a tray and pump your own from the pharmacy. Note, these products are for everyone, not your teeth.
    • Ask your dentist to mold your teeth and provide more concentrated solution for best results.
    • Keep the tray in your mouth for the recommended time on the package. Most trays will take 30 minutes to hold, three times a day for two weeks.
    • Discontinue use if tooth sensitivity is severe, although this should go away after treatment. Talk to your dentist about whether to continue using it.
    • Find the American Dental Association's mark of approval to reduce your risk of using unsafe products.

  3. Use a white tooth patch. The whitening strip works similar to the teeth whitening trays but is more pliable and has a solution of hydrogen peroxide in the product. Use a whitening toothpaste if you want to use a ready-made product that is soft and doesn't touch your gums, causing your gums to become oxidized by hydrogen peroxide.
    • Know that whitening strips are just as safe as teeth whitening trays and give better results than just brushing your teeth.
    • Consider using a patch if the gum is sensitive to the tray. Just stick the sticker below the gums.
    • Buying a whitening strip depends on how white you want your teeth or how sensitive you are. There are a variety of products that promise results such as faster and deeper teeth whitening, or a patch specifically for sensitive teeth.
    • Follow the directions on the package and stop using if there is too much sensitivity.
    • Check the American Dental Association's seal of approval to make sure the product is safe.

  4. Use toothpaste. Some brands offer hydrogen peroxide whitening gel for brushing or brushing. These products come in a variety of forms, such as pens or solution bottles and brushes.
    • Compare different formats to see which one works best for you. For example, you may find it easier to use a pen type than a toothbrush and liquid bottle.
    • Use the product before bed for two weeks.
    • Follow the directions on the package and stop using if your teeth and / or gums are heavily depressed.
  5. Consider specialized teeth whitening techniques. Your dentist may recommend hydrogen peroxide whitening in combination with phototherapy or laser therapy. Consider this treatment if your teeth are too dull or you want to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide under dentist supervision.
    • Note that your dentist will use a 25-40% hydrogen peroxide solution: this can be found at an over-the-counter pharmacy without a prescription.
    • Consider this option if the benefits are too sensitive. Let your dentist know you have sensitive teeth and gums. Your dentist can protect your favor with a rubber or gel insulator before the procedure.
    • Ask your dentist if this is the best option for you. This procedure is quite expensive and usually not covered by insurance.

Method 2 of 2: Try a natural oxygen-based whitening product

  1. Be aware of the risks associated with using hydrogen peroxide. There are conflicting opinions about the risks of using hydrogen peroxide as a home whitening product. Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide mixtures has not been tested, which can cause sensitivity and abnormal gums.
    • Talk to your dentist before trying to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide or any other mixture.
    • Note that these natural remedies are cheaper, but they can be hurtful and cost more to treat.
    • Be aware that these solutions only clean surface stains and may not be as effective as commercial products containing hydrogen peroxide.
    • Make sure to use the lowest concentration of hydrogen peroxide to help protect your gums and oral cavity.
  2. Use hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. There is evidence that it is safe to use hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash over the long term. This remedy can also whiten teeth and prevent stains. Rinse your mouth with this mixture daily to whiten your teeth and fight off bacteria.
    • Use hydrogen peroxide 2–3.5%; This can be purchased at a pharmacy. High concentrations can be dangerous.
    • Mix 240 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 240 ml of distilled water.
    • Gargle for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
    • Spit it out when finished rinsing or when uncomfortable. Rinse mouth with water.
    • Avoid swallowing the mouthwash as this can cause health problems.
    • Consider buying a commercial hydrogen peroxide mouthwash.
  3. Mix a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can whiten teeth and ease gums pain. Brush your teeth with this cream every day or use it on your teeth two or three times a week.
    • Make sure to use the correct type of hydrogen peroxide 2–3.5%.
    • Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a plate. Add some hydrogen peroxide and mix well. Add hydrogen peroxide until a thick creamy consistency is formed.
    • Use the medium to brush your teeth with small circular motions for 2 minutes. You can also apply the cream to your gums with your fingertips to stimulate your gums.
    • Use the mixture to brush your teeth or leave it in your mouth for a few minutes for best results.
    • Rinse mouth with tap water.
    • Rinse your teeth thoroughly.
  4. Prevent tooth stains if possible. In addition to using natural products, you should also avoid anything that can yellow your teeth. Brushing your teeth or rinsing right after you eat or drink can help reduce stains. Things that can stain or easily stain teeth are:
    • Coffee, tea, red wine
    • White wine and colorless soft drinks can also cause teeth to stain more easily.
    • Berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries


  • Try not to eat at least an hour after bleaching to give your saliva time to replenish your teeth.
  • To maintain the results of long-lasting teeth whitening, you need to avoid foods that are red, black and dark.
  • Use fluoride gel for extra protection after using rapid teeth whitening.
  • If there is a cut or abrasion in the mouth, you will experience a burning sensation from the use of hydrogen peroxide. The cut may turn white temporarily. This phenomenon is normal.


  • Be careful not to swallow hydrogen peroxide during the whitening process. Call your dentist, physician or poison control center if accidentally swallowed.

What you need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Baking soda
  • Toothbrush