How to sober up quickly

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is There a Way to Sober Up Faster?
Video: Is There a Way to Sober Up Faster?


Many firsthand faced the situation described below. You are having fun with your friends while drinking alcoholic beverages. All of a sudden, you start to feel sleepy, your legs give way and your speech becomes illegible. At this point, you realize that you have drunk too much. As mentioned above, anyone can find themselves in a similar situation. Fortunately, however, there are time-tested ways that a person can sober up very quickly. By taking the necessary measures and avoiding common mistakes, you can become sober again and avoid a painful hangover the next day.


Method 1 of 3: Steps to Take

  1. 1 Stop drinking immediately. As soon as you feel that you have drunk more than you should, stop drinking immediately. Set aside the alcoholic beverage you are drinking.
    • The process of assimilation by the body of an alcoholic drink takes place within an hour. Therefore, if you consume two or three drinks in an hour, then it will take your body two to three hours to fully digest and absorb it.
  2. 2 Drink water. Ask the bartender to pour you water or use a more convenient way to drink water. It is recommended to drink a glass of clean water after each glass of alcohol. Therefore, if you are consuming four servings of an alcoholic beverage, remember that you will need four glasses of water.
    • Also, drink another glass of water before bed. Alcohol is dehydrating, so it is very important to compensate for fluid loss with plenty of water. Add a small pinch of salt to the water to restore water-salt balance.
  3. 3 Make an omelet. Instead of eating heavy, fatty foods, eat a healthy meal like scrambled eggs, chicken, milk, fresh juice, or a turkey sandwich. There is a common myth that fatty foods help the liver to digest alcohol faster. In fact, this is not the case. However, if you have no choice, eat a high-fat meal rather than nothing at all.
  4. 4 Take a nap for 30 minutes. Time is the only real means to help you get sober again. Plus, resting is a great way to sober up quickly. Once your body has received food and water, set an alarm and take a nap for 30 minutes.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid Common Mistakes

  1. 1 Don't take cold showers. After a cold shower, you will feel more refreshed, but unfortunately, taking a cold shower will not diminish the effects of alcohol. On the contrary, a cold shower is a shock to the body. Therefore, it is best to avoid it if you have drunk too much or have been intoxicated with alcohol.
  2. 2 Limit your coffee intake. Like a cold shower, a cup of coffee can cheer up a drunk person. However, contrary to popular belief, coffee does not lower blood alcohol levels and therefore should not be expected to get you sober again after drinking coffee.
    • Coffee also contributes to dehydration. So if you drink coffee in order to get sober again, chances are you will have to go through a hangover the next day.
  3. 3 Do not induce vomiting. This method is only effective if the person induces vomiting immediately after drinking alcoholic beverages. However, if this is not done immediately, then the person feels a state of intoxication and this suggests that alcohol has been absorbed into the bloodstream and it is too late to induce vomiting. Also, in this case, vomiting can make the problem worse. This is because vomiting dehydrates the body.

Method 3 of 3: Preparing for the evening with alcoholic beverages

  1. 1 Eat foods high in carbohydrates. Eat a high-carb meal before drinking alcoholic beverages. When you start drinking alcohol, carbohydrates will absorb excess alcohol. Dairy products and foods high in natural fats are also good options because they tend to wrap around the lining of the stomach. This slows down the absorption of alcohol.
    • Before drinking alcohol, you can eat pasta, falafel, burger or sandwich, pizza, milk, ice cream, avocado, or salmon.
  2. 2 Limit yourself to a few alcoholic drinks. Don't drink too much. Thanks to this, you can avoid alcohol intoxication. To prevent the occurrence of alcoholic intoxication, take a small amount of money with you to the bar. This will help you avoid buying too many alcoholic beverages.
    • Also, develop self-control. Tell yourself that you will drink no more than three to four drinks of alcohol during the party. Take a 30 minute break between each serving.
  3. 3 Don't mix drinks. Try to avoid mixing beer with other spirits, especially if you started your evening with a glass of beer. Also, do not mix other alcoholic beverages with each other, such as vodka, rum, and whiskey. Instead, opt for a light or dark alcoholic beverage, beer, or wine.
    • In addition, light (clear) alcoholic beverages such as vodka and gin are much easier for the body to absorb than dark alcoholic beverages such as whiskey and bourbon.
  4. 4 Drink water and eat while drinking alcoholic beverages. This is another way to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. When drinking alcoholic beverages, eat light meals such as tacos. Also, remember to drink a glass of water between drinks.
    • For example, after drinking the first two or three alcoholic drinks, eat a taco and drink a glass of water before continuing to drink.