How to quickly sell your home

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In some real estate markets, the number of registered users increases significantly every week. As a salesperson, what are you planning to do to make your home stand up to the competition from thousands of other affordable homes? Don't join the army of salespeople whose homes wait months for their turn. Check out these helpful tips and get the decent price you've been dreaming of!


Part 1 of 3: Tidy up the exterior of your home

  1. 1 Make the first impression of your home strong. If the appearance of your home leaves a lot to be desired, then chances are high that many potential buyers will not even cross the threshold. The outside of your property is very important. Gardens in front of the entrance should be well maintained, with all doors and window frames freshly painted if necessary.Hanging baskets and outdoor plant boxes always add a more presentable look to your property.

    • Don't ignore the back of your house, even if you've tidied up the front. In a competitive market, a garden can often be a factor in making a deal. If you are not a gardener, then it's time to become one (at least until you sell your house). If you don't have enough time or energy to garden, then hire someone. This will prove to be a good waste when the house is sold.
  2. 2 Tidy up the inside of your house - it will do you good. Buyers are selective - after all, they have the right to be - because they intend to part with their hard-earned money and take out a long-term loan to buy a home. The last thing they would like to face is a dirty kitchen, cabinets and carpets stained or covered with dirt and dust. Remember, they are trying to imagine themselves living in your home. So make sure it is clean.
    • Take time to replace the dilapidated mosquito nets on the windows, repaint the living room walls, or furnish it with bright colors. Simple tricks like these can add thousands of dollars to your minimum wager.
  3. 3 Neutralize. Buyers will mostly be looking for free spaces where they can express their personality. However, if your personality is captured throughout the house, especially in the form of very bright colors, then potential buyers will see this as just extra work that they have to do. Therefore, neutralize your rooms as much as possible from the presence of your personality to give them space.
  4. 4 Get rid of the excess. Cluttered rooms repel potential buyers as they visually make rooms smaller and much less inviting. Again, it is difficult for buyers to imagine their own property in your home when faced with a pile of clutter.
    • Deprive your home of individuality. Items such as family photos or personal collections should be removed. Regardless of how much they give a dull room a blooming look, remember that it is a dull room that will help sell the house faster.
  5. 5 Improve your home for sale. The right atmosphere can make a huge difference in the quick sale of your home. Play neutral music such as classical or jazz in the background softly. Bake cookies or light scented candles to bring the pleasant scent into the most visited rooms. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms - “Added value” here can have a more dramatic effect on the price people are willing to pay.

Part 2 of 3: evaluating your home

  1. 1 Don't ask too much. Everyone intends to value their property above market value. If you want a quick sale, you have to be realistic. Browse other homes in the area and get an appraisal from a respected real estate professional. Be prepared to lower your expectations if you sincerely want a quick sale.
    • Sometimes, a price lower than expected may be even better. Low cost can trigger a large number of proposals, which in turn will increase the value of your home. However, supply war is not guaranteed, but it is more likely to occur when the price is lower than when it is higher.
  2. 2 Compare with similar ones before setting the price. Similar homes are listed for sale in your area. For example, if you have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in your home, then you are looking for another similar home with the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the immediate vicinity of yours, in order to get a good idea on how to value the home so as to accelerate the sale.
  3. 3 Be careful when choosing a specific number. What will be your final number? Use a little science and strategy when calculating the exact cost.Here are two great ideas you can use when choosing your magic number:
    • Use attractive prices and marginal numbers. For example, if you have your home valued at $ 407,000, consider listing it for $ 399,000. In this case, the price would not cross the psychologically important mark of the border numbers. You may notice that these attractive prices are used by shops and other businesses all the time, and for a good reason: People prefer these prices because they create the illusion that a certain limit has not been exceeded. $ 399,000 sounds a lot more attractive than $ 400,000, although, in fact, the difference is not significant.
    • Use pricing differentiation to your advantage. Price differentiation separates your home from others by getting on a list rather detached from all other lists. You can find houses grouped with a price range of $ 260k. - $ 270k, and homes are listed with a price range of $ 290k. - $ 299k The price differentiation in this case would be if you valued your home in the range of $ 270k. - $ 290k to make your home stand out more.
  4. 4 Rate your home and place your offer on the real estate market in the spring or fall. Spring and fall are the best times to shop for many house hunters. It is still warm outside, the children are either finishing the school year or have just begun, and everyone has either not taken a vacation yet or has already returned from vacation. Appraising your home in the right season will allow you to get the timing right and avoid bad seasons throughout the rest of the year. (In summer, many people go on vacation. In winter, weather conditions are often harsh.)
  5. 5 Determine when you are ready to lower the price in case you do not receive offers. Oftentimes, homeowners stubbornly cling to prices that are too high and refuse to lower them. And then the sale takes months and sometimes years. Set a date on the calendar before you make an estimate of the house, by what time would you be willing to lower the price if there is no buyer. This action will help you avoid getting emotional in the appraisal and will help you sell your home faster.

Part 3 of 3: Do your best

  1. 1 Conduct an inspection. A pre-sale inspection is not common, but it is a great way to show doubting buyers that your home is in great shape, especially if a report becomes available when potential buyers inspect the home. On the other hand, identifying potential problems early will allow you to fix them without scaring off potential buyers.
  2. 2 Harness the power of the internet. The internet has changed the way people buy and sell real estate. You no longer need to physically visit a home to find out what it is. Nowadays, many potential buyers weed out homes that they would not want to spend their time looking at online, and then visit in person those homes that intrigue them. By advertising the unique qualities of your home online, you will be able to outperform your competitors.
    • If you can, rent a good digital camera or wide angle lens at a reasonable cost for a couple of days. This should take you about $ 20 - $ 50 for a couple of days. Take a picture of your home on a clear and bright day, so there is no interference. Photos of a bright room on a sunny day will visually enlarge your home and make it more attractive.
  3. 3 If you decide to use a licensed agent, select the correct one. Choose wisely! Ask friends, family, or colleagues if they can recommend high-level agents. Do your homework, visit websites, and find out which agent knows your area best. The agent you choose should not only have vast market knowledge, but also be honest and attractive.
  4. 4 Offer your customers something more. Everyone loves small bags of sweets. They make us feel special and convince us that the person selling us the house cares about us. Best of all, it's relatively easy to do. Here are some ideas for small extra things you can do to encourage buyers to make a deal:
    • Offer a small loan to cover the costs of completing the transaction, or even better, offer to pay those costs in full. The cost of completing a deal is usually a couple thousand dollars in commission, which is not insignificant.
    • Pass the warranty on your home fire system to the buyer. Peace of mind that they won't have to pay for any fire system malfunctions can play a bigger role than you think.
    • Invite them to move in early. If you can guarantee an expert opinion on the home, allowing the new owners to have access to the home for 30-60 days, then that could decide the outcome of the deal. Owners who see their dream home usually want to move into it right away.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to spread the word. Even if you have a real estate agent, it won't hurt you if you tell people you know that you are selling your home, even if it sounds humiliating to you. Refresh your Facebook page, talk to people on the parent committee, ask trusted friends to spread this information. You will feel the effect of these little things when your home is finally sold.