How to quickly clean the house

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to clean your house FAST (Clean your home in under an hour!)
Video: How to clean your house FAST (Clean your home in under an hour!)


If your home is a mess that discourages any cleaning urge, start thinking strategically to quickly clean up your room or your entire home. Stay focused and make cleaning fun. Remove things, dust off, then move on to cleaning floors and surfaces. If you have time, do a thorough cleaning of the bathroom, kitchen, or rooms. You will certainly be pleased with the cleanliness in a short time!


Part 1 of 4: How to Clean Up Fun and Effectively

  1. 1 Select a cleaning area. Do you want to clean up the whole house or just one room? If you are expecting overnight guests, it is best to pay special attention to the living room and bathroom. If you are planning to have dinner with guests, then you need to remove the kitchen and dining room.
    • It is also important to prioritize correctly.For example, close your bedroom doors if people won't come in and you're short on time.
  2. 2 Estimate the available time and set a timer. Do you have a full day or just a couple of hours? Determine the available time and use the timer to focus on the task at hand.
    • For example, if there is 1 hour left before the guests arrive, then set the timer for 15 minutes. At this time, tidy up the living room, and then set a timer for 30 minutes to tackle other rooms. In the last 15 minutes, wash the floors and dishes.
  3. 3 Put on energetic music. If your efficiency drops after a few minutes of cleaning, play your favorite energetic music. Turn up the volume if you are in another part of the house or the vacuum is drowning out the music.
    • With music, cleaning will turn from duty to fun. You can even make a list of cleaning songs when you have a spare minute, so you always have music at your fingertips!
  4. 4 Get help from relatives or flatmates. Cleaning will be completed much faster if you find an assistant. Ask a friend or relative for an hour of their time. If you have roommates, then they can also participate in the cleaning. Distribute specific tasks so that everyone does their own thing.
    • If the neighbor is not ready to help, then ask what to do with his things. He may not want you to sort his clothes and other things.
    • For example, say: "Mom, can you vacuum the living room while Sveta is dusting off?"
  5. 5 Eliminate distractions. Sometimes you want to turn on the TV as a background, but you will be distracted, and the cleaning will be delayed. Disconnect your TV and computer. You also need to put your smartphone away if you are constantly distracted by notifications.
    • Tell yourself that you need to focus on cleaning, after which you can use your smartphone, TV, and computer.

Part 2 of 4: How to clean up order in half an hour and faster

  1. 1 Put all the items you want to sort into the basket. Take a large basket to collect all the scattered items in it. Collect papers, toys, and items from other rooms in the basket. Don't worry if you don't have time to sort things. Place the basket in a closet or in a room that you won't be cleaning up.
    • If there is a lot of rubbish in the house that needs to be thrown away, take the trash bag right away.
    • If you need to clean in a small dwelling and there is no way to hide the basket, then it will take time to sort things. Time yourself and work at a fast pace.
  2. 2 Collect dirty clothes in a laundry basket. Walk through the rooms with the laundry basket, fold the dirty things and take the basket to the bathroom.
    • If you have time, quickly sort the laundry and start the wash. During cleaning, your belongings will be clean.
  3. 3 Remove dirty dishes. Inspect the entire house and remove dirty dishes from the rooms. Sort everything for dishwasher and hand wash.
    • You can turn on the dishwasher right away, and wash the dishes in the sink later, when you have a little more time.
  4. 4 Pick up visible dust and dirt with a microfiber cloth. Once you've removed all your belongings, remove the dust with a napkin. Wipe down the highest surfaces first so that the dust will settle on the floor that has not yet been cleaned.
    • For example, wipe the blinds first and then the coffee table.
    • Pay special attention to conspicuous areas like TVs, corners, blinds, and dark furniture.

Part 3 of 4: How to clean floors and surfaces

  1. 1 Treat bathroom and kitchen surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Before cleaning the floor, clean the surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Countertops, shelves, taps, and sinks should be treated with an all-purpose cleaner that will remove dirt while you mop the floors.
    • For the fastest result, take a soapy rag and wipe down sinks and shelves.
  2. 2 Vacuum the floor. No need to sweep to save time and keep dust and hair from spreading around the room.Remove the carpet brush from the vacuum cleaner or switch to hard floor mode. Collect dust and dirt.
    • If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use a broom. Be careful not to get dust on already clean surfaces.
  3. 3 Vacuum carpets and carpets. All things are already collected, so you can take a couple of minutes to clean the carpets. If you need to vacuum a large room or an entire floor, start at the corner of the room opposite the door. This way you can move between rooms and not go back to clean areas.
  4. 4 Wash the floors quickly. If you need to scrub a small room or quickly clean the floor, then spray on the cleaner and mop until you get rid of any dirt or stains.
    • If you don't have time to quickly scrub the entire floor, apply the cleaner directly to the stains and remove them with a towel.
  5. 5 Wipe down surfaces, sinks, and taps. Return to the countertops. Rinse off the all-purpose cleaner with a sponge or tissue. Rinse the sink under running water to rinse out the solution.
    • Wipe the taps with a dry, clean cloth so that no water marks remain on them.

Part 4 of 4: How to Do a Thorough Cleaning Quickly

  1. 1 Sort your collected items and clothes. Review papers and other items in the basket. The excess should be thrown away, and everything you need should be put in place. Put clean clothes in the closet and wash dirty ones.
    • If toys are scattered around the house, then connect the children to the cleaning.
  2. 2 Use a vacuum cleaner brush to clean the carpet on the stairs. If you haven't cleaned a carpet ladder for a long time or don't know how to do it, then use the extended handle with a vacuum cleaner attachment. A small portable vacuum cleaner will also work. Collect dust, hair, and debris from each step.
  3. 3 Clean the toilet and bathtub with an all-purpose cleaner. Use a special toilet cleaner and bath cleaner. Leave it on for a few minutes and do something else. After a while, clean the toilet bowl with a brush. Wipe the tub with a brush or rag. Also clean the mirrors with window solution.
  4. 4 Turn the dishwasher on while you wash your pots and pans. If you haven't turned on the dishwasher yet, now is the time. Then fill the sink with warm water and detergent. Wash all dishwasher-safe dishes, pots and pans. Remove them to dry.
    • If you're in a hurry, you don't need to hand wash the dishes. This can take a very long time.
  5. 5 Use a melamine sponge to polish cabinets, appliances and chrome parts. You have already wiped off the dust, but now you need to clean the surfaces with a melamine sponge or a soapy cloth. Remove dirt, smudges and fingerprints from walls, appliances, doors and taps in your kitchen and bathroom.
    • Instead of a melamine sponge, you can use a soft cotton cloth.
  6. 6 Take out the trash. Place all unnecessary items in a bag and take out the trash. Cover the bucket with a new bag. Without a lid, the bucket will look cleaner with the bag. If you take out the trash, then you will get rid of extraneous odors, and the house will smell fresh and clean.
    • If odors remain, open the window to ventilate the room.


  • Do not mix cleaning products that contain bleach with products that contain ammonia, as this can generate toxic fumes.

What do you need

  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Baskets
  • Garbage bags
  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments
  • Garbage bin
  • Melamine sponge
  • Rag or damp cloth
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Cleaners