How to build muscle quickly

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)
Video: 5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)


If you want to accelerate muscle growth, you should combine a healthy diet, supplementation, and exercise specifically designed to gain muscle mass. The smartest and safest way to do this is to seek the services of a professional trainer and nutritionist to help you design the program that is right for you. However, there are a few things you can do yourself to increase muscle size and strength faster.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting Exercise

  1. 1 Lift weights more slowly. Many people believe that if you want to increase your muscles, you should lift weights as quickly as possible and do as many reps as possible. Exercising more slowly, however, allows you to focus on the tense muscles, which can help shape them.
    • Among other things, doing the exercises more slowly will give you the opportunity to reach the full range of motion of the muscles, which will lead to more even growth.
  2. 2 Change the speed at which replays are performed. Both fast and slow repetitions are helpful if your physical fitness allows you to lift the weight quickly. Varying the speed will add an element of surprise to your workouts and prevent your muscles from adjusting to a certain pace.
    • For example, you can start at a moderate speed, then do a fast burst, then a slow one, and end with another set at a moderate speed.
    • Don't lift weights faster than your physical fitness allows. At a fast pace, do not skip movements and do the exercises to the fullest.
  3. 3 Use more weights. If you want to accelerate muscle growth, you need to lift as much weight as possible for a given number of repetitions. Muscles will not grow without adequate exercise.
    • Make sure you are fit enough to perform the intended exercises. If you are unable to complete the desired movement, choose a lighter weight.
    • Usually, more weight means fewer reps. However, using as much weight as you can with which you can do 8-10 reps is one way to significantly speed up muscle growth.
  4. 4 Allow enough time for recovery. Muscle does not grow during exercise, but during rest and recovery. The intervals between workouts for a particular muscle group should be at least 48 hours so that the muscles have time to recover and grow.
    • Stick to a regimen that targets specific muscle groups on specific days to provide rest for other muscle groups on those days. For example, on Monday you can train your legs, on Tuesday you can train your arms and shoulders, on Wednesday you can train your torso, and on Thursday you can train your legs again.
  5. 5 Increase your weight gradually. Test maximum weight every few weeks, or at least once a month, so that you do each exercise with the heaviest weight at all times.
  6. 6 Use a variety of exercise equipment. Similar to changing the speed of an exercise, different types of machines prevent muscles from adapting to a particular type of movement. If your muscles get used to certain movements, their growth will slow down.
  7. 7 Record information about your workouts. Over time, you may forget the number of repetitions of a particular exercise or the weight used. Record weights and reps to keep track of your workouts.
    • To make significant progress, you need to know exactly what exercises you did in each workout and how much weight you used.
    • It is helpful to write down other information, such as how you felt, what you ate before exercising and how the atmosphere was in the gym, as all of these can affect the productivity of your workout.
  8. 8 Engage in moderate cardio exercise. While cardio exercise is important for building endurance and strengthening your cardiovascular system, too much of it can slow muscle growth. If you want to increase your muscles, the main focus should be on anaerobic exercise, such as weight lifting.
    • Limit your cardio workout to 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (such as running) or 150 minutes of moderate activity (such as walking) per week.

Method 2 of 3: Proper nutrition

  1. 1 Consume excess calories. Your muscles won't get bigger and stronger if you don't provide your body with the food it needs to increase muscle mass. To estimate how many calories you need, multiply your weight in kilograms by 33-37 calories (for example, if you weigh 80 kilograms, you should consume about 2,700-2,900 calories per day). If your muscle mass does not increase in a few weeks, increase your calories by 10%.
    • To find out how to get the calories you need to build muscle, consult with bodybuilders or search for information on specialized sites.
    • Make sure that the food you eat is wholesome and nutritious, rather than just satisfying your hunger with junk food and empty calories.
  2. 2 Eat plenty of protein-rich foods. Protein is the building block for muscle, so if you want to build muscle, you should include 10-25 grams of protein in every meal and snack. Lean chicken, lean beef, and fish will provide your body with the protein it needs to burn more calories and build muscle.
    • In addition to protein, organic beef contains various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12, heme iron, zinc, creatine and carnosine, which help the body build muscle.
    • Aim to eat about 2 grams of protein for every pound of body weight. This means that when body weight changes, it is necessary to adjust the amount of protein consumed.
  3. 3 Include plant-based proteins in your diet. If you do not eat meat, it will be more difficult for you to accelerate muscle growth, but it is possible. Even if you eat meat, you should supplement it with vegetable proteins.
    • Soybeans, nuts, and legumes are excellent sources of protein. For example, almonds are a good pre-workout snack to add to your protein shake.
    • Try to eat organic foods or go for foods that have little or no additives or preservatives. The less additives and preservatives your body has to process, the more efficiently it can build muscle.
  4. 4 Choose carbohydrates carefully. Carbohydrates provide you with energy during exercise, but the wrong carbs can cause your blood sugar to malfunction, ruining all of your work to accelerate muscle growth.
    • Choose low-glycemic carbohydrate sources such as apples, pears, whole grains, sweet potatoes, and beans.
    • Carefully study the nutritional information on food labels and choose carbohydrate sources that are high in fiber and low in calories.
  5. 5 Eat seeds, not flax oil. Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber and protein, while flaxseed oil is fiber-free and very unstable. In addition, flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation.
    • Reducing inflammation in the body can help reduce muscle soreness after intense exercise and speed up muscle recovery.
  6. 6 Eat more green, leafy vegetables. No wonder the cartoon hero sailor Popeye ate spinach.Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are high in nutritional value, low in fat and high in soluble fiber, making them an essential food if you want to accelerate muscle growth.
    • Among other things, green leafy vegetables protect the body against cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  7. 7 Substitute quinoa for rice. Quinoa grains contain more protein and dietary fiber than rice or oats. In addition, quinoa is rich in manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. Available in red, black and white quinoa.
  8. 8 Maintain the body's water balance. Perhaps the most important thing is to drink enough water if you want to speed up muscle growth. Drink a little water while exercising. Drink as much water as you lost in sweat.
    • Drink 8-10 glasses (2-2.5 liters) of water per day or more to keep your body hydrated during exercise.
    • Adequate fluid intake helps the body to efficiently transport consumed nutrients. Eating a healthy diet will do little to help you build muscle if nutrients don't reach your muscles.

Method 3 of 3: Using dietary supplements

  1. 1 Avoid dangerous and illegal additives. There are no legal yet easy and quick ways to build muscle. Many supplements advertise that they can build muscle quickly, but this can lead to catastrophic long-term health effects.
  2. 2 Consult with a dietitian. If you are looking to accelerate muscle growth, the best way to do it safely is to seek the advice of someone who understands sports nutrition (including bodybuilding) and can recommend the most appropriate supplements.
    • If you go to the gym, find out if there is a nutritionist there who can advise you. If such a specialist is not available, they may be able to recommend a suitable dietitian to help you.
    • After your dietitian has given you a recommendation, discuss it with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you are at risk and have had nutritional health problems.
  3. 3 Read the nutritional supplement descriptions carefully. The description attached to the product may contain important information about the recommended dosage depending on your age and gender. Be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage as this can cause health problems such as loss of appetite or osteoporosis.
    • Inspect the packaging and make sure that the product has not been opened before and the packaging is not damaged.
  4. 4 Get enough amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are essential if you want to build and strengthen your muscles. In addition, amino acids can help you lose fat and recover from exercise.
    • Amino acids are found in meats, dairy products, and seafood, but you may not be getting enough amino acids from your diet. Because of this, amino acid supplements may be helpful if you want to accelerate muscle growth.
    • Amino acid supplementation is especially important if you are vegan or vegetarian and want to significantly increase your muscle mass.
    • Please note that the body does not store excess amino acids, so it is enough to take the recommended daily allowance.
  5. 5 Choose vitamins that promote muscle growth. Many vitamins are important for healthy muscle growth, including vitamins C, D and E, as well as the B group.
    • If you want to accelerate muscle growth, you should also provide your body with micronutrients such as calcium and magnesium.
    • The right multivitamin should provide you with all the vitamins and minerals you need for muscle growth. Ask your dietitian for recommendations on the right multivitamin for you.
  6. 6 Take fish oil. Take 1,000-3,000 milligrams of fish oil to improve blood flow to your muscles, reduce inflammation, and accelerate muscle recovery after exercise, which will help your muscles grow faster.
    • Look for a supplement containing docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic omega-3 fatty acids.
    • If you're a vegetarian or vegan, the same omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained from flaxseed, chia seeds, or seaweed supplements.
  7. 7 Take supplements for at least a month for them to work. You are unlikely to feel any changes when you first start taking nutritional supplements. Typically, it is necessary to take supplements for at least four weeks for tangible results.
    • Measure your muscles once a week for some time before you start taking supplements. After four weeks, start taking supplements and continue measuring your muscles. Compare the rate of muscle growth before and after you start taking the supplements.
  8. 8 Adjust your protein supplement intake according to your diet. If you are taking protein supplements, remember that they are designed to supplement the protein you receive in your diet. Calculate the amount of protein you need for each day and make sure you are not consuming more protein than you need.
    • Too much protein will not be beneficial and will not lead to faster muscle growth. Plus, it can negatively impact your health in the long term.