How to get rid of migraines quickly

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Rid of Migraine and Tension Headaches Fast - Simple Ingredient From Your Pantry!
Video: Get Rid of Migraine and Tension Headaches Fast - Simple Ingredient From Your Pantry!


If migraines are left untreated, the pain and unpleasant symptoms associated with migraines can persist for four hours to three days. However, you can lessen your suffering by doing a few things. To do this, you need to change the environment so that it helps to reduce the headache. Alternatively, you can use folk remedies and medications to help relieve a severe throbbing headache.


Part 1 of 3: Natural remedies

  1. 1 Take supplements. According to research, the following supplements may help you manage migraines: Vitamin B2, feverfew, melatonin, butterbur, coenzyme Q10, and magnesium.
    • The supplement, which contains butterbur, is very effective for migraines. It not only reduces unpleasant symptoms, but also prevents the development of a migraine attack. In addition, it reduces inflammation and improves circulation by acting as beta blockers. It is a great remedy that helps relieve spasms of the blood vessels. Recommended dosage: 50 mg. Please note that your chosen supplement must be labeled "PA-Free (Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids)".
    • Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, reduces the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. By taking 400 mg of vitamin B2 daily, you can cut the frequency of unpleasant symptoms in half.In addition, taking this vitamin during a migraine attack can help relieve pain.
    • Feverfew, melatonin, and coenzyme Q10 can help reduce the severity of symptoms during a migraine attack. However, these funds are not always effective. At the same time, regular intake of these substances helps to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
    • Magnesium gives mixed results. If the migraine attack is related to the menstrual cycle, a 500 mg magnesium supplement will help reduce the severity of the migraine; although the opinion of experts about this substance is ambiguous.
  2. 2 Make a tea with lavender and other healthy herbs. Herbal teas relieve tension, which is very often the cause of migraines. As a result, you may find that the migraine attack will go away faster. Lavender, ginger, peppermint, and cayenne pepper are what can help you manage migraines.
    • Lavender reduces inflammation of the blood vessels and is the most effective remedy for reducing anxiety and stress. If stress is the cause of your migraines, then lavender tea can help you reduce the unpleasant symptoms. In addition to lavender herbal tea, you can also place lavender tea bags over your eyes when you feel an attack is coming.
    • Ginger, peppermint and cayenne pepper have pain relieving properties. Ginger and peppermint help relieve the nausea that often accompanies migraine attacks. Note that ginger is a blood thinner, so be careful if you are already taking blood thinners.
    • Make herbal tea for migraines. Take a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1 inch fresh ginger, and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) dry peppermint. Pour boiling water over with two glasses (500 ml) and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. 3 Drink or eat a product containing caffeine. As paradoxical as it sounds, caffeine can reduce pain during a migraine attack. Of course, too much caffeine can trigger a migraine attack, but a small amount can help manage the pain.
    • Drink a small amount of a caffeinated drink or product: one glass of soda, one cup of coffee or tea, or one chocolate bar. Avoid energy drinks that are high in caffeine.
    • Note that this advice should only be applied if caffeine was not the cause of your migraine.
  4. 4 Massage your neck and temples. Migraine is closely related to muscle tension. Sometimes a quick and simple massage can relax muscles and relieve spasms of blood vessels, thereby reducing pain.
    • Using your index and middle fingers, gently massage your temples, sides, and back of your neck. Massage in a circular motion.
    • To improve the effectiveness of this method, rinse your fingers in ice water before massage. Cold water helps to constrict blood vessels, slowing down the flow of blood to the head.
  5. 5 Reduce migraines by doing light aerobic exercise. If you feel a migraine attack is coming, light aerobic exercise can improve circulation and prevent the attack.
    • You can do the following aerobic exercise: brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming.
    • With aerobic exercise, your heart rate will be much faster and your circulation will improve. This will reduce pain.
    • Plus, exercise is a good way to relax and reduce stress. As mentioned above, stress can be a trigger for migraine attacks.

Part 2 of 3: Medication

  1. 1 Take over-the-counter pain relievers. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics reduce pain during a migraine attack by reducing inflammation of the blood vessels.
    • Naproxen and ibuprofen are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin and acetaminophen are both analgesics.
    • Take pain medication within 30 minutes of the first migraine symptoms. In this case, the medication will bring the desired effect. The medicine will work in any case, only you will feel its effect a little later. However, a migraine also usually lasts more than a few minutes.
    • Do not take these drugs more than twice a week. Otherwise, it can trigger a relapse of the migraine as soon as you stop taking your medication.
  2. 2 Take over-the-counter pain relievers with caffeine. Take simple pain relievers in combination with low doses of caffeine. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, enhancing the pain relieving effect of the main substance.
    • Aspirin and acetaminophen are known pain relievers. In most cases, they are used in combination with caffeine.
    • Studies show that caffeinated pain relievers work 20 minutes faster than the same decaffeinated medications.
    • As with other pain medications, you must take the aforementioned drug within 30 minutes of the first symptoms. You should not take the drug more than twice a week.
  3. 3 Get a prescription for migraine-relieving drugs called triptans from your doctor. Triptans constrict blood vessels, thereby limiting blood flow to the head. Studies show that significant relief occurs within the first hour after taking the drug, and after two hours the symptoms go away completely.
    • Don't take triptans more than 17 times a month. Otherwise, it can lead to an addiction of the body to this drug, which can subsequently provoke a relapse of migraine, as your body gets used to this drug.
    • Please note that triptans should not be used in patients who have had a heart attack or stroke.
    • Triptans have been clinically proven to be the most effective remedy for migraines.
  4. 4 Ask your doctor about dihydroergotamine or ergotamines. These prescription drugs help narrow blood vessels. In addition to their basic sedative properties, they also reduce the nausea and sensitivity to light that usually accompany migraine attacks.
    • These drugs are usually given as nasal sprays or injections.
    • These injections are usually used as a one-time treatment. However, if you have frequent migraines, your doctor may prescribe you a nasal spray.

Part 3 of 3: Changing the Environment

  1. 1 Turn off the light. Sensory stimuli such as bright flickering lights can trigger migraines. Calm your senses by turning off the lights, closing the curtains, or moving into a dark room.
    • Stay in the dark room until your migraine is gone, or as long as your circumstances allow.
    • Wear sunglasses if necessary. If you need to go outside during the daytime, wear sunglasses (polarized), which can prevent the development of a migraine attack caused by bright light. It may not be as effective as staying in a dark room, but it is still effective.
  2. 2 Reduce the noise level. Like bright lights, loud sounds can trigger a migraine attack. Minimize background noise by turning off your radio and TV. If this is not possible, go to a quiet and calm room.
    • If you don't have the opportunity to be in a separate room, wear noise canceling headphones that block out external noise.
    • Some people don't like silence. This causes them stress and anxiety. If you have these feelings, use a white noise generator or air purifier as a background, the sound is soothing and flowing.Alternatively, you can play soothing music; however, do not listen to music that is too loud or songs that will touch your senses.
  3. 3 Lie down and rest. Stress and not getting enough sleep are triggers for migraines. If you feel a migraine attack coming, lie on your back and close your eyes.
    • Relax for 5-30 minutes. Thanks to this, the headache will subside.
    • Note that in some cases, excessive sleep can be the cause of migraines. If you think this is the cause of your migraine, stay awake for too long.
  4. 4 Breathe deeply. Breathing exercises can help you relax, relieve tension and stress that can cause migraines.
    • Lie on your back. Place one pillow under your head and one under your knees. The legs should be slightly bent at the knees.
    • Place your dominant hand on your upper chest and your other hand below your ribcage.
    • Breathe in slowly through your nose until you feel the air fill your belly (you can feel it with your other hand).
    • Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while your stomach should be tense.
    • The dominant hand should remain in the same place at all times during the exercise.
    • Do the exercise for five minutes.
  5. 5 Apply a cold compress. A cold compress helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the head.
    • Soak a soft, clean towel in cold water and place it on your forehead or the back of your neck. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then take a 10 to 15 minute break. After the specified time has elapsed, apply the compress again. Apply the compress until you feel better.
    • However, in some cases, a cold compress can make the headache worse. If pain gets worse within the first 5 minutes, remove the cold compress.
  6. 6 Take a cold shower and take a nap in a cool room. Take a cold shower for 15 minutes. Lather your hair with shampoo and massage your head. This will help relieve tension and headaches.
    • Do not dry your hair, squeeze out excess water from your hair. Hair should be kept damp.
    • Try to sleep. It shouldn't be hot in the bedroom. Place a towel on your pillow if you're worried about getting wet hair.
  7. 7 Change your diet. Certain foods can trigger migraine attacks. What kind of products can become a provoking factor depends on the individual characteristics of the person. To determine which foods are causing your migraine attacks, keep a food diary. Write down what you ate before your migraine attack. The following foods can trigger migraine attacks:
    • Foods containing aspartame or monosodium glutamate
    • Alcohol
    • Chocolate
    • Cheese
    • Salami
    • Caffeine


  • Keep a migraine diary. When the attack begins, describe the circumstances under which it started. Note sensory stimuli (bright lights, loud music, strange smells, etc.), causes of stress, eating habits, and sleeping habits. Review your diary after a few migraine attacks. This may help you identify the conditions that precede the migraine attack. These conditions are triggers that should be avoided in order to prevent or limit future migraine attacks.