How to safely get rid of your old computer

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Old Computers & Electronics! | Clutter Video Tip
Video: How to Get Rid of Old Computers & Electronics! | Clutter Video Tip


Computers can carry some inherent problems when it comes time to get rid of them. Like most electronic devices, computers contain heavy metals that can pollute the environment if not properly disposed of. In addition, they contain rivers of personal information in the form of passwords, account numbers and other data. No user wants to let this all fall into the wrong hands. Fortunately, there are several surefire ways to get rid of this old and useless machine without contaminating the environment and putting yourself in danger from crooks.


Things to do before getting rid of your computer

  1. 1 Back up your personal data. When your computer “flies”, then (most likely) all information will be irretrievably lost. Therefore, make sure you have copies of all the data you need in the future. Excessive caution doesn't hurt: it's better to back up more information than less information.
    • You can use a USB stick or external hard drive to place your backup information - both are available at computer stores. In addition to this, a few years ago, another method of storing data appeared - virtual disk space. Can be used for free after registering an account.
  2. 2 Permanently delete all personal information from your computer. After important information has been copied, it is best if you delete it from your computer so that future users or hackers who steal personal data cannot access it. Deleting information through the operating system's trashcan is like leaving it on a hard drive, and a smart user can easily recover it. This means that cleaning your computer of personal information means formatting its hard drive.
    • The operation of formatting the hard drive is irreversible and will turn your computer into a “blank slate”, as it will erase not only personal data, but all the information in it. Therefore, make sure you prepare thoroughly for this.
  3. 3 Decide on the fate of your computer. There is no “right way” to get rid of it. Depending on what state it is in and your future needs, you can: use it for other purposes; sell or give to someone else or dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner.
    • Also, you may want to remove some of the components of the computer system unit for future use. For example, a hard drive or video card. But do this if you are sure of the safety of your actions, or someone knowledgeable will help you with this.
  4. 4 If you decide to continue using, sell or donate the computer, then clean it. You do not believe that your computer has survived to its last days - give it a chance to start all over again, wash it thoroughly. Wipe it off with a slightly damp cloth or a special cleaning cloth. Pay special attention to the gaps between the keys on the keyboard, which become disgusting after prolonged use. Use cotton swabs to clean these areas. For deeper cleaning, open the internal compartment of the system unit and expel all dust with air under pressure.

Method 1 of 3: Reusing the computer

  1. 1 Create a mini file server. A new way to use an old computer is to create a file server at home or work. In essence, your converted computer can provide additional data storage for the primary machines. This is a great option for those with multiple computers and need to access the same data. Also, this option is not bad for saving energy, since, when using the system unit as a data storage, there is no need to waste energy on powering the monitor, keyboard and speakers.
    • There are several open source programs that allow you to make a server out of old computers, for example, FreeNAS. Such programs can be downloaded from the Internet.
    • To increase the space, it will be possible to install an additional hard drive or multiple drives.
    • You may want to install a basic, optimized operating system (such as Ubuntu) on your server.
  2. 2 Keep your computer in reserve. You can use your old computer not as an additional file storage, but as a substitute for a new one. In other words, keep it close at hand in order to replace it with a new one if it breaks or hangs on a bug. In this case, you will not need to clear it of personal data, but you will only need to disconnect it from the network and throw it into the closet on demand.
  3. 3 Consider installing a lightweight OS like Linux. Another way to use your old computer is to install an operating system with extremely low system requirements. This will allow you to continue to use this computer for some minor tasks: working with text editors, browsing the Internet, simple games, etc. Linux is a free, popular, no-frills operating system with many options.For example, Puppy Linux refers to one of the flavors of Linux that has very low system requirements.
  4. 4 Use your old computer as a router. Depending on whether the old machine has wireless connectivity, you can use it like a wireless router. With it, you can enjoy the Internet on your smartphone, tablet or other computer. Many modern computers are capable of acting as the broadcast center of a wireless network. If this is your case, make sure you have a firewall installed for security before using your computer as a router.

Method 2 of 3: Selling a Computer

  1. 1 Try to sell it. All you need to do is place an ad on an online auction like eBay, specify the characteristics of the computer, and attach some pictures of it. You will be surprised to find out that people there are willing to pay money for relatively old equipment. For example, some models of computer components from the 80s and early 90s can be considered “fresh harvest” here and get an adequate price from collectors.
    • If your computer is so old that it may be rare or interesting, then you can sell (or give) it to a computer museum, where it will be preserved as one of the stages of history.
    • Also, do not exclude the possibility of selling your computer in parts, rather than the whole car. If some of your computer's components are more perfect than others (for example, a video card, memory cards), then you should try to disconnect them and sell them separately.
  2. 2 Give the computer to a friend. Before you get rid of your car, find out if your friends need any old computer. People who are familiar with electronics firsthand sometimes rebuild old computers for use as file servers or e-mail stations. They can also take it apart, take what they need, and dispose of the rest appropriately.
  3. 3 Give your computer to someone with minimal requests. Your old computer may not suit your goals, but for those who have never had a modern machine, it may be the ultimate dream. Try giving it to an older user like your parents or grandparents. Older, slower computers are ideal for simple tasks that older people tend to enjoy. When you have time, teach them a couple of lessons on using email or browsing the internet. This will do the elderly a great favor and make sure that your old computer does not end up in a landfill.
  4. 4 Contact educational institutions, nonprofits, and charitable organizations. Many organizations created for the good of society will find use for old computers. Talk to your local school, church, children's organizations and ask them if they can use your old computer. There is a wide variety of charitable uses for computers. For example, some organizations will recycle or rebuild an old computer and then give it to the poor. While others will send computers to schools in third world countries.
    • And as an added bonus, you can get a tax receipt.
  5. 5 Put it in good hands. When all else fails, then giving a working computer to complete strangers is still better than taking it to a landfill. You could try sticking a note on the computer case that says, “Old computer - great for parts and other uses,” and leave it on the sidewalk on a clear, dry day. You can also write the same sentence on an online classifieds site like Craigslist. Finally, you can do this at a local flea market or flea market, and also get the amount of money that you are offered for it.
    • Be very careful if you decide to give your computer to a stranger, as you cannot know for sure whether he has good intentions or not. You need to be absolutely sure that all personal information has been deleted before you give it back.

Method 3 of 3: recycling your old computer

  1. 1 Contact the manufacturer. Today, most computer manufacturers offer some sort of end-of-life recycling program. If you cannot find someone to give your old computer to, or if it is inoperative, try contacting the manufacturer for a safe disposal option.
    • However, it should be noted that not all manufacturers recycle old computers properly. Some are dumping waste from machinery in landfills in developing countries, where they pose a threat to the environment and the health of local residents. Before handing over your old machine to the manufacturer, try reading reviews about the manufacturer related to recycling and disposal of computers.
  2. 2 Rent out your old computer when you buy a new one. Some companies, such as Dell or HP, offer their customers to recycle their old computer when they buy a new one. If you decide to buy a new computer from the same manufacturer as the previous time, consider this option, as it will allow you to entrust the disposal of professionals with the worries of disposal. In addition, you will (as an option) get a discount on a new computer.
  3. 3 Take advantage of computer recycling and recycling companies. Today, there are many companies that are specifically set up to recycle and recycle computer waste. Some of them are charitable organizations, and some are created for profit. Research local companies, you may be lucky enough to hand over your computer for free recycling, or you may have to pay a recycling fee.
    • Be that as it may, keep in mind, like computer manufacturers, some e-waste recycling and disposal companies have less than perfect business reputations. Be a responsible consumer when choosing a recycling company. Make sure your computer doesn't end up in a landfill in China after you give it away.
  4. 4 Leave all the usable parts for yourself before disposal. Determine if your computer's chassis, accessories, or internal components can be reused in the future before putting it in for recycling. For example, if you get rid of several computers of the same model, you can use their cases as oversized “building blocks” for a makeshift bookcase or partition in a cramped room.


  • Follow any of the steps above, but don't just throw your computer in a landfill. They are not self-degradable. And your desire to get rid of an unnecessary computer can seriously harm the environment.


  • If you decide to dispose of your obsolete computer because it is faulty and unsuitable for further use, then check with your chosen recycling company to make sure that it does indeed recycle the equipment and does not send it to other continents as a working one. Thus, you will not replenish the mountains of waste that go to third world countries for disposal in an unacceptable way.
  • Speaking of storage media, be sure to remove all removable disks from your computer, be they CD, DVD, SD or USB memory sticks.
  • Important personal data may remain on your computer even after it has been deleted! This is because the way information is placed on hard drives is such that after deleting it, it is erased in fact only when another is written in its place.Before you get rid of your old machine, either remove the hard drive to use it as a spare external, or manually clear it of data with programs specially designed for this, or destroy it.
    • To clean up disk information manually, download software that will permanently delete it. A simple example of such programs is Darik's Boot & Nuke, although there are others that will do the job well as well. This utility will erase your information in a few passes using a bootable CD to make sure it cannot be recovered in the future. Just make sure to back up your data before running these kinds of programs. There will be no turning back!
    • If you want to be 100% sure that the information on your hard drive does not fall into the wrong hands, smash it with a hammer. It's also a great way to throw out negative energy! Memo: Hard drive casing bolts usually require a sprocket tip, so a special tool will be needed.
    • Well, if you want to be 200% sure that the information will not "go" where it is not needed, you can give it to special organizations that will either devastate or tear it apart for you. Yes, and here's the thing, the phrase “ripped apart” is not some fancy hacker slang. They will literally feed him to a powerful chipper.