How to use an Ouija board safely

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Use a Ouija Board Safely
Video: How To Use a Ouija Board Safely


Using an Ouija board, or Ouija board, is an exhilarating and fun way to talk to spirits.But be careful: if you use such a board incorrectly, you can summon very evil and unwanted spirits into your house! This article will show you how to use the Ouija board safely.


Part 1 of 3: How to Create the Right Environment

  1. 1 Find a quiet place where nothing distracts you. You will need to focus to reach the spirit world. It will be much easier to achieve this in a secluded place. Here are some ideas:
    • A secluded place in nature, for example, near a pond, river or lake. You can also have a seance in a cave.
    • Places that have good memories, especially for you: a garden, a gazebo, or the place where you got married.
    • Places where you feel comfortable and safe: living room, study or kitchen.
  2. 2 Do not have a seance in your bedroom. If you suddenly connect with an evil spirit, negative energy will remain in your room. It will affect your dreams and daily life.
  3. 3 Do not use the Ouija board in the graveyard. Places where there are restless spirits or where someone died is also better to be avoided. You might think this is pretty “cool” or “sinister,” but is it smart to deliberately run into trouble? In such places, you are most likely to connect with an evil spirit, and this (trust me!) Should be avoided.
  4. 4 It is worth clearing the area where you will be conducting the session. This will help get rid of negative energy that attracts evil spirits. Here's how to get started:
    • Place quartz crystals around the Ouija board. These crystals help cleanse and retain positive energy. Also suitable are hematite, obsidian and kyanite, which have protective properties.
    • Light black candles that absorb dark energy. You can also light white candles to attract light energy.
    • Light a stick of lavender incense. This will help attract good spirits. Incense with frankincense, myrrh or dragon tree (red dragon tree resin) will protect you from the "bad guys". For protection in magical rituals, bunches of sage are often used.
    • Draw a circle of sea salt around you and the board.
  5. 5 You can also clean your board, especially if you haven't used it for a while. There are several options for how to do this. Most people clean their Ouija boards before and after use, especially if an evil spirit has come to them. Here's what you can do:
    • Light incense or a bunch of sage. Smoke the board and pointer. Draw a circle around the board with your finger or stick, then light a black candle. The candle will absorb negative energy. Then close your eyes and imagine a bright light. Moments later, open your eyes and blow out the candle. Throw or bury this candle. Draw a circle around the board again with your finger or wand.
    • Sprinkle a little rose water on the board while reciting a simple protective formula. You can even come up with your own. Here is an example of a defensive formula: “I cleanse this place of all negativity. I cleanse this place from the energy of people or creatures that have no place in this house. I ask that the cleansing be peaceful and all this energy returned to its source. ”

Part 2 of 3: How to Create the Right Mood

  1. 1 Use the board when you are in a good mood. Don't use the Ouija board when you are angry, irritated, or depressed. Spirits can feed on energy. If you start in a bad mood, you are likely to attract an evil spirit.
    • Also, you should not use the board if you are afraid or anxious. An evil spirit may try to turn your fears against you.
  2. 2 Do not use an Ouija board if you are tired or not feeling well. This makes it harder for you to focus. It will also make you an easy target for evil spirits who will want to take advantage of the situation and take over you.
  3. 3 The session should be done with good intentions. Don't use the board to follow someone or find someone's weakness.Also, do not ask the spirits to possess someone or make their life miserable. Perhaps now you really want to take revenge, but this will cause really serious harm to both your victim and you.
  4. 4 Do not use alcohol or drugs before and after the session. This will make you less receptive to what is happening around you. This can be very dangerous! When dealing with spirits and the spirit world, one must constantly remain alert and focused.
  5. 5 Consider clearing yourself spiritually before your session. This will help dissipate any negative energy that plagues you. You can also feel relaxed. Here are some ideas to get you started:
    • Meditation. Try to imagine yourself surrounded by bright light.
    • Sounding out the defense formula. You can come up with your own formula if you like. It can be quite simple, for example: “Let only light energy surround me and nothing else. Let only good intentions fill me. May my mind and my body be in peace and tranquility. "
    • Take a bath with herbal teas or salt. Of the herbs, lavender is best, and sea salt is best.

Part 3 of 3: Do's and Don'ts

  1. 1 Always use the board with a group, never do it alone. This is a safety precaution in case something happens to you and you are unable to end the session. It also makes sense from a practical point of view: you will need other people to channel and collect the energy. Agree to have three to five people in your group. Here's how roles are ideally assigned in a group:
    • One person operates a pointer and asks the spirits questions.
    • One or three other people also touch the sign. They direct the streams of energy, but they don't ask any questions.
    • One person takes notes or logs a session. This will later allow the group to analyze the spirit's responses.
  2. 2 Follow the pointer. The pointer is very important as it helps the spirits communicate with you. He usually moves between letters and numbers, but sometimes he can act differently. Here are some things to watch out for:
    • If the pointer begins to move through letters and numbers in a certain sequence, this means that the spirit is counting down. Once he's done, he can break through the board into our world. You should end your session before this happens.
    • If the pointer wanders around the corners of the board, you have contacted an evil spirit. Break the seance immediately!
    • If the pointer starts to write out eights, then the evil spirit is controlling the board. Flip the pointer over and end your session.
    • Do not let the pointer fall on the floor (ground). This will release the spirit that is currently controlling him.
    • Never leave the pointer on the board when the session is over. Always put it away in a carrying case and store it across the room. If you notice that the pointer is on the board and no one is using it, flip it over and end the session. Then move the pointer to the opposite end of the room.
  3. 3 Find out what not to ask and which topics to avoid. There are things that should not be talked about with spirits when you are using an Ouija board. Also read the answers of the spirit carefully. If the question seems to irritate the spirit, change the subject. As a rule, one should not talk about:
    • God and religion
    • Your death
    • Where to find buried treasure
    • Your name or the names of your group members
  4. 4 Find out what to ask about and what to talk about. Most people ask the spirit about itself, such as its name and gender. Some also ask the spirit questions about his death, such as how old he was, when he died, what year and how it happened. You don't have to ask the spirit exactly these questions, you can also ask if he has a message for someone, or if he wants you (or a member of your group) to do something for him. Here's something else to talk about:
    • What hobbies did the spirit have or what it likes to do
    • Does the spirit always live in the world of the living
    • Where the spirit lived before
    • About the family and the house of the spirit
  5. 5 Understand that spirits, like living people, can lie. Do not believe everything he tells you, especially if he seems nasty and spiteful.
  6. 6 Always be polite and say goodbye to the spirit when you end your session. Sometimes the spirit is the first to interrupt the session. Otherwise, you need to move the pointer over the word "Goodbye". This is really important. If this is not done, the door to the spirit world will remain open, and other spirits can use it to enter your home.
    • Remember to thank the spirit for the time it took before you say goodbye.
    • Show respect for the spirits. Try not to bore them, irritate them, or make them angry.
  7. 7 Learn to understand when to end a session. Sometimes you will need to end a session early, especially if you or a member of your group begins to feel unusual or unusual around you. If this happens, you must move the pointer over the word "Goodbye", turn it over and remove it from the board. This will sever all connections with the spirits. Here are some other things to keep in mind:
    • Always stay calm. If you start to panic, you may forget what to do. The spirit will feel it and can use it for its own purposes.
    • If the spirit becomes angry or swearing, apologize to it and end the session. An evil spirit is always a threat.
    • If the spirit mentions your name in any way, the session becomes dangerous. End your session immediately.
  8. 8 When you end your session, tidy up the whiteboard and storage pointer as needed. Keep your board in a clean place, make sure no one is messing with it. Store the pointer in a cloth cover, separate from the board. Do not keep the pointer on the board, otherwise you risk leaving the portal to the spirit world open.


  • The pointer is also called a tablet.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. The spirits are energized, and if you start a session in a bad mood, you can invite a bad spirit.
  • Anyone who wants to be a member of the session and has contact with the board must adhere to this rule. If one of the participants does not believe in this, nothing will happen.
  • Consider arranging objects around the board to help attract good spirits. Among these items are: silver, oyster shells, mirrors, willow branches or leaves, crystals (for example, quartz, moonstone and amethyst). You can also take herbs such as lavender, wormwood, or wormwood.
  • Recharge your board from time to time. This can be done by leaving the board under full moon moonlight with a few quartz crystals. Just be sure to place the pointer next to the board, not on top of it. Quartz crystals enhance the energy of the moon and thus help to charge the board.
  • Feel free to leave the lights on. Spirits can feed on energy and feel fear. The more fearful you are, the easier prey you become for evil spirits. If you need more light to feel comfortable, leave the overhead light.
  • It is best to use the Ouija board in the evening, and even better, closer to midnight.
  • The connection with the spirit world is strongest in autumn and winter, as well as during the summer and winter solstice. Connections can also be made during the Celtic harvest festival of Samhain (Halloween).


  • Always move the pointer over the word “Goodbye” when you want to end a session, especially if the spirit doesn’t do it.
  • Never leave a pointer on the board unless you are using it for its intended purpose.
  • Never ask a spirit to take over or show itself.
  • Don't ask the spirit of questions that contain inappropriate words. This can anger the spirit.
  • Don't let the spirit move the pointer off the board.
  • If the spirit has taken possession of the board, do not burn it. This can lead to the fact that the spirit begins to haunt you. Instead, break or cut the board into seven pieces, spray them with holy water, and bury them.
  • Don't use your board too often.Ouija boards draw a lot of energy from both the spirits and the participants in the session. Reduce sessions to 1-2 hours per week.

What do you need

  • Ouija board
  • Pointer (planchette)
  • Sage incense or rose water to fumigate or spray on the board
  • A clean and safe place to store your board