Ways to Love Dogs

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
9 Ways to Tell Your Dog You Love Them
Video: 9 Ways to Tell Your Dog You Love Them


Showing love for your puppy is more than just loving and providing food or toys. You must bond closely and act for the benefit of your pet. A puppy that is loved will feel safe, loved, and confident, but still know and obey the rules of the pet. If done properly, you will still gain control and develop a good relationship with your dog.


Part 1 of 2: Build a good relationship with your dog

  1. Proper dog care. Make a rule and act on it to show your dog that you love him. Rules and requirements will help your dog recognize which behavior is appropriate or not. Then they won't have to worry about when they will or won't get in trouble. Dogs know they are loved because they feel safe when you are responsible for taking care of them.
    • Part of taking care of your pet is rewarding him with good behavior with food, attention or play, and knowing how to correct his bad behavior so that he doesn't repeat the behavior.

  2. Recognize the importance of boundaries. Since dogs live in the same house as you, they must know the rules and standards, such as defecating in the right place, not biting things, and not eating food on the table. If your dog doesn't set it up, he will do whatever makes you uncomfortable. Setting limits also helps your pet adjust to the outside world and not act in danger.
    • For example, if you don't demarcate, one day your puppy will bite your loved one or chew your favorite handbag.

  3. Follow the rule of consistency. When you find that your dog is violating the rules, you should not ignore it and only apply the rule again. This confuses your dog, so when you adjust to your dog's behavior he will feel conflicted and upset. The dog will even challenge you by growling or purposely biting you.
    • For example, if your dog violates the "don't climb on the sofa" rule, draw attention to let him jump, then reward him for the act of jumping. You can change your focus by giving your dog a treat or dropping the food on the floor.
    • If your dog continues to violate, you should bring leash to the pet so that he or she will not jump on the sofa. Alternatively, you can take it out of the room and distract attention.

  4. Read body language. Pay attention to your dog's body language to better understand them and what they want to tell you. For example, watch for signs that your dog feels uncomfortable. Head lowered, glanced away, curled up, and tail lowered. These signs indicate that the dog is feeling stressed and can help resolve his condition.
    • Once you understand your puppy's feelings, act accordingly by taking him out of a scary situation, grabbing attention by doing some training, or stepping back and reducing the pressure. pet.
  5. Love your dog. Always respect and appreciate the love your dog gives the whole family. Be kind, considerate and considerate in dealing with your dog. Dogs are also a member of the household. Dogs understand human tones, so you should talk softly, and they will understand the meaning of each sentence.
    • Always give your dog peace of mind by never quarreling with loved ones in front of them. Witnessing a conflict can make them stressful.
  6. Spend time talking to your dog. The dog wants to receive love from you. Make time for your dog every day, such as watching TV together or stroking his dog's ears and resting. Always talk to your pet to develop your own language. You can also encourage your child or loved one to socialize with the dog. Don't forget to gently rub, scratch, or massage the dog's stomach. This is an effective way to show love for them.
    • If your dog is resting his head in your lap, he or she doesn't want you to scratch your ears but is trying to figure out where you went, with whom, and what to eat.

Part 2 of 2: Establish a safe and healthy environment

  1. Establish routine. This helps the dog to have a sense of stability and become more confident. They don't have to worry about when they get to eat or go for a walk because the actions always happen at the right time. In the dog's sense, routine means knowing when to wake up, go for a walk, eat, and clean. You should keep these activities at a set time to show love for your pet.
    • Experts believe that distressed or depressed dogs can become happy by forming habits rather than changing them.
  2. Prepare nutritious dog food. Pets often love snacking, but you should not use junk food as a complete replacement for nutritious food. Instead, talk to your veterinarian about nutritious foods and the right dosage for your dog. This way, your puppy will get all the vitamins and minerals it needs for its growth.
    • You can show your puppy love by taking care of his health and giving him snacks only occasionally.
  3. Prepare your dog's own space. Your puppy should have a separate sleeping area away from people or furniture. This is where they will retreat when they feel tired and need to relax or calm down. Dogs should be provided with a safe haven with a comfortable mattress.
    • Consider training your dog to use a cage so that they can find a place to sleep. You should partially cover the cage to simulate a shelter. This is a place for them to rest when they feel stressed or tired.
  4. Give your pet plenty of exercise. Depending on the breed, staying at home all the time can be frustrating. Working and keeping dogs often have a lot of energy and need to engage in productive and entertaining activities. Play fetch for your puppy to run around a lot or take a walk (or walk, if you both want a challenge). Walking is also a way for the dog to observe the world around them and sniff instinctively.
    • Properly trained pets tend to be in good spirits and are less likely to experience behavior problems such as being destructive or disobedient.
    • Small dogs are usually energetic but often quickly dissipated. They only need a short walk.
    • Larger dogs tend to stay in one place and do not like to exercise much. However, you should still take them out from time to time.
  5. Exercise regularly. You can use rewarded training. Do two daily practice sessions, each lasting 10 to 20 minutes, and make the lesson more engaging. If this is your first training, you can teach basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "come here." Your puppy will enjoy accepting rewards and show skills in front of others while learning commands.
    • The training will help your dog stimulate his brain and provide an opportunity to express the care he loves.Keeping your dog mentally active is a way to show love for your dog, as it provides both purpose and encouragement in their life, and helps your dog look forward to the day.
  6. Reward your dog. Let your puppy know they are doing well by offering a treat, complimenting, or playing with a favorite toy. If you give your dog a treat, choose a healthy one that is designed specifically for dogs, or make it yourself at home. Remember to reward your dog for his good behavior so that he can associate with the action. advertisement


  • Use consistent language when teaching your dog to correct mistakes. Then they will understand what you want.
  • If your dog causes trouble and lowers its tail when you ask to stop, use a gentle but firm voice, and then say everything will be all right.
  • Try to avoid hugging the dog if possible.) Most dogs, especially large dogs, don't like this because they want a sense of domination. The act of hugging you will make your dog feel like he has lost control.
  • If your dog is in toilet training, don't scold him when he gets rid of it. Use your clear voice, and let your pets know where they should go to the bathroom. You can praise him if he defecates in the right place next time. Repeat this process until the dog is no longer walking.
  • Once your dog gets angry, stop playing with him for about a minute until he has calmed down.
  • If your dog is frightened, comfort him or her to feel safe by petting his or her body.


  • Never hit a dog. Pets do not see this as punishment, but rather injuring them, and it does not work as well. Instead, speak in a stern tone and ignore them for a few minutes. Never punish pets if their behavior happened ten minutes ago because they cannot remember what they did wrong.