How to dispel sadness

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Overcome Sadness And Depression By Sadhguru | Yoga For Happiness | Mystics of India | 2019
Video: How To Overcome Sadness And Depression By Sadhguru | Yoga For Happiness | Mystics of India | 2019


Most people view sadness as a problem or a negative emotion. Usually, the sad person will try to ignore or cover up the sadness. However, this is a natural emotional reaction to life's difficulties. Although sad is a natural emotion, you should also learn to let go of your sadness. This will help you to solve the problems you are having and improve your emotions.


Part 1 of 3: Expressing sadness

  1. Let yourself cry. Get rid of your sadness, frustration, and pain. Some people find that crying can make them feel more comfortable, because it is a way to express feelings outside to help improve their mood. In addition, crying can help you feel more relieved. Several studies show that tears can reduce stress hormones. After crying, lie down and reflect on what happened.
    • If the meditation makes you uncomfortable, cry again. No one can see you, so don't hesitate. Feel free to release your emotions.

  2. Journal about your feelings. Go to a quiet place where you can think for yourself. Try to describe as much detail as possible about your feelings, what's going on, and how frustrating you are. Remember to take note of the emotions you show on the surface. This can help you understand the underlying feelings of sadness. If you have trouble expressing your feelings on paper, you can write to yourself.
    • If you have released your emotions but are still sad, this is why you should keep a diary. At this point, you need to deal with external and internal conflicts, and journaling can help you understand your thoughts and feelings.
    • Be specific about your events and feelings, and don't be afraid that they may seem ridiculous or selfish, you can always write them down as you calm down and better understand the situation.

  3. Dance or listen to sad music. Recent research shows that dancing can improve mental health, like sadness, fatigue, anxiety, and other physical health symptoms. You can dance formally at the studio or just move along to the music at home. Research has also shown that listening to sad music is also helpful when you're feeling down. Sad music provides emotional connection to help you deal with those emotions.
    • If you are not ready to release your emotions, music can help keep you off until you are ready to deal with your sadness.

  4. Artistic creation. Art is a way to create and express sadness through color, form, shape, and sometimes texture. Art helps dispel sadness without words. You should try:
    • Counseling Program: Begin by visualizing your feelings. Close your eyes and imagine what your emotions look like, what colors, shapes are,… Then open your eyes and draw the image on paper. It doesn't matter what the image looks like. As long as you release the emotions, no matter how the images appear on paper.
    • Mandala: This is an intricate circle that you can paint or paint to release emotions. Look for a printable mandala circle online. Some people are very interested in this subconscious-focused art.

Part 2 of 3: Dealing with sadness

  1. Recognize your negative thoughts. Negative thinking is often unrealistic about your situation, yourself, or future events. This type of thinking can overwhelm positive thoughts and change your outlook on yourself. If you don't recognize negative thinking patterns, it will be difficult to develop healthy coping skills. Negative thoughts about yourself can lead to depression.
    • For example, you may be sad about a broken relationship. After the breakup, most people had negative thoughts like: "I'm not a good husband / wife", or "I'm always alone".
    • If you start to believe in negative thoughts, your action will begin to motivate the thought. For example, you may not want to keep dating because you think you have to live alone.

  2. Find the cause of your negative thinking. Think of the preoccupations you have with the negative thoughts. For example, if you think you'll always be lonely, your underlying anxiety could be related to a lack of confidence in meeting new people. While being aware of your emotions can be frustrating, it's important to understand what is causing your negative thoughts.
    • You could try making a thought note by writing down things that you wanted it to have happened differently or you could have acted better. Watch for any sad emotions or events surrounding them.
    • For example, the negative initial thought might be, "I'm a loser because I don't have a good date." The underlying cause of this thinking pattern may be that you are feeling distressed about your broken relationship and that you feel lonely because you have other dating plans.

  3. Fight and let go of negative thoughts. Simply ask yourself whether the thought really exists. This will help you realize that most of your thoughts are not real, but are merely natural reactions. You can also ask yourself the following questions to help you get rid of negative thinking:
    • Why do you think that way of thinking is real? What factors drive it? "I don't even know how to invite someone to date me. I don't know how."
    • How did you react to that negative thought (actions, feelings, and other feelings)? "I feel scared and nervous when I ask someone to date".
    • How will that thought change your actions and behavior? "I shouldn't be afraid. I should have invited someone out on a date when I'm ready."

  4. Respect your own feelings. You are allowed to be sad, so don't hold back your emotions. Accepting your feelings is the first step toward letting go of your sadness. You may be sad for a reason, but it's important to accept your sadness and pain. This way, you can begin the process of letting your sadness drift away. If you're struggling to respect your feelings, try writing down or saying aloud:
    • “I am very sad when ………………………. But I'm fine. ”
    • "I'm allowed to be sad about ... ..."
  5. Don't let anyone take your feelings down. Usually, family and friends will try to comfort and encourage you in good faith by saying that the sadness is over and that there is still a lot of good in this situation. Even if they were well-intentioned to calm themselves down, this could still be a legitimate disregard for your righteous grief. Tell them that you know they mean well, but that you are feeling sad and want to take the time to mix with the sadness.
    • For example, if you just fell out of love, and a friend tells you that you will have more free time from now on, then it's better to tell that person that you need time to calm down. feeling.

Part 3 of 3: Overcoming sadness

  1. Practice speaking positively or decisively with yourself. Remind yourself of your accomplishments and everything you love about yourself. Or, remind yourself of a few positive statements that matter to you, like a maxim. You can write down a list of these proverbs and keep them with you whenever you feel sad. Research has shown that you can encourage and defend positive thinking by carrying with you a reminder note with those maxims.
    • To keep a few positive or definitive statements with you, write them down on a marker and keep them in your wallet, keep them on your phone, or set them as your desktop desktop.

  2. Spend time talking with other people. Stay with your family and friends because they may understand your feelings somewhat. Explain how you are feeling to see if this helps you get better. They will most likely try to cheer you up. Don't be afraid to tell them that you are feeling sad and that it takes time to immerse yourself in the sadness.
    • Try talking to someone you trust who might be wise or older than you. They often have a variety of life experiences to help you deal with your sadness.

  3. Let yourself forget your sadness by doing positive things. It is very easy to notice negative emotions and ignore positive emotions, such as happiness, comfort, excitement, joy, and motivation. Take some time to write down happy and pleasant memories. This can help you regain a positive thought. You can also let yourself forget your negative feelings by doing something fun and positive like:
    • Hair dye
    • Make a cup of tea yourself
    • Count to 500 or 1000
    • Solve puzzles or play brain teasers
    • Try "observing the people around you"
    • Play musical instruments
    • Watch TV or go to the movies
    • nail polish
    • Arrange things like books, clothes, ...
    • Fold paper to keep your hands busy
    • Exercise, play sports, walk, exercise
  4. Know when to seek professional help. If you have been feeling depressed for more than a month, you may be depressed and need professional advice or support. Symptoms of depression are much more severe than sadness and include loss of interest in daily activities, irritability, anxiety, decreased libido, difficulty concentrating, and changes in habits. used to sleep, and always felt tired. If you recognize serious signs of suicidal thoughts, get help right away. Go to the emergency room, or call the ambulance number. Suicidal signs include:
    • Threats or conversations about suicide, including online searching for a suicide plan
    • The saying is that you don't care about anything or don't need everyone around
    • Statement that you become a burden on others
    • The feeling of no escape
    • Feeling in uncontrollable pain
    • Give away all your personal belongings, write a will or make funeral arrangements
    • Buy a gun or a weapon
    • Suddenly calm and cheerful suddenly for no reason after a period of boredom.
    • Most importantly, you love yourself as you are.
    • Do things that can help you relax.


  • Call someone who can give you some helpful advice. If there is no one around that can make you trust, call some of the hotlines for assistance.
  • If you have privacy issues, it is better to go to a place where you can be alone and hug your stuffed animals.